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function PermissionDenied()
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[info] 1-B [PDF] - IBM's Certified copy of original Certificate of Incorporation
[info] 1-C [PDF] - Subsistence Certificate from the State of New York certifying that IBM is incorporated in the State of New York
[info] 1-D [PDF] - Copy of the Summons (SCO v. IBM) (2003-06-20)
[info] 2 [PDF] - Rule 7 disclosure statement by Caldera Systems
[info] 3 [PDF] - Notice of recusal of Judge Paul G. Cassell and reassignment to Judge Dale A. Kimball
[info] 4 [PDF] - Motion and Order signed by Judge Paul G. Cassell, 03/27/03 Granting motion/PHV for Attorney Evan R. Chesler, Thomas G. Rafferty on behalf of defendant Intl Bus Mach Inc
[info] 5 [PDF] - Certificate of election filed by plaintiff Caldera Systems Refer to: normal litigation track
[info] 6 [PDF] - IBM's Certificate of election Refer to: normal litigation track
[info] 7 [PDF] - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. IBM 7] for Extension of Time for IBM to Respond to SCO's Complaint until 4/20/03
[info] 8 [PDF] - Order granting [7] joint motion to extend time to dft to respond to complaint until 4/20/03, answer due set for 5:00 4/20/03 for Intl Bus Mach Inc signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball, 4/2/03 cc:atty
[info] 9 [PDF] - Amended Joint motion by Caldera Sys, Intl Bus Mach Inc to extend time to dft to respond to complaint to 4/30/03
[info] 10 [PDF] - Order granting [9] joint motion to extend time to dft to respond to complaint to 4/30/03, answer due set for 5:00 4/30/03 for Intl Bus Mach Inc signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball, 4/4/03 cc:atty
[info] 11 [PDF] - Motion and Order signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball, 04/14/03 Granting motion/PHV for Attorney Fred O. Goldberg, Leonard K. Samuels on behalf of plaintiff Caldera Sys
[info] 12 [PDF] - IBM's Notice of filing re: registration and name change
[info] 14 [PDF] - Motion and Order signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball, 4/30/03 Granting motion/PHV for Attorney Mark J. Heise, Stephen Neal Zack, Debra Weiss Goodstone, David Boies on behalf of plaintiff Caldera Sys
[info] 16 [PDF] - Magistrate Notice of Hearing (SCO v. IBM) Initial Pretrial Conference set for 9:30 8/13/03 To be held before Judge Nuffer
[info] 17 - IBM's Certificate of Service re: 1st set of Interrogs and req for prod/docs
[info] 18 [PDF] - Caldera Sys. Motion to Amend Complaint
[info] 19 [PDF] - Caldera's Memorandum in support of [18] Motion to Amend Complaint
[info] 20 - Caldera Systems Certificate of service re: 1st Req for Prod/Docs and 1st set Interrogs
[info] 21 [PDF] - IBM's Memorandum in Response to [18] Motion to Amend Complaint
[info] 22 [PDF] - Order granting [18] SCO's motion to amend complaint signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball, 7/10/03 (2003-07-10)
[info] 23 [PDF] - Scheduling order. Setting;Joining of parties, amending of pleadings on 10/1/03 ; Deadline for filing of all motions 11/10/04 ; Discovery cutoff 10/22/04 ; Attorney Conference by 3/11/05 ; Final Pretrial Conference for 2:30 3/28/05 ; 5 Week Jury Trial for 8:30 4/11/05. Rule 26(f)(1) cnf held. Expert witness disclosure dates set. Not referred to ADR. Discovery limits set. Signed by Judge David Nuffer 7/10/03 (2003-07-10)
[info] 24 [PDF] - Report of Attorney Planning Meeting
[info] 28 - IBM's Certificate of Service re: IBM'S Responses & Objections to SCO's First Request for the Production of Documents and First Set of Interrogatories
[info] 29 [PDF] - Stipulation by Intl Bus Mach Inc, SCO Grp stip to extend time for pla to respond to dft counterclaim -to 9/25/03
[info] 30 [PDF] - Order granting [29] stipulated motion to extend time for pla to respond to dft counterclaim -to 9/25/03 signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball
[info] 45-G [PDF] - IBM (Todd Shaughnessy) letter of August 27, 2003
[info] 45-H [PDF] - SCO (Mark Heise) letter of September 8, 2003 to IBM (David Marriott) (2003-09-08) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 45-I [PDF] - IBM (Todd Shaughnessy) letter of August 29, 2003
[info] 45-J [PDF] - SCO's First Request for Production of Documents and First Set of Interrogatories (2003-06-24)
[info] 46 [PDF] - IBM's Addendum to [45] Memorandum in Support of Motion to Compel Discovery (2003-10-01) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 47 [PDF] - SCO's Certificate of Service [SCO v. IBM 47] of SCO's Requests for Admissions (2003-10-03)
[info] 48 [PDF] - IBM's Certificate of service re: first supplemental responses and objections to SCO's first set of interrogatories (2003-10-10)
[info] 49 [PDF] - SCO's Motion to extend time to respond to IBM's Amended Counterclaims Against SCO
[info] 50 [PDF] - Order granting [49] SCO's motion to extend time to respond to IBM's Amended Counterclaims Against SCO
[info] 51 [PDF] - SCO's Motion for Enlargement of Time to Respond to IBM's Second Set of Interrogatories and Second Request for Production of Documents [ Groklaw ]
[info] 52 [PDF] - SCO's Motion for Enlargement of Time to Respond to IBM's Motion to Compel Discovery [ Groklaw 1 | Groklaw 2 ]
[info] 53 [PDF] - IBM's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Motion for Enlargement of Time to Respond to IBM's Motion to Compel Discovery [ Groklaw 1 | Groklaw 2 ]
[info] 54 [PDF] - SCO (Leslie Polizoti) Letter [RedHat v. SCO 54] of October 3, 2005 to Judge Robinson re: Status of various related litigation matters (2005-10-03) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 55 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum in Opposition to IBM's Motion to Compel Discovery (2003-10-23)
[info] 56 [PDF] - SCO's Certificate of service re: SCO's Supplemental Responses to IBM's First Set of Interrogatories
[info] 57 [PDF] - SCO's Certificate of service re: SCO's Supplemental Responses to IBM's Second Set of Interrogagories and Second Set of Requests for Production of Documents
[info] 59 [PDF] - Order granting SCO's Motion for Enlargement of Time to Respond to IBM's Motion to Compel Discovery
[info] 60 [PDF] - IBM's Certificate of service re: IBM's Third Set of Interrogatories and Third Request for Prod of Docs
[info] 61 [PDF] - IBM's Certificate of service re: subp served on Baystar Capital, The Yankee Group, Renaissance Research Group, Deutsche Bank Securities [ Groklaw ]
[info] 62 [PDF] - Minute entry (SCO v. IBM) for Status Conference 10/31/2003 (2003-10-31) [ transcript ]
[info] 63 [PDF] - IBM's Reply Memorandum in Support of its Motion to Compel Disovery (2003-11-03) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 71 - Magistrate Notice of Hearing (SCO v. IBM) status conference set for 10:00 11/21/03 To be held before Judge Wells
[info] 72 - Magistrate Notice of Hearing (SCO v. IBM) set for 10:00 12/5/03 for [68] motion to compel discovery, [66] motion to Compel Discovery, [44] motion to compel Discovery. To be held before Judge Wells
[info] 73 [PDF] - IBM's Motion to strike the 5th, 15th, and 19th affirmative defenses asserted by SCO in its Answers to IBM's Amended Counterclaims (2003-11-10) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 74 [PDF] - IBM's Memorandum in support of [73] motion to strike the 5th, 15th, and 19th affirmative defenses asserted by the SCO Grp in its Answers to IBM's Amended Counterclaims (2003-11-10) [ Groklaw 1 | Groklaw 2 ]
[info] 76 [PDF] - SCO's Certificate of Service of Discovery
[info] 77 [PDF] - Motion and Order signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball, 11/18/03 Granting motion/PHV for Attorney David K. Markarian on behalf of Plaintiff The SCO Group
[info] 78 - Amended Magistrate Notice of Hearing Reset status conference for 9:00 11/21/03. Time change only. To be held before Judge Wells
[info] 81-C [PDF] - IBM's First Set of Interrogatories and First Request for the Production of Documents (2003-06-13) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 82 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum in Response to IBM's Motion to Strike Affirmative Defenses [ Groklaw ]
[info] 83 [PDF] - SCO's Motion for Enlargement of Time to Respond to IBM's Third Set of Interrogatories and Third Request for Production of Documents [ Groklaw ]
[info] 84 [PDF] - SCO's Reply Memorandum in Support of Motion to Compel Discovery (2003-12-01) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 84-A [PDF] - IBM (Todd Shaughnessy) letter of October 10, 2003 (2003-10-10) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 84-D [PDF] - A Mainstream Giant Goes Countercultural; I.B.M's Embrace of Linux Is a Bet That It Is the Software of the Future, New York Times, March 20, 2000 by Steve Lohr
[info] 85 [PDF] - IBM's Certificate of service re: Subpoenas Duces Tecum upon Northrop Grumman Corp; Sun Microsystems, Inc.; Schwartz Communications, Inc. for the production of documents by 12/16/03
[info] 86 [PDF] - IBM's Reply Memorandum in Support of Second Motion to Compel Discovery
[info] 87 [PDF] - IBM's Declaration of Todd M. Shaughnessy Re: [68] motion to compel discovery [ Groklaw ]
[info] 89 - Magistrate Notice of Hearing (SCO v. IBM) set for 10:00 1/23/04 for [83] Motion to Extend Time for SCO to respond to IBM's Third Set of Interrogatories and Third Request for Production of Documents, [73] Motion to Strike the 5th, 15th, and 19th Affirmative Defenses asserted by the SCO Grp in its Answers to IBM' Amended Counterclaims, [66] Motion to Compel Discovery, [52] Motion to Extend Time to 10/24/03 for SCO to resp to mot/compel, [51] Motion to Extend Time to respond to IBM's Second Set of Interrogatories and Second Request for Production of Documents, [44] Motion to Compel Discovery. To be held before Judge Wells
[info] 90 - SCO's Corrected Certificate of service re: second request for production/interrogatories
[info] 91 - Notice of attorney appearance for SCO Grp by Kevin P McBride
[info] 92 [PDF] - SCO's Certificate of service re: Responses/Objections to IBM's Third Set of Interrogatories/Request for Production of Documents
[info] 93 [PDF] - IBM's Reply Memorandum in Support of [73] Motion to Strike the 5th, 15th, and 19th Affirmative Defenses asserted by The SCO Group (2003-12-10) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 95 [PDF] - Order for transcript of proceedings for hearing held 12/05/03, before the magistrate judge in the above entitiled case, to be prepared by a certified court reporter and paid for by the clerk's office, USDC, signed by Judge Brooke C. Wells, 12/16/03 (2003-12-16)
[info] 97 [PDF] - SCO's Declaration of Ryan E. Tibbitts Re: [96] file notice (2004-01-13) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 98 - Magistrate Notice of Hearing Motion hearing set for 10:00 2/6/04 for all pending motions: [83] Motion to Extend Time for SCO to respond to IBM's third set of interrogatories and third request for production of documents, [73] motion to strike the 5th, 15th, and 19th affirmative defenses asserted by the SCO Grp in its Answers to IBM' Amended Counterclaims, [66] motion to Compel Discovery, [52] motion to extend time to 10/24/03 for pla to resp to mot/compel, [51] motion to extend time to respond to dft IBM's second set of interrogatories and second request for production of documents. To be held before Judge Wells
[info] 99 [PDF] - SCO's Certificate of service re: SCO's Revised Supplemental Response to IBM's First and Second Set of Interrogatories
[info] 110 [PDF] - Addendum to Stipulated Protective Order (SCO v. IBM) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 111 [PDF] - Motion and Order signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball, 10 Mar, 2004, Granting motion/PHV for Attorney Scott E. Gant on behalf of Plaintiff The SCO Group (2004-03-10)
[info] 114 [PDF] - Minute entry (SCO v. IBM) Teleconference held in chambers at the request of both parties
[info] 115 [PDF] - Stipulation by SCO Grp, Intl Bus Mach Inc to extend time for dft IBM to respond to Second Amended Complaint up to and including 3/19/04
[info] 116 [PDF] - Order granting [115] stipulation motion to extend time for dft IBM to respond to Second Amended Complaint up to and including 3/19/04 signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball, 3/15/04 cc:atty (blk) (2004-03-19) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 117 [PDF] - Stipulation and joint motion to extend time for IBM to respond to second amended complaint up to and including 3/26/04 [ Groklaw ]
[info] 118 [PDF] - Order Extending Time for IBM to Respond to SCO's Second Amended Complaint
[info] 119 [PDF] - Acceptance of service of Subpoena Duces Tecum as to Intl Bus Mach Inc 3/25/04
[info] 130 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum in Support of [129] Motion to Amend [23] Scheduling Order [ Groklaw ]
[info] 131 [PDF] - SCO's Certificate of Service re: SCO's Objections to IBM's Amended Notice of Deposition
[info] 132 [PDF] - IBM's Response to [120] SCO's Motion to Bifurcate [ Groklaw ]
[info] 133 [PDF] - SCO's Certificate of Service re: SCO's Objections to IBM's Notice of Deposition
[info] 134 [PDF] - Order granting [117] stipulation motion to extend time for SCO to respond to IBM's Amended Counterclaims up to and including 4/23/04; and for IBM to respond to SCO's Motion to Amend the Scheduling Order up to and including 4/30/04. signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball, 4/15/04 [ Groklaw ]
[info] 135 [PDF] - SCO's Certificate of Service re: SCO's Responses to IBM's third set of Interrogatories
[info] 136 [PDF] - S2 Strategic Consulting, LLC's Objections and Response to Subpoena Duces Tecum [ Groklaw ]
[info] 137 [PDF] - SCO's Reply Memorandum in Support of its Motion to Bifurcate [ Groklaw ]
[info] 138 [PDF] - SCO's Declaration of Chris Sontag re: Order [109] (2004-04-19) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 139 [PDF] - IBM's Declaration of Todd M. Shaughnessy re: Order [109] [ Groklaw ]
[info] 140 [PDF] - IBM's Certificate of service re: Second Supplemental Responses and Objections to SCO's First Set of Interrrogs; responses and obj to SCO's second set of interrogs and second request for the prod of docs; and responses and obj to SCO's third set of interrogs and third request for the prod of docs
[info] 141 [PDF] - SCO's Answer to [127] IBM's Second Amended Counterclaims (2004-04-23) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 142 [PDF] - SCO's Motion to Dismiss, or, in the Alternative, to Separate or Stay, Counts Nine, Ten and Fourteen of Counterclaim-Plaintiff IBM's Second Amended Counterclaims Against SCO [ Groklaw ]
[info] 143 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum in support of [142] motion to dismiss counterclaim, [142] motion or, in the alternative to separate, [142] motion or to stay counts 9,10 and 14 of the counterclaim-pla IBM's second amended counterclaims against SCO [ Groklaw ]
[info] 144 [PDF] - SCO's Corrected [142] motion to dismiss or to stay count 10 of the IBM's Second Amended Counterclaims against SCO [ Groklaw ]
[info] 145 - IBM's Certificate of service re: IBM's Responses and Objections to SCO's 4th set of requests for the production of docs and 4th set of interrogatories
[info] 146 [PDF] - Stipulation re: briefing for pending motions
[info] 148 [PDF] - IBM's Memorandum in opposition to [129] motion to amend [23] Scheduling order [ Groklaw ]
[info] 149 - IBM's Certificate of service re: fifth request for the production of docs
[info] 150 [PDF] - Stipulation to amend [147] order setting briefing on pending motions. Stipultated to the following: IBM's Memo in Opposition to SCO's Motion to Dismiss due 5/18/04; SCO's Reply Memo in Support of its Motion to Dismiss due 6/1/04
[info] 151 [PDF] - Order re: Briefing for Pending Motions. Stipultated to the following: IBM's Memo in Opposition to SCO's Motion to Dismiss due 5/18/04; SCO's Reply Memo in Support of its Motion to Dismiss due 6/1/04. signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball , 5/17/04
[info] 152 [PDF] - IBM's Cross-motion for Partial Summary Judgment on claim for Declaratory Judgment of non-infringement (2004-05-18) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 153 [PDF] - IBM's Memorandum in support of [152] cross motion for partial summary judgment on claim for declaratory judgment of non-infringement
[info] 154 [PDF] - IBM's Declaration of Daniel Frye Re: [152] Cross Motion for partial summary judgment on claim for declaratory judgment of non-infringement (2004-05-18) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 155 [PDF] - IBM's Memorandum in opposition to [144] amended motion to Dismiss, [144] amended motion or to Stay Count Ten of Counterclaim-Pla Ibm's Second Amended Counterclaims Against SCO,
[info] 156 [PDF] - IBM's Declaration of Amy F. Sorenson Re: [155] IBM's Opposition Memorandum
[info] 156-2 [PDF] - Memorandum Order (RedHat v. SCO) denying [8] motion to Dismiss; case is stayed pending resolution of Utah litigation between SCO and IBM; parties shall each submit a letter every 90 days as to the status of the Utah litigation; if the Utah litigation is not proceeding in an orderly and efficient fashion the court may reconsider the stay (signed by Judge Sue L. Robinson) [Edit date 04/06/04] Per Court's Order, the following motions are moot: mooting [30] motion To Supplement the Record, mooting [17] motion For Enlargment of Time to Respond to Pltf's First Set of Interrogatories and First Request for Production of Documents and Things, mooting [15] motion to Stay Discovery Pending Resolution of Motion to Dismiss [ Groklaw | filed with AutoZone motion to stay ]
[info] 156-3 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum in Opposition to [35] RedHat's Motion for Reconsideration of [34] order - Reply Brief due 5/11/04 [ Groklaw ]
[info] 156-4 [PDF] - SCO (Darl McBride) letter of May 12, 2003 to IBM (Lucio A. Noto, Audit Committee Chair) (2003-05-12) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 156-5 - Transcript of SCO (SCOX) Conference Call, July 21, 2003 [ Groklaw ]
[info] 156-7 [PDF] - SCO (Ryan Tibbitts) Letter to Linux Users of December 19, 2003 ("Dear Linux User") (2003-12-19) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 156-8 [PDF] - AutoZone's Motion to Stay or in the Alternative For a More Definite Statement [ Groklaw ]
[info] 157 [PDF] - IBM's Declaration of Todd M. Shaughnessy re: [152] Cross Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on claim for declaratory judgment of non-infringement [ Groklaw ]
[info] 157-6 - Caldera Inc. 10-K dated October 31, 2002 (2002-10-31) [ SEC ]
[info] 157-7 - Caldera Press Release, Caldera, Conectiva, SuSE, Turbolinux Partner To Create UnitedLinux,And Produce A Uniform Version Of Linux For Business, May 30, 2002 (2002-05-30) [ SCO PR site | UnitedLinux ]
[info] 157-8 - Caldera Press Release, The SCO Group Name Change Approved by Shareholders, May 20, 2003 (2003-05-20) [ SCO PR site ]
[info] 157-16 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum in support of [142] motion to dismiss counterclaim, [142] motion or, in the alternative to separate, [142] motion or to stay counts 9,10 and 14 of the counterclaim-pla IBM's second amended counterclaims against SCO [ Groklaw ]
[info] 157-19 [PDF] - Memorandum Order (RedHat v. SCO) denying [8] motion to Dismiss; case is stayed pending resolution of Utah litigation between SCO and IBM; parties shall each submit a letter every 90 days as to the status of the Utah litigation; if the Utah litigation is not proceeding in an orderly and efficient fashion the court may reconsider the stay (signed by Judge Sue L. Robinson) [Edit date 04/06/04] Per Court's Order, the following motions are moot: mooting [30] motion To Supplement the Record, mooting [17] motion For Enlargment of Time to Respond to Pltf's First Set of Interrogatories and First Request for Production of Documents and Things, mooting [15] motion to Stay Discovery Pending Resolution of Motion to Dismiss [ Groklaw | filed with AutoZone motion to stay ]
[info] 157-20 [PDF] - SCO puts disputed code in the spotlight, CNET.com, August 18, 2003 by Lisa M. Bowman (2003-08-18) [ cnet.com ]
[info] 157-21 [PDF] - SCO To Release Disputed Linux Code This Week, InternetWeek, June 2, 2003 by Antone Gonsalves (2003-06-02) [ InternetWeek.com ]
[info] 157-22 [PDF] - Linux Community Scoffs at SCO's Evidence, Globeandmail.com, August 21, 2003
[info] 157-23 [PDF] - SCO, open source and the world, Salon.com, December 22, 2003 by Sam Williams
[info] 157-24 [PDF] - Utah Software Company Suing IBM, KSL.com transcript, November 12, 2003 by Jed Boal (2003-11-12)
[info] 157-25 [PDF] - SCO Files for AIX Injunction against IBM, LinuxWorld.com, June 16, 2003 by Maureen O'Gara
[info] 157-41 [PDF] - SCO's Declaration of Chris Sontag re: Order [109] (2004-04-19) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 157-42 [PDF] - IBM's Answer to Amended Complaint and Counterclaims against SCO (2003-08-06) [ original ]
[info] 158 [PDF] - Notice of Hearing (SCO v. IBM) set for 10:30 6/8/04 for [142] motion or, in the alternative to separate, [129] Motion to Amend [23] Scheduling order To be held before Judge Kimball
[info] 159 [PDF] - Notice of Hearing (SCO v. IBM) set for 3:00 8/4/04 for [152] cross motion for partial summary judgment on claim for declaratory judgment of non-infringement, [144] Amended Motion to Dismiss counterclaim To be held before Judge Kimball
[info] 160 [PDF] - Stipulation to amend [151] briefing order as follows: SCO's reply memo in support of motion to dismss due 6/14/04
[info] 161 [PDF] - Order granting [160] stipulation to amend [151] briefing order
[info] 162 [PDF] - SCO's Motion and Order signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball, 5/28/04 Granting motion/PHV for Attorney Robert Silver
[info] 163-5 - SCO's 'AIX Files & lines in code drop for Linux 2.2.12' and 'Lines of code derived from Dynix/ptx contributed to Linux 2.6.5 by IBM' [ AIX | Dynix ]
[info] 163-6 [PDF] - SCO's 'Files & lines in Dynix v4.6.1 tree/Code drop for Linux 2.4.1'
[info] 163-7 - IBM's Configuration Management Version Control (CMVC) Introduction Manual [sealed]
[info] 164 [PDF] - SCO's Ex parte motion for leave to file overlength reply memo in support of Motion to Amend the Scheduling Order
[info] 165 - SCO's Certificate of service re: SCO's Response to IBM's Fourth Set of Interrogatories
[info] 166 [PDF] - Order granting [164] SCO's Ex Parte Motion for Leave to File Overlength Memorandum
[info] 167 [PDF] - SCO's Reply Memorandum in Support of its Motion to Amend the Scheduling Order
[info] 168-1 [PDF] - SCO (Mark Heise) letter of June 2, 2004 to IBM (Chris Kao) (2004-06-02)
[info] 168-2 [PDF] - SCO (Mark Heise) letter of June 3, 2004 to IBM (Chris Kao) (2004-06-03)
[info] 168-3 [PDF] - IBM (Chris Kao) letter of June 3, 2004 to SCO (Mark Heise) (2004-06-03)
[info] 169 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum in support of [168] Expedited Motion for Protective Order
[info] 170 [PDF] - SCO's Motion and Order signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball, 6/3/04 Granting motion/PHV for Attorney Robert A. Magnanini
[info] 171 [PDF] - SCO's Motion and Order signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball, 6/3/04 Granting motion/PHV for Attorney Michael Macmanus (2004-06-03)
[info] 172 [PDF] - IBM's Memorandum in Opposition to [168] Motion for Protective Order [ Groklaw ]
[info] 172-A [PDF] - SCO (Mark Heise) letter of May 26, 2004 to IBM (Chris Kao) (2004-05-26)
[info] 172-B [PDF] - IBM (Chris Kao) letter of May 28, 2004 to SCO (Mark Heise) (2004-05-28)
[info] 173 [PDF] - SCO's Motion and Order signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball, 6/7/04 Granting motion/PHV for Attorney Frederick S. Frei, John K. Harrop, Aldo Noto (2004-06-07)
[info] 174 [PDF] - SCO's Reply Memorandum in support of [168] motion for protective order
[info] 175 [PDF] - Minute entry (SCO v. IBM) for telephone conference re: expedited motion for protective order [168]. Court hears arguments and DENIES the motion due to lateness of the objection and inconvenience to the parties already scheduled for deposition
[info] 176 [PDF] - Hearing (SCO v. IBM) June 8, 2004 for [142] motion or, in the alternative to separate, [129] motion to amend [23] Scheduling order [ transcript ]
[info] 177 [PDF] - Order granting in part, denying in part [129] motion to amend [23] Scheduling order. Denying [120] motion to bifurcate. Signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball, 6/10/04 (2004-06-10) [ Groklaw | Groklaw text ]
[info] 178 [PDF] - Amended Notice of Hearing (SCO v. IBM), Final Pretrial Conference reset for 2:30 10/11/05 To be held before Judge Kimball
[info] 184 [PDF] - Order (SCO v. IBM) that Affidavits and Declarations intended for use at Depositions must be produced to opposing pty at least 48 hrs prior to depo signed by Judge Brooke C. Wells, 6/22/04 (2004-06-22)
[info] 185 [PDF] - Order granting [183] stipulation re: briefing for pending motions
[info] 186-B [PDF] - SCO's Exhibit from February 2004 hearing
[info] 187 [PDF] - SCO's Certificate of Service of SCO's Amended Responses to IBM's Fourth Set of Interrogatories
[info] 188 [PDF] - IBM's Supplemental Memorandum in opposition to [144] amended motion to Dismiss or Stay count ten of IBM's Second Amended Counterclaims against SCO [ Groklaw | Groklaw text ]
[info] 189 [PDF] - SCO's Ex Parte Motion for leave to file overlength memorandum re: renewed motion to compel
[info] 193-B [PDF] - IBM's Declaration of Todd M. Shaughnessy re: Order [109] [ Groklaw ]
[info] 193-C - SCO's sampling of quotes from news articles re: IBM's Linux Initiative
[info] 193-D [PDF] - A Mainstream Giant Goes Countercultural; I.B.M's Embrace of Linux Is a Bet That It Is the Software of the Future, New York Times, March 20, 2000 by Steve Lohr
[info] 193-E [PDF] - IBM (Peter Ligh) letter of April 26, 2004 to SCO (Mark Heise) (2004-04-26)
[info] 193-F - IBM's Second Supplemental Responses and Objections to SCO's First Set of Interrogatories (2004-04-19)
[info] 193-I - Deposition of David Rodgers, June 10, 2004 [Originally filed as SCO v IBM 206-S2, unsealed in 486 and 487] (2004-06-10) [ Unsealed | part 1 | part 2 ]
[info] 193-J - IBM's Configuration Management Version Control (CMVC) Introduction Manual [sealed]
[info] 193-K [PDF] - SCO (Mark Heise) letter of April 20, 2004 to IBM (Peter Ligh) (2004-04-20)
[info] 193-L [PDF] - SCO (Mark Heise) letter of June 4, 2004 to IBM (Peter Ligh) (2004-06-04) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 193-M [PDF] - IBM (Peter Ligh) letter of June 9, 2004 to SCO (Mark Heise) (2004-06-09)
[info] 193-N [PDF] - SCO (Mark Heise) letter of June 15, 2004 to IBM (Peter Ligh) (2004-06-15)
[info] 193-O [PDF] - IBM (Peter Ligh) letter of June 16, 2004 to SCO (Mark Heise) (2004-06-16)
[info] 193-P [PDF] - SCO (Mark Heise) letter of July 6, 2004 to IBM (Peter Ligh) (2004-07-06)
[info] 194 [PDF] - SCO's Certificate of service re: production of documents
[info] 195 [PDF] - SCO's Rule 56(f) Motion in Further Opposition to IBM's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment [ Groklaw | Groklaw text ]
[info] 196 [PDF] - SCO's Ex Parte Motion for Leave to File Over-Length Memorandum
[info] 197 - SCO's Declarations in Support of SCO's Opposition to IBM's Cross-Motion for Partial Summary Jgm [195] [sealed]
[info] 197-Exhibits - SCO's Exhibits to [SCO v. IBM 197] SCO's Declarations in Support of IBM's Cross-Motion for Partial Summary Judgment [195] [ Unsealed ]
[info] 198 - SCO's Declarations [SCO v. IBM 198] in support of [195] SCO's Motion for Continuance Pursuant to Rule 56(f) [Originally filed in 198, unsealed in 476] (2004-07-09) [ Unsealed ]
[info] 199 [PDF] - SCO's Declaration of John Harrop Re: [195] motion in further opposition to IBM's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment [ SCO's copy ]
[info] 200 [PDF] - SCO's Certificate of service [199] declaration, [198] document(s), [197] document(s), received proposed document, [196] ex parte motion for leave to file overlength memorandum in opposition to IBMs' Motion for Summary Judgment on its tenth counterclaim for declaratory jgm of non-infringement, [195] motion in further opposition to IBM's Motion for Partial Summary Jgm, [195] opposition memorandum by SCO Grp
[info] 201 [PDF] - Order granting [196] SCO's Ex Parte Motion for Leave to File Overlength Memorandum
[info] 202 [PDF] - SCO's Ex Parte Motion [SCO v. IBM 202] for Leave to File Overlength Memorandum
[info] 203 - SCO's Declaration [SCO v. IBM 203] of Chris Sontag in Support of Reply Memorandum Regarding Discovery (2004-07-12) [sealed]
[info] 203-3 - SCO Exhibit - Email from Adrian Mitu (IBM Canada), August 19, 1993 (1993-08-19) [ email ]
[info] 204 [PDF] - Order granting [202] SCO's Ex Parte Motion for Leave to File overlength memorandum
[info] 205 [PDF] - SCO's Reply memorandum [to 186] in support of [163] memorandum regarding discovery [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 206 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum In Opposition to IBM's Motion [152] for Summary Judgment on its Tenth Counterclaim for Declaratory Judgment Of Non-Infringement (2004-07-08) [ Groklaw | Groklaw text | SCO's copy ]
[info] 206-1 [PDF] - SCO's First Request for Production of Documents and First Set of Interrogatories (2003-06-24)
[info] 206-18 [PDF] - SCO's Declaration of Chris Sontag re: Order [109] (2004-04-19) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 206-19 [PDF] - SCO (Brent Hatch) letter of April 19, 2004 to IBM (Todd Shaughnessy) (2004-04-19) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 206-20 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum in support of [142] motion to dismiss counterclaim, [142] motion or, in the alternative to separate, [142] motion or to stay counts 9,10 and 14 of the counterclaim-pla IBM's second amended counterclaims against SCO [ Groklaw ]
[info] 206-21 [PDF] - IBM's Declaration of Daniel Frye Re: [152] Cross Motion for partial summary judgment on claim for declaratory judgment of non-infringement (2004-05-18) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 206-22 [PDF] - SCO's Reply Memorandum in Support of its Motion to Amend the Scheduling Order
[info] 206-44 (second) - IBM Clinches Security Certification for Linux, Forbes.com, August 5, 2003 (2003-08-05)
[info] 206-45 - IBM Press Release, IBM Launches New Program to Help Millions of Customers Migrate From Microsoft NT to Linux, January 19, 2004 (2004-01-19) [ IBM ]
[info] 206-46 - IBM created 'Nifty Fifty' list of ideas on how to improve Linux [ IBM (possible link) ]
[info] 206-47 - IBM Revives the Mainframe, Forbes.com, January 30, 2002 (2002-01-30) [ Forbes ]
[info] 206-48 - I.B.M. to Use Linux In Software For Internet, New York Times, January 10, 2000 (2000-01-10)
[info] 206-49 - IBM Press Release, IBM Business Partners Help Accelerate Linux Adoption, March 16, 2004 (2004-03-16) [ IBM ]
[info] 206-52 - Kill Bill, Forbes.com, June 7, 2004 by Daniel Lyons (2004-06-07) [ Forbes ]
[info] 206-53 [PDF] - Linux Hunter SCO Puts Everything on the Line, Spiegel Online, April 13, 2004 by Holger Dambeck (2004-04-13) [ Spiegel Online ]
[info] 206-54 - IBM Press Release, Linux, Open Movement to Transform E-business, Zeitler Says, February 1, 2001 (2001-02-01) [ IBM 1 | IBM 2 ]
[info] 206-55 - IBM Press Release, Linux Sweeps IBM Customers?From Smallest to Largest, August 4, 2003 (2003-08-04) [ Business Wire | IBM (German) ]
[info] 206-56 - Long-Awaited Linux Kernel Update Slated For December Release, November 29, 2003 article by Paula Rooney(?) (2003-11-29) [ ServerPipeline ]
[info] 206-57 - The Many Flavors of Unix [ Albion ]
[info] 206-58 - No Concession from IBM in Linux Fight, New York Times, June 14, 2003 (2003-06-14)
[info] 206-59 - The Rebel Code, New York Times, February 21, 1999 by Amy Harmon (1999-02-21) [ New York Times ]
[info] 206-60 - SCO Builds 'Significant' War Chest for Legal Fight, ComputerWeekly.com, November 19, 2003 (2003-11-19) [ ComputerWeekly ]
[info] 206-62 [PDF] - SCO's Lawyer Speaks, Says Nothing, LinuxWorld, March 21, 2003 by Maureen O'Gara (2003-03-21) [ LinuxWorld ]
[info] 206-64 - Torvalds, Linux users unfazed by SCO suits, CNET News.com, March 3, 2004 by Stephen Shankland (2004-03-03) [ CNET ]
[info] 206-67 - Opinion - Baker v. IBP, Inc., No. 02-4067, 2002 US Dist Kansas, December 5, 2002 (2002-12-05)
[info] 206-69 - Opinion - Brightway Adolescent Hosp. v. Health Plan of Nev., No. Civ. 2:98CV0729C, 200 WL 33710845 (District of Utah, September 20, 2000) (2000-09-20)
[info] 206-71 - Opinion - Cuenca v. Univ. of Kan., No. 98-4180, 2001 US Dist Kansas, May 14, 2001 (2001-05-14)
[info] 206-72 - Opinion - Dynamic Microprocessor Assocs., Inc. v. EKD Computer Sales & Supplies Corp., No. 92-CV-2787 (FB), 1997WL 231496 (Eastern District of New York, April 14, 1997) (1997-04-14)
[info] 206-73 - Opinion - Ericsson Inc. v. Harris Corp., No. CIVA3:98CV2903D, 1999 WL 604827 (Northern District of Texas, August 11, 1999) (1999-07-11)
[info] 206-74 - Opinion - Gallup, Inc. v. Talentpoint, Inc., No. CIV.A. 00-5523, 2001 WL 1450592 (Eastern District of Pennsylvania, November 13, 2001) (2001-11-13)
[info] 206-75 - Opinion - Hite v. PQ Corp., No. 98-2088, 1998 US Dist Kansas, December 10, 1998 (1998-12-10)
[info] 206-76 - Opinion - Holt v. Wesley Med. Ctr., LLC, No. 00-1318- JAR, 2002 WL 31778785, (District of Kansas November 25, 2002) (2002-11-25)
[info] 206-77 - Opinion - King Airway Co. v. Routt County, No. 97 CJ C.A.R. 563, 1997 WL 186256 (10th Circuit, April 17, 1997) (1997-04-17)
[info] 206-78 - Opinion - Larami Corp. v. Amron, No. Civ. A. 91-6145, 1993 WL 69851 (Eastern District of Pennsylvania, March 11, 1993) (1993-03-11)
[info] 206-80 - Opinion - MomsWIN, LLC v. Lutes, No. 02-2195, 2003 US Dist Kansas, July 8, 2003 (2003-07-08)
[info] 206-85 - Opinion - Wuv's International, Inc. v. Love's Enterprises, Inc., No. 78-F-107, 1980 WL 30296 (District of Colorado, November 4, 1980) (1980-11-04)
[info] 206-86 - Opinion - Zeon Music v. Stars Inn Lounge, Ltd., No. 92 C 7607, 1994 WL 163636 (Northern District of Illinois, April 28, 1994) (1994-04-28)
[info] 206-87 - Opinion - Zhou v. Pittsburgh State Univ., No. 01-2493, 2003 US Dist Kansas, January 29, 2003 (2003-01-29)
[info] 206-S-1 - SCO's Amended Response to IBM's Fourth Set of Interrogatories [sealed]
[info] 206-S-2 - Deposition of David Rodgers, June 10, 2004 [Originally filed as SCO v IBM 206-S2, unsealed in 486 and 487] (2004-06-10) [ Unsealed | part 1 | part 2 ]
[info] 206-S-3 - IBM's Responses and Objections to SCO's Second Set of Interrogatories and Second Request for the Production of Documents [Originally filed in SCO v. IBM 206-S3, unsealed in 478] (2004-04-19) [ Unsealed | Groklaw text ]
[info] 206-S-4 - IBM Royalty Statement, June 30, 1987 - AIX is 'derived from System V' (1987-06-30) [sealed]
[info] 206-S-5 - IBM Internal Email from Bill Sandve to Kim Tran, January 22, 2002 - 'AIX was derived from System V.' (2002-01-22) [sealed]
[info] 206-S-6 - Argus Systems Group, Inc. license agreement with IBM for AIX Source Code - 'AIX is derived from software under license from SCO.' [sealed]
[info] 207 [PDF] - Stipulation to amend the deadlines for briefings
[info] 208 [PDF] - Order granting [207] stipulated motion to amend the deadlines for briefing signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball, 7/26/04 (2004-07-26)
[info] 209 [PDF] - Notice of Hearing (SCO v. IBM) set for 2:00 9/15/04 for [144] amended motion to Dismiss, [144] amended motion or to Stay Count Ten of Counterclaim-Pla Ibm's Second Amended Counterclaims Against SCO, and [152] cross motion for partial summary judgment on claim for declaratory judgment of non-infringement To be held before Judge Dale A. Kimball
[info] 210 - IBM's Certificate of service re: IBM's Fifth Set of Interrogatories
[info] 211 - Magistrate Notice of Hearing (SCO v. IBM) set for 10:00 9/2/04 for [190] motion to compel discovery to be held before Judge Wells
[info] 212 [PDF] - IBM's Motion to strike the 7/12/04 Declaration of Christopher Sontag [ Groklaw ]
[info] 213 [PDF] - IBM's Memorandum in support of [212] motion to strike the 7/12/04 Declaration of Christopher Sontag [ Groklaw ]
[info] 214 [PDF] - IBM's Declaration of Joan Thomas Re: [212] motion to strike the 7/12/04 Declaration of Christopher Sontag [ Groklaw ]
[info] 215 [PDF] - IBM's Motion for leave to file overlength opposition memorandum to SCO's renewed Motion to Compel
[info] 216 [PDF] - Order granting [215] motion for leave to file overlength opposition memorandum to SCO's renewed Motion to Compel signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball, 8/5/04 (2004-08-05)
[info] 219-4 [PDF] - SCO's First Request for Production of Documents and First Set of Interrogatories (2003-06-24)
[info] 219-5 - IBM's Second Supplemental Responses and Objections to SCO's First Set of Interrogatories (2004-04-19)
[info] 219-6 - IBM (Peter Ligh) letter of April 19, 2004 to SCO (Mark Heise) (2004-04-29)
[info] 219-7 - SCO's Second Set of Interrogatories and Second Request for Production of Documents (2003-12-04)
[info] 219-8 - IBM (Peter Ligh) letter of March 9, 2004 to SCO (Mark Heise) (2004-03-09)
[info] 219-9 - SCO (Mark Heise) letter of March 26, 2004 to IBM (Peter Ligh) (2004-03-26)
[info] 219-10 [PDF] - SCO (Mark Heise) letter of June 4, 2004 to IBM (Peter Ligh) (2004-06-04) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 219-11 - SCO's Supplemental Answer to IBM's Interrogatory Number 10 (2003-10-10)
[info] 219-12 - IBM's Chart identifying individuals from whom SCO produced documents but did not identify in its interrogatory responses
[info] 219-13 - IBM's Third Supplemental Responses and Objections to SCO's First Set of Interrogatories (2004-08-04)
[info] 219-14 - IBM (Peter Ligh) letter of August 4, 2004 to SCO (Mark Heise) (2004-08-04)
[info] 220 - IBM's Exhibits [SCO v. IBM 220] to Declaration of Amy F. Sorenson [219] [Originally sealed in 220, unsealed in 528] [ Unsealed | Groklaw ]
[info] 221 [PDF] - IBM's Errata to [213] support memorandum
[info] 222 [PDF] - Stipulation to amend briefing for pending motions
[info] 223 - Magistrate Notice of Hearing (SCO v. IBM) set for 10:00 9/14/04 for [212] motion to strike the 7/12/04 Declaration of Christopher Sontag, set for 10:00 9/14/04 for [190] motion to compel discovery. To be held before Judge Wells
[info] 224 [PDF] - Order granting [222] stipulation motion to amend briefing for pending motions signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball, 8/13/04
[info] 226 [PDF] - IBM's Ex Parte Motion for leave to file overlength memorandum in support of motion for partial summary jgm on breach of contract claims
[info] 227 [PDF] - IBM's Declaration of Todd M. Shaughnessy Re: [225] Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Breach of Contract Claims
[info] 228 - IBM's Exhibits to [227] declaration of Todd M. Shaughnessy
[info] 228-4 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum In Opposition to IBM's Motion [152] for Summary Judgment on its Tenth Counterclaim for Declaratory Judgment Of Non-Infringement (2004-07-08) [ Groklaw | Groklaw text | SCO's copy ]
[info] 228-5 - Deposition of William M. Broderick (Rule 30(b)(6)) (2004-05-11) [sealed]
[info] 228-6 [PDF] - SCO (Brent Hatch) letter of April 19, 2004 to IBM (Todd Shaughnessy) (2004-04-19) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 228-17 - SCO Press Release, Caldera Systems to Acquire SCO Server Software and Professional Services Divisions, Providing World's Largest Linux /UNIX Channel, August 2, 2000 (2000-08-02) [ A.P. Lawrence ]
[info] 228-36 - Deposition of David Rodgers, June 10, 2004 [Originally filed as SCO v IBM 206-S2, unsealed in 486 and 487] (2004-06-10) [ Unsealed | part 1 | part 2 ]
[info] 228-47 - SCO Press Release, Caldera, Connectiva, SuSE, Turbolinux Parenter to Create UnitedLinux, and Produce a Uniform Version of Linux for Business, May 30, 2002 (2002-05-30) [ SCO PR site ]
[info] 228-48 - UnitedLinux Press Release, UnitedLinux Releases Version 1.0, November 19, 2002 (2002-11-19) [ UnitedLinux ]
[info] 228-49 - SCO Press Release, SCO Unveils SCO Linux 4.0, Powered by UnitedLinux, November 19, 2002 (2002-11-19) [ SCO PR site ]
[info] 228-50 - UnitedLinux Press Release, UnitedLinux Signs IBM and AMD as First Technology Partners, January 14, 2003 (2003-01-14) [ UnitedLinux ]
[info] 228-51 - SCO Product Announcement for OpenLinux Server 3.1.1 (2002-01-24)
[info] 228-54 [PDF] - SCO Product Announcement for SCO Linux Server 4.0 (2002-11-19)
[info] 228-55 - SCO's Technical Overview of SCO Linux 4.0 Powered by United Linux
[info] 228-56 - SCO Product Announcement for SCO Linux Server 4.0 for the Itanium Processor Family (2003-04-14)
[info] 228-57 - SCO's invoices (attached as Tab 121) to SCO's Revised Supplemental Resoponses to IBM's First and Second Set of Interrogatories (2004-01-15) [sealed]
[info] 228-58 - SCO's invoices for Linux products sold after March 7, 2003 [sealed]
[info] 228-59 - Deposition of Erik W. Hughes, excerpts from Exhibit 3(a) [sealed]
[info] 229 [PDF] - Order granting [226] motion for leave to file overlength memorandum in support of motion for partial summary jgm on breach of contract claims signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball, 8/16/04 (2004-08-16)
[info] 230 - IBM's Memorandum in Support of Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Breach of Contract Claims [Unsealed in SCO v. IBM 454] [sealed]
[info] 231 [PDF] - IBM's [Redacted] Memorandum in support of [233] IBM's Motion for Partial Summary Jgm on its Counterclaim for Copyright Infringement (Eighth Counterclaim) [ Groklaw 1 | Groklaw 2 ]
[info] 232 [PDF] - IBM's [Redacted] Memorandum in support of [225] motion for partial summary judgment on Breach of Contract Claims [ Groklaw | Groklaw text ]
[info] 232-A - Opinion - Banks v. Rite Aid Corp., No. 1:98CV115K, 2001 WL 1806857 (D. Utah, Mar. 15, 2001)
[info] 232-C - Opinion - T.W.A. Trading, Inc. v. Gold Coast Freightways, Inc., No. 2001-900, 2002 WL 1311648 (N.Y. App. Term Apr. 2, 2002)
[info] 233 [PDF] - IBM's Motion for partial summary judgment on its counterclaim for copyright infringement (eighth counterclaim) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 234 - IBM's Exhibits to the Declaration of Todd M. Shaughnessy in Support of Motion for Partial Summary Jgm on Breach of Contract Claims (2004-08-13) [sealed]
[info] 235 [PDF] - IBM's Declarations of Kathleen Bennett, Thomas L. Cronan III, Randall Davis, Michael J. Defazio, David W. Frasure Re: [225] motion for partial summary judgment on Breach of Contract Claims. Volume 1 of 2. [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 235-E-10 [PDF] - Software Agreement (AT&T and Santa Cruz Operation) - SOFT-000302 (1986-05-06) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 236 [PDF] - IBM's Declarations of Geoffrey D. Green, Ira Kistenberg, Richard A. McDonough III, Jeffrey W. Mobley, Scott Nelson, David P. Rodgers, Roger C. Swanson, Joan Thomas, Steve Vuksanovich, Otis L. Wilson Re: [225] motion for partial summary judgment on Breach of Contract Claims. Volume 2 of 2. [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 236-O-10 [PDF] - Software Agreement (AT&T and Santa Cruz Operation) - SOFT-000302 (1986-05-06) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 237 [PDF] - IBM's Declaration of Amy F. Sorenson Re: [233] Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on its Counterclaim for Copyright Infringement (Eighth Counterclaim) [Original is SCO v. IBM 237, exhibits unsealed in 458] (2004-08-16)
[info] 238 - IBM's Exhibits to [237] Declaration of Amy F. Sorenson
[info] 238-29 - SCO Press Release, SCO Suspends Distribution of Linux Pending Intellectual Property Clarification; Announces Greater Focus on UNIX and SCOx Strategy, May 14, 2003 (2003-05-14) [ SCO PR site ]
[info] 239 - IBM's Exhibits to [237] Declaration of Amy F. Sorenson (2004-08-16) [sealed]
[info] 240 [PDF] - IBM's Declaration of Kathleen Bennett Re: [233] motion for partial summary judgment on its counterclaim for copyright infringement (eighth counterclaim) (2004-08-16) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 241 - IBM's Memorandum in Support of [233] IBM's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on its Counterclaim for Copyright Infringement (Eighth Counterclaim) [Original is SCO v. IBM 241, unsealed in 461] [oversized] [sealed]
[info] 242 [PDF] - IBM's Certificate of service of [232] support memorandum
[info] 243 - IBM's Exhibits to Declaration of Amy F. Sorenson in Support of IBM's Motion for Partial Summary Jgm on its Counterclaims for Copyright Infringment (Contains exhibits 5.1-20.3) Clerk's Note: These [9] boxes are housed in the 5th floor sealed room of the courthouse [sealed]
[info] 244 [PDF] - IBM's Addendum to [231] Redacted Memorandum in Support of IBM's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on its Counterclaim for Copyright Infringement (Eighth Counterclaim) (A-P appear to contain tables showing IBM's Copyrighted Linux code and verbatim code from SCO's products) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 244-Q - IBM's Comparison of code from one file of IBM's copyrighted "pSeries Hypervisor Terminal" with SCO Linux Server 4.0
[info] 244-R - IBM's Comparison of code from one file of IBM's copyrighted "pSeries Hypervisor Terminal" with Linux obtained from SCO's website
[info] 245 - SCO's Ex parte motion by SCO Grp for leave to file a supplemental memo re: discovery (also, Declaration of Jeremy O. Evans, and Declaration of Barbara L. Howe) [sealed]
[info] 246 [PDF] - IBM's Motion to Strike Materials Submitted by SCO in Opposition to IBM's Cross-Motion for Partial Summary Judgment [ Groklaw ]
[info] 247 [PDF] - IBM's Memorandum in Support of Motion to Strike Materials Submitted by SCO in Opposition to IBM's Cross-Motion for Partial Summary Judgment (2004-08-23) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 247-A - Opinion - Quark, Inc. v. Harley, Nos. 96-1046, 96-1048, & 96-1061, 1998 U.S. App. LEXIS 3864 (10th Cir. Mar. 4, 1998)
[info] 247-B - Opinion - Safetech Int'l, Inc. v. Air Prods. and Controls, Inc., No. 02-2216, 2004 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 2173, D. Kan. Feb. 3, 2004 (2004-02-03)
[info] 248 [PDF] - IBM's Ex Parte Motion for Leave to File Overlength Memorandum in Support of [246] Motion to Strike
[info] 249 [PDF] - IBM's Declaration of Randall Davis Re: [246] Motion to Strike Materials submitted by SCO in Opposition to IBM's Cross-Motion for Partial Summary Judgment [ Groklaw | Groklaw text ]
[info] 249-I [PDF] - Davis Resume, Publications, and List of Cases
[info] 250 [PDF] - IBM's Reply Declaration of Todd M. Shaughnessy Re: [152] Cross-Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on claim for Declaratory Judgment of Non-Infringement [Original is SCO v. IBM 250, exhibits unsealed in 459]
[info] 250-1 - Minute Order - Ericsson, Inc. v. Harris Corp., No. Civ. A. 3:98CV2903 (N.D. Tex.)
[info] 250-2 - The Harris Parties' Amended Motion for Reconsideration of Court's Order Denying Motion to Realign, August 23, 2001 in Ericsson, Inc. v. Harris Corp., No. Civ. A. 3:98CV2903 (N.D. Tex.) (2001-08-23)
[info] 250-3 - The Single UNIX Specification History & Timeline [ unix.org ]
[info] 250-10 - SCO (Jack Blumenfeld) letter of June 17, 2004 to Judge Robinson re: District of Utah action (2004-06-17) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 250-11 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum in Opposition to [35] RedHat's Motion for Reconsideration of [34] order - Reply Brief due 5/11/04 [ Groklaw ]
[info] 250-12 - SCO Press Release, SCO Suspends Distribution of Linux Pending Intellectual Property Clarification; Announces Greater Focus on UNIX and SCOx Strategy, May 14, 2003 (2003-05-14) [ SCO PR site ]
[info] 250-18 - SCO's Chris Sontag Discusses the Details, MozillaQuest, April 28, 2003 by Mike Angelo (2003-04-28) [ MozillaQuest ]
[info] 250-19 - SCO Heats Up Linux Legal Battle with IBM, NewsFactor Network, May 2, 2003 by James Maguire (2003-05-02) [ NewsFactor Network ]
[info] 250-20 - SCO Warning Fuels Growing Linux Controversy, NewsFactor Network, May 16, 2003 by James Maguire (2003-05-16) [ NewsFactor Network ]
[info] 250-21 - CRN Interview: SCO's Darl McBride and Chris Sontag, CRN, November 18, 2003 by Barbara Darrow (2003-11-18) [ CRN ]
[info] 250-22 [PDF] - Michael Davidson email of August 13, 2002 (bates SCO1272238-39) [Originally sealed, unsealed in 459-22] (2002-08-13) [ Groklaw text | Swartz memo ]
[info] 251 - IBM's Exhibits re: [250] Reply Declaration of Todd M. Shaughnessy [sealed]
[info] 252 - IBM's Declaration of Brian W. Kernighan [Original is SCO v. IBM 252, unsealed in 456] [ Unsealed | Groklaw | Groklaw text ]
[info] 253 [PDF] - IBM's Ex Parte Motion for Leave to File Overlength Reply Memorandum in Further Support of its Cross-Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on its claim for Declaratory Judgment of non-infringement
[info] 254 [PDF] - SCO's Reply Memorandum in Support of SCO's Motion to Dismiss or Stay Count Ten of IBM's Second Amended Counterclaims [ Groklaw ]
[info] 255 [PDF] - SCO's Ex Parte Motion for Leave to File Over-Length Memorandum in Reply to IBM's Supplemental Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Motion to Dismiss or Stay Count Ten of IBM's Second Amended Counterclaims
[info] 256 [PDF] - IBM's [redacted 257] Reply Memorandum in Further Support of [152] IBM's Cross-Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on its Claim for Declaratory Judgment of Non-Infringement [ Groklaw | Groklaw text ]
[info] 256-Addendum B - SCO's Declaration of Sandeep Gupta, Exhibit showing 'RCU Code'
[info] 256-Addendum C - SCO's Declaration of Sandeep Gupta, Exhibit showing 'ULS code'
[info] 256-E - Opinion - Tuff 'N' Rumble Mgmt., Inc. v. Profile Records, Inc., No. 95 Civ. 0246, 1997 WL 158364, at *2-*3 (S.D.N.Y. April 2, 1997) (1997-04-02)
[info] 257 - IBM's Reply to Response to [152] Cross Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Claim for Declaratory Judgment of Non-infringement [Unsealed in SCO .v IBM 455] [sealed]
[info] 258 [PDF] - Order granting [248] IBM's Ex Parte Motion for Leave to File an Overlength Memorandum (2004-08-24)
[info] 259 [PDF] - Order granting [253] IBM's Ex Parte Motion for Leave to File an Overlength Reply Memorandum (2004-08-24)
[info] 260 [PDF] - Order granting [255] SCO's Ex Parte Motion for Leave to File an Overlength Memorandum (2004-08-24)
[info] 261 [PDF] - IBM's Memorandum in Opposition to [245] SCO's Ex Parte Motion for Leave to File a Supplemental Memorandum re: Discovery [ Groklaw ]
[info] 262 [PDF] - Notice of hearing (SCO v. IBM) set for 2:30 12/9/04 for [233] motion for partial summary judgment on its counterclaim for copyright infringement (eighth counterclaim), [225] motion for partial summary judgment on Breach of Contract Claims. To be held before Judge Kimball
[info] 263 [PDF] - SCO's Ex parte motion for leave to file overlength memorandum re: renewed motion to compel [ Groklaw ]
[info] 264 [PDF] - SCO's Reply Memorandum in Support of [190] SCO's Renewed Motion to Compel (2004-08-26) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 265 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum in Opposition to [212] IBM's Motion to Strike the 2/12/2004 Declaration of Christopher Sontag [ Groklaw | Groklaw text ]
[info] 266 [PDF] - SCO's Declaration of Christopher Sontag re: [265] SCO's Memorandum in Opposition to [212] IBM's Motion to Strike the 7/12/2004 Declaration of Christopher Sontag [ Groklaw ]
[info] 266-A - SCO Executive Profile, Chris Sontag [ SCO web site ]
[info] 267 [PDF] - Order granting [263] SCO's Ex Parte Motion for Leave to File Overlength Memorandum re: Renewed Motion to Compel, signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball, 8/27/04 (2004-08-27)
[info] 268 [PDF] - Notice of hearing (SCO v. IBM) scheduled for Wednesday, September 15, 2004 @ 2:00pm for [152] cross motion for partial summary judgment on claim for declaratory judgment of non-infringement, [144] amended motion to Dismiss. To be held before Judge Kimball (2004-09-01)
[info] 269 - SCO's Reply [SCO v. IBM 269] to response to [245] ex parte motion for leave to file a supplemental memorandum re: discovery [Original is 269, unsealed in 479] [ Unsealed ]
[info] 270 - Order (SCO v. IBM) granting [245] SCO's ex parte motion for leave to file a supplemental memorandum re: discovery, signed by Judge Brooke C. Wells 9/3/04 (2004-09-03) [sealed]
[info] 271 - IBM's Memorandum in support of [212] Motion to Strike the 7/12/2004 Declaration of Christopher Sontag [Original is SCO v. IBM 271, unsealed in 453]
[info] 272 [PDF] - SCO's ex parte motion for leave to file overlength memorandum re: SCO's Opposition to IBM's Motion to Strike Materials
[info] 273 [PDF] - SCO's Supplemental Declaration of Christopher Sontag in Support of SCO's Oppositon to IBM's Motion to Strike (2004-09-07) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 274 [PDF] - SCO's Supplemental Declaration of Sandeep Gupta re SCO's Opposition to IBM's Motion to Strike [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 275 [PDF] - SCO's Supplemental Declaration of John Harrop in Support of SCO's Opposition to IBM's Motion to Strike [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 276 [PDF] - IBM's [redacted] Reply to Response to [212] Motion to Strike the 7/12/2004 Declaration of Christopher Sontag [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 277 [PDF] - SCO's Motion to extend time to file response to IBM's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Breach of Contract Claims and IBM's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on it's Counterclaim for Copyright Infringement (Eighth Counterclaim)
[info] 279 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum in Support of [277] Motion to Extend Time to File Response to IBM's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Breach of Contract Claims and IBM's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on its Counterclaim for Copyright Infringement (Eighth Counterclaim)
[info] 279-A - Letters regarding Discovery between SCO and IBM
[info] 279-A-1 [PDF] - SCO (Brent Hatch) letter of August 26, 2004 to IBM (Todd Shaughnessy) (2004-08-26)
[info] 279-A-2 [PDF] - IBM (Todd Shaughnessy) letter of August 27, 2004 to SCO (Brent Hatch) (2004-08-27)
[info] 279-A-3 [PDF] - SCO (Brent Hatch) letter of August 31, 2004 to IBM (Todd Shaughnessy) (2004-08-31)
[info] 279-A-4 [PDF] - SCO (Brent Hatch) letter of September 2, 2004 to IBM (Todd Shaughnessy)
[info] 279-A-5 [PDF] - IBM (Todd Shaughnessy) letter of September 3, 2004 to SCO (Brent Hatch and Mark James) (2004-09-03)
[info] 279-B [PDF] - IBM's Second Amended Notice of Videotaped Depositions (2004-08-31) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 280 [PDF] - SCO's Certificate of Service re: Responses to IBM's 5th Set of Interrogatories (2004-09-09)
[info] 281 [PDF] - SCO's Expedited Motion to Enforce the Court's Amended Scheduling Order Dated June 10, 2004
[info] 282 [PDF] - SCO's ex parte motion for leave to file overlength memorandum in Support of [281] SCO's Expedited Motion to Enforce Scheduling Order
[info] 283 [PDF] - IBM's ex parte motion for leave to file a Response to SCO's Supplemental Memorandum re: Discovery and to Continue Hearing Date
[info] 284 [PDF] - Order (SCO v. IBM) granting [283] IBM's ex parte motion for leave to file a Response to SCO's Supplemental Memorandum re: Discovery and to Continue Hearing Date. Hearing scheduled for 9/14/2004 is rescheduled for 10:00am 10/19/2004 for [190] SCO's Motion to Compel Discovery and [212] IBM's Motion to Strike the 7/12/2004 Declaration of Christopher Sontag, signed by Judge Brooke C. Wells, 9/10/2004 (2004-09-10)
[info] 285 - Amended Magistrate Notice of Hearing (SCO v. IBM) reset for 10:00am 10/19/2004 for [212] IBM's Motion to Strike the 7/12/2004 Declaration of Christopher Sontag and [190] SCO's Motion to Compel Discovery. To be held before Judge Wells (2004-09-10)
[info] 286 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum in Opposition to [246] IBM's Motion to Strike Materials Submitted by SCO in Opposition to [152] IBM's Cross-Motion for Partial Summary Judgment [ Groklaw | Groklaw text ]
[info] 287 - SCO's Supplemental Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 287] Regarding Discovery [Originally filed as 287, unsealed in 482] (2004-08-19) [ Unsealed ]
[info] 288 - SCO's Declaration of Jeremy O. Evans in Support of SCO's Supplemental Memorandum Regarding Discovery [sealed]
[info] 289 - SCO's Declaration of Barbara L. Howe in Support of SCO's Supplemental Memorandum Regarding Discovery [sealed]
[info] 290 - SCO's Memorandum in Support of SCO's Expedited Motion to Enforce the Court's Amended Scheduling Order Dated June 10, 2004 [sealed]
[info] 291 [PDF] - SCO's [redacted] Memorandum in Support of [281] SCO's Expedited Motion to Enforce the Court's Amended Scheduling Order Dated June 10, 2004 [ Groklaw | SCO copy ]
[info] 291-1 [PDF] - IBM (Todd Shaughnessy) letter of August 27, 2004 to SCO (Brent Hatch) (2004-08-27)
[info] 291-2 - IBM's Certificate of Service of Discovery Motions (2004-08-13)
[info] 291-3 - IBM's Mills Sets Sights on Middleware, Linux, Computerworld, October 24, 2003 (2003-10-24) [ Computerworld ]
[info] 291-4 - IBM Internal Email from Bill Sandve to Kim Tran, January 22, 2002 - 'AIX was derived from System V.' (2002-01-22) [sealed]
[info] 291-5 - Argus Systems Group, Inc. license agreement with IBM for AIX Source Code - 'AIX is derived from software under license from SCO.' [sealed]
[info] 291-6 - IBM Royalty Statement, June 30, 1987 - AIX is 'derived from System V' (1987-06-30) [sealed]
[info] 291-7 - IBM/Supplier Technical Services Agreement between IBM Corp. and CETIA (2001-02-02) [sealed]
[info] 291-8 - Deposition of David Rodgers, June 10, 2004 [Originally filed as SCO v IBM 206-S2, unsealed in 486 and 487] (2004-06-10) [ Unsealed | part 1 | part 2 ]
[info] 291-19 [PDF] - AT&T (Otis Wilson) letter of July 27, 1987 to IBM (1987-07-27) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 291-20 [PDF] - Software Agreement (AT&T and University of California) - Sys. V-Ed.-040183-1 for use of System V, VAX Version (1983-07-01) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 291-21 [PDF] - IBM's Declaration of Otis L. Wilson, December 11, 2003 (2003-12-11) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 291-33 (second) - SCO's Second Set of Interrogatories and Second Request for Production of Documents (2003-12-04)
[info] 291-A - Opinion - Liszt v. Karen Kane, Inc., No. Civ.A.3:97-CV-3200-L, 2001 WL 739076 (N.D. Tex. June 26, 2001) (2001-06-26)
[info] 291-B - Opinion - McDarren v. Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc., No: 94 CIV. 0910 (LMM), 1995 WL 214482 (S.D.N.Y. April 11, 1995) (1995-04-11)
[info] 291-C - Opinion - Commonwealth Ins. Comp. v. Stone Container Corp., No. 99 C 8471, 2003 WL 260713 (N.D. Ill. Jan 31, 2003) (2003-01-31)
[info] 291-D - Opinion - Adams v. R.R. Donnelley & Sons, Nos. 98 C 4025, 96 C 7717, 2001 WL 336830 (N.D. Ill. April 6, 2001) (2001-04-06)
[info] 292 - SCO's Exhibits RE: [291] support memorandum, [290] sealed support memorandum re: expedited motion to enforce the court's amended scheduling order dated 6/10/04
[info] 293 - SCO's Exhibits to [290] Memorandum in Support of SCO's Expedited Motion to Enforce the Court's Amended Scheduling Order Dated 6/10/04 [Filed sealed in SCO v. IBM 293, unsealed in 492 but oversize, so not scanned] [sealed]
[info] 294 [PDF] - SCO's Response to IBM's Ex Parte Motion for Leave to File a Response to SCO's Supplemental Memorandum Regarding Discovery and To Continue Hearing Date [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 295 [PDF] - IBM's Opposition to SCO's Motion for Additional Time to File Responses to IBM's Motions for Partial Summary Judgment
[info] 296 [PDF] - Order Granting SCO's Motion for Extension to File Response to IBM's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Breach of Contract Claims and IBM's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on its Counterclaim for Copyright Infringement (Eighth Counterclaim)
[info] 297 [PDF] - Order Granting SCO's Ex Parte Motion for Leave to File Over-Length Memorandum
[info] 298 [PDF] - Order Granting SCO's Ex Parte Motion for Leave to File Over-Length Memorandum
[info] 300 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum in support of SCO's Ex Parte Emergency Motion for a Scheduling Conference [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 301 [PDF] - IBM's Reply Memorandum in Support of Motion to Strike Materials Submitted by SCO in Opposition to IBM's Cross-Motion for Partial Summary Judgment (2004-09-13) [ Groklaw | Groklaw text ]
[info] 301-A [PDF] - Opinion - In re M. Silverman Laces, Inc., No. 01 Civ. 6209, 2002 WL 31412465 (S.D.N.Y Oct. 24, 2002) (2002-10-24)
[info] 301-B [PDF] - Opinion - Denmon v. Runyon, Civ. A. No. 92-2144, 1993 WL 441970 (D. Kan. Oct. 25, 1993) (1993-10-25)
[info] 301-C [PDF] - Opinion - Good v. Board of County Commissioners, No. 01-4067 , 2004 WL 1859729 (D. Kan.)
[info] 303 [PDF] - IBM's Memorandum in Opposition to [299] SCO's ex parte Emergency Motion for a Scheduling Conference, [281] Expedited Motion to Enforce the Court's Amended Scheduling Order Dated June 10, 2004 [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 303-A [PDF] - IBM (Todd Shaughnessy) letter of September 21, 2004 to Paxton Guymon (attorney for John Terpstra) (2004-09-21) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 304 - IBM's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Supplemental Memorandum re: Discovery [sealed]
[info] 305 - IBM's Declaration of Ron Saint Pierre [sealed]
[info] 306 - IBM's Declaration of David Bullis [sealed]
[info] 307 - SCO's Consolidated Reply Memorandum in Further Support of SCO's Expedited Motion to Enforce the Court's Amended Scheduling Order and Emergency Motion for a Scheduling Conference [sealed]
[info] 308 [PDF] - SCO's [redacted 307] Consolidated Reply Memorandum in Further Support of SCO's Expedited Motion to Enforce the Court's Amended Scheduling Order and Emergency Motion for a Scheduling Conference [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 309 [PDF] - SCO's Ex parte Motion for Leave to File Over-Length Memorandum re: Consolidated Reply Memo in Further Support [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 310 [PDF] - Order (SCO v. IBM) granting [309] SCO's ex parte Motion for Leave to File Overlength Reply Memorandum [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 311 [PDF] - Stipulation (SCO v. IBM) to allow SCO until October 4, 2004 to file a Reply to IBM's Opposition to SCO's Supplemental Memorandum Regarding Discovery (2004-09-30)
[info] 312 [PDF] - Order (SCO v. IBM) granting [311] to extend time for SCO to reply to IBM's Opposition to SCO's Supplemental Memorandum Regarding Discovery until October 4, 2004 (2004-09-30)
[info] 313 [PDF] - Order (SCO v. IBM) denying [299] SCO's "Expedited Motion to Enforce the Court's Amended Scheduling Order Dated June 10, 2004" and denying [281] SCO's Ex Parte Emergency Motion for a Scheduling Conference, signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2004-09-30) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 314 [PDF] - SCO's Ex Parte Motion [314] for Leave to File Overlength Memorandum: Reply Brief in Further Support of Supplemental Memorandum re: Discovery
[info] 315 [PDF] - Order (SCO v. IBM) Granting [314] SCO's Ex Parte Motion for Leave to File Overlength Memorandum: Reply Brief in Further Support of Supplemental Memorandum re: Discovery, signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball 10/5/04 (2004-10-05)
[info] 316 - SCO's Reply Brief re: Supplemental Memorandum re: Discovery [287], [163] Memorandum re: Discovery [Original is SCO v. IBM 316, unsealed in 470] [ Unsealed | Groklaw ]
[info] 317 - SCO's Declaration of Jeremy O. Evans re: [316] SCO's Reply Brief [sealed]
[info] 317-10 - Ron Saint Pierre email of June 12, 2000 regarding Monterey Beta program [Filed sealed as exhibit to SCO v. IBM 317, unsealed in 477] (2000-06-12) [ Unsealed | Groklaw text ]
[info] 318 [PDF] - Motion and Order (SCO v. IBM) granting motion/PHV for Edward Normand, Sean Eskovitz on behalf of SCO, signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball, October 6, 2004 (2004-10-06)
[info] 319 [PDF] - Stipulation (SCO v. IBM) to allow SCO until November 23, 2004 to file a response to IBM's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Breach of Contract Claims and to file a response to IBM's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on its Counterclaim for Copyright Infringement (Eighth Counterclaim), with IBM's Memoranda in Support to be filed by January 14, 2005 (2004-10-12)
[info] 320 [PDF] - Order (SCO v. IBM) granting [319] Stipulation to allow SCO until November 23, 2004 to file a response to IBM's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Breach of Contract Claims and to file a response to IBM's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on its Counterclaim for Copyright Infringement (Eighth Counterclaim), with IBM's Memoranda in Support to be filed by January 14, 2005, signed October 13, 2004 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2004-10-13)
[info] 321 [PDF] - SCO's Ex Parte Motion for Leave to File Overlength Memorandum in Support of SCO's Motion for Leave to File a Third Amended Complaint (SCO v. IBM) (2004-10-14)
[info] 322 [PDF] - SCO's Motion for Leave to File a Third Amended Complaint (SCO v. IBM) (2004-10-14)
[info] 323 - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 323] in Support of [322] SCO's Motion for Leave to File 3rd Amended Complaint [Originally filed as 323, unsealed in 498] (2004-10-14) [ Unsealed ]
[info] 323-1 - SCO's Proposed Third Amended Complaint [Originally sealed in SCO v. IBM 323-1, unsealed in 495] [ Unsealed ]
[info] 323-2 - IBM Email from Bill Sandve to Daniela Combe re: Thoughts on Monterey Evolution [Originally sealed in SCO v. IBM 323-2, unsealed in 495] (2000-05-11) [ Unsealed ]
[info] 323-3 - SCO's Chart of AIX Dependency on SCO Licensed Material [Filed sealed in SCO v. IBM 323-3, unsealed in 495] [ Unsealed ]
[info] 323-4 - IBM Email from Bill Bulko to Anthony Beli re: Project Monterey Update [Filed sealed in SCO v. IBM 323-4, unsealed in 495] (2002-11-06) [ Unsealed ]
[info] 323-5 - IBM Email from Robert Acosta to Marilyn Payne re: AIX 5.1 for IA-64 Proposal (2001-01-29) [ Unsealed ]
[info] 323-6 - IBM Emails re: AIX 5L Announce Positioning re Itanium [ Unsealed ]
[info] 323-7 - IBM's emails between Bill Sandve and Gerry Hackett [Originally filed as 323-7, unsealed in 499] [ Unsealed ]
[info] 323-Exhibits - SCO's Exhibits to [SCO v. IBM 323] SCO's Memorandum in Support of Motion for Leave to File Third Amended Complaint [ Unsealed ]
[info] 324 [PDF] - Order (SCO v. IBM) granting [321] SCO's ex parte Motion for Leave to File Overlength in Support of SCO's Motion for Leave to File a Third Amended Complaint (SCO v. IBM), signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball 10/15/2004 (2004-10-15)
[info] 325 [PDF] - SCO's Notice of Deposition for David Bullis (2004-10-18)
[info] 326 [PDF] - SCO's Notice of Deposition for William Sandve (2004-10-18)
[info] 327 [PDF] - Hearing (SCO v. IBM) October 19, 2004 (2004-10-19)
[info] 328 [PDF] - Order (SCO v. IBM) that 1) both parties will prepare and exchange privilege logs, 2) IBM will provide affidavits from the Board of Directors, Mr. Palmisano, and Mr. Wladawsky-Berger regarding production of non-privileged documents, 3) the remainder of SCO's motion is taken under advisement, and 4) the court, sua sponte, seals the transcript of the hearing on October 19, 2004. Signed October 20, 2004 by Judge Brooke C. Wells. (2004-10-20) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 329 [PDF] - Stipulation (SCO v. IBM) to amend briefing re: SCO's Motion for Leave to File 3rd Amended Complaint
[info] 330 [PDF] - Order (SCO v. IBM) granting [329] Stipulation to amend briefing re: SCO's Motion for Leave to File 3rd Amended Complaint - IBM's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Motion due 11/23/2004; SCO's Reply Memorandum due 12/21/2004 - Signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball, 10/27/2004 (2004-10-27) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 331 - IBM's Declaration of Alec S. Berman [Original is SCO v. IBM 331, unsealed in 446] (2004-11-19) [ Unsealed | Groklaw | Groklaw 2 ]
[info] 333 - IBM's Declaration of Samuel J. Palmisano [Original is SCO v. IBM 333, unsealed in 448] (2004-11-19) [ Unsealed | Groklaw | Groklaw 2 ]
[info] 334 - IBM's Declaration of Andrew Bonzani [Original is SCO v. IBM 334, unsealed in 445] (2004-11-19) [ Unsealed | Groklaw | Groklaw 2 ]
[info] 335 [PDF] - Stipulation (SCO v. IBM) to allow IBM until November 30, 2004 to file a Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Motion for Leave to Amend, and to allow SCO until November 30, 2004 to file a response to IBM's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Breach of Contract Claims and to file a response to IBM's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on its Counterclaim for Copyright Infringement (Eighth Counterclaim) (2004-11-23)
[info] 336 [PDF] - Order (SCO v. IBM) granting [335] Stipulation to allow IBM until November 30, 2004 to file a Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Motion for Leave to Amend, and allowing SCO until November 30, 2004 to file a response to IBM's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Breach of Contract Claims and to file a response to IBM's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on its Counterclaim for Copyright Infringement (Eighth Counterclaim) signed November 24, 2004 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2004-11-24)
[info] 337 - IBM's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Motion for Leave to File a Third Amended Complaint [Original is 337, unsealed in 465] [ Unsealed | Groklaw | Groklaw text ]
[info] 338 [PDF] - IBM's Motion for Leave to File Overlength Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Motion for Leave to File Third Amended Complaint
[info] 339 [PDF] - SCO's Motion for Leave to File Overlength Memorandum re: IBM's Motion for Summary Judgment on Breach of Contract Claims
[info] 341 [PDF] - G2 Computer Intel's Memorandum in Support of [340] Motion to Intervene
[info] 342 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum in Opposition to [233] IBM's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on it's Counterclaim for Copyright Infringement (Eighth Counterclaim) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 342-C - Opinion - Hamilton Tailoring Co. v. Delta Air Lines, Inc., 1974 WL 21756, 14 UCC Rep. Serv. 1310 (S.D. Ohio, 1974)
[info] 343 [PDF] - SCO's Rule 56(f) Motion in Further Opposition to IBM's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on SCO's Breach of Contract Claims (2004-11-30) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 345 - IBM's Declaration [SCO v. IBM 345] of Todd M. Shaughnessy in Support of IBM's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Motion for Leave to File a Third Amended Complaint [Originally sealed in 345, unsealed in 527] [ Unsealed | Groklaw ]
[info] 345-1 [PDF] - Joint Development Agreement (Number 4998CR0349) [Monterey] Between The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc., and IBM (bates SCO1184174-SCO1184230) (1998-10-23) [ Santa Cruz 10Q filing | Groklaw | Groklaw 2 ]
[info] 345-3 [PDF] - gen@s: An IBM/SCO UNIX Project Marketing Plan Development [ Groklaw ]
[info] 345-4 [PDF] - DCAP and Monterey, Santa Cruz Presentation, November 4, 1998 (1998-11-04) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 345-10 [PDF] - Santa Cruz internal email from John Boland, August 11, 2000 (2000-08-11) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 345-11 [PDF] - Information and resources for AIX 5L, printout from AIX 5L website (2001-05-02) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 345-13 [PDF] - IBM Announces AIX 5L Beta - Introducing the Next Generation of AIX, IDCFlash [ Groklaw ]
[info] 345-14 - IBM Claims AIX 5L is Proof of Monterey Concept, The Register, August 8, 2000 by Lucy Sherriff [ The Register ]
[info] 345-15 - IBM Making Linux, Server Play, InfoWorld, August 10, 2000 by Ed Scannell [ InfoWorld ]
[info] 345-18 [PDF] - IBM AIX 5L Version 5.1 Advanced UNIX Operating System with Linux Affinity Delivers the Most Powerful and Flexible Choice for e-business and Enterprise Servers [ Groklaw ]
[info] 345-22 [PDF] - AIX 5L Differences Guide Version 5.1 Edition, IBM Redbook, June 2001 [ Groklaw ]
[info] 345-23 - Problem Solving and Troubleshooting in AIX 5L, IBM User's Guide, January 2002
[info] 345-24 - SCO's 'Smoking Gun' Versus IBM, Forbes.com, August 4, 2004 by Daniel Lyons (2004-08-04) [ Forbes.com ]
[info] 345-25 - Temporary Ceasefire Called Between SCO and BayStar, Linux Business Week, August 30, 2004 by Maureen O'Gara (2004-08-30) [ Linux Business Week ]
[info] 346 - SCO's Memorandum in Opposition to IBM's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Breach of Contract Claims [sealed]
[info] 347 [PDF] - SCO's Declaration of Jeremy Evans Authorities re: SCO's Opposition to IBM's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Breach of Contract Claims [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 348 [PDF] - SCO's Declaration of Jeremy Evans re: SCO's Opposition to IBM's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Breach of Contract Claims [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 349 - SCO's Exhibits to [348] SCO's Declaration of Jeremy Evans [ Groklaw ]
[info] 349-44 [PDF] - SCO's Declaration of Jean Acheson, November 30, 2004 (2004-11-30) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 349-45 - Novell Press Release, Novell Finalizes IBM Investment, March 23, 2004 (2004-03-23) [ Novell PR Site ]
[info] 349-46 - Novell to Buy SuSE Linux for $210M; Firm's Commitment to Software Boosted, The Boston Globe, November 5, 2003 by Hiawatha Bray (2003-11-05)
[info] 349-47 - Novell, IBM and HP unite efforts to put Linux on top; Three companies unite to boost Linux and topple Microsoft, The Salt Lake Tribune, March 25, 2004 by Bob Mims. (2004-03-25)
[info] 349-48 [HTML] - Technology License Agreement between Novell, Inc. and The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. (1995-12-05) [ Groklaw | SEC ]
[info] 350 - SCO's Sealed Exhibits to [348] SCO's Declaration of Jeremy Evans [sealed]
[info] 350-S1 - Deposition of David Rodgers, June 10, 2004 [Originally filed as SCO v IBM 206-S2, unsealed in 486 and 487] (2004-06-10) [ Unsealed | part 1 | part 2 ]
[info] 350-S2 - IBM Internal Email from Ron Smith to Terry McKenna (1997-11-03) [sealed]
[info] 350-S3 - IBM Internal Email from Bill Sandve to Kim Tran, January 22, 2002 - 'AIX was derived from System V.' (2002-01-22) [sealed]
[info] 350-S4 - Argus Systems Group, Inc. license agreement with IBM for AIX Source Code - 'AIX is derived from software under license from SCO.' [sealed]
[info] 350-S5 - IBM Royalty Statement, June 30, 1987 - AIX is 'derived from System V' (1987-06-30) [sealed]
[info] 350-S6 - IBM/Supplier Technical Services Agreement between IBM Corp. and CETIA (2001-02-02) [sealed]
[info] 350-S7 - IBM Linux Strategy Presentation Version 1.0 [sealed]
[info] 350-S8 - Declaration of Michael Davidson (2004-11-22) [sealed]
[info] 351 [PDF] - Order (SCO v. IBM) Granting [338] IBM's Motion for Leave to File Overlength Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Motion for Leave to File Third Amended Complaint - Signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball, 12/01/04 (2004-12-01)
[info] 352 [PDF] - Order (SCO v. IBM) Granting [339] SCO's Motion for Leave to File Overlength Memorandum re: IBM's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Breach of Contract Claims - Signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2004-12-01)
[info] 353 [PDF] - SCO's Errata to [342] SCO's Memorandum in Opposition to [233] IBM's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on its Counterclaim for Copyright Infringement (Eighth Counterclaim) (2004-12-09) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 353-C - FSF Statement on SCO v. IBM, June 25, 2003 by Eben Moglen (2003-06-25) [ gnu.org ]
[info] 353-D - SCO v. IBM Part Deux, AlwaysOn, October 27, 2003 by Mark F. Radclife (2003-10-27) [ AlwaysOn ]
[info] 353-E - Why open source is unsustainable, Financial Times, October 21, 2004 by Richard A. Epstein (2004-10-21) [ Financial Times ]
[info] 354 [PDF] - IBM's Certificate of Service re: Subpoena duces tecum upon PointServe [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 355 [PDF] - Stipulation (SCO v. IBM) to extend time for SCO to file a Reply to IBM's Opposition to SCO's Motion for Leave to File 3rd Amended Complaint until 12/29/2004 (2004-12-16)
[info] 356 [PDF] - SCO's Motion and Order granting Motion PHV for Stuart H. Singer, signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball, 12/14/2004 (2004-12-14)
[info] 357 [PDF] - Order (SCO v. IBM) Granting [355] Stipulation to Extend Time for SCO to File Reply to IBM's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Motion for Leave to File 3rd Amended Complaint until 12/29/2004 (2004-12-16)
[info] 358 [PDF] - Stipulation (SCO v. IBM) to Extend Time for SCO to File Reply to G2 Computer Intelligence, Inc.'s Motion to Intervene and Motion to Unseal Court's Files (2004-12-20) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 359 [PDF] - SCO's Certificate of Service of SCO's Fifth Request for Production of Documents [SCO v. IBM 359] (2004-12-20)
[info] 360 [PDF] - IBM's Ex Parte Motion for Extension of Time to File Memorandum in Response to G2 Computer Intelligence, Inc's Motion to Intervene and Motion to Unseal Court's File (2004-12-20) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 361 [PDF] - Order (SCO v. IBM) Granting Defendant/Counterclaim Plaintiff IBM's Ex Parte Motion for Extension of Time to File Memorandum in Response to G2 Computer Intelligence, Inc's Motion to Intervene and Motion to Unseal Court's File (2004-12-21) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 362 [PDF] - G2 Computer Intelligence Inc.'s Response to IBM's Ex Parte Motion for Extension of Time to File Memorandum in Response to G2 Computer Intelligence, Inc.'s Motion to Intervene and Motion to Unseal the Court's File (2004-12-21) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 363 [PDF] - Order (SCO v. IBM) Granting [358] Stipulation to Extend Time to Respond to Motion to Intervene and Unseal, up to and including 1/7/2005, signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2004-12-21)
[info] 364 - SCO's Substitute Exhibit 19 re: [348] SCO's Declaration of Jeremy O. Evans
[info] 365 - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 365] in Support of [366] Renewed Motion to Compel Discovery [Unsealed/Redacted in 472] [ Unsealed | Groklaw ]
[info] 365-Exhibits - SCO's Exhibits to [SCO v. IBM 365] SCO's Memorandum in Support of Renewed Motion to Compel Discovery [ Unsealed ]
[info] 367 - IBM's Certificate of Service re: [354] IBM's Subpoena Duces Tecum on Pointserve
[info] 368 [PDF] - SCO's Ex Parte Motion for Leave to File [369] Overlength Reply Memo re: Motion for Leave to File Third Amended Complaint
[info] 369 - SCO's Response Memorandum in Support of [322] Motion for Leave to File Third Amended Complaint [sealed]
[info] 370 [PDF] - Order (SCO v. IBM) Granting [368] SCO's Ex Parte Motion for Leave to File Overlength Reply Memorandum re: SCO's Motion for Leave to File Third Amended Complaint - Signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2004-12-30)
[info] 371 [PDF] - SCO's Certificate of Service of SCO's Sixth Request for Production of Documents [SCO v. IBM 371] (2005-01-03)
[info] 372 [PDF] - Stipulation (SCO v. IBM) to extend time for briefing re: IBM's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Renewed Motion to Compel Discovery, IBM's Reply Memorandum for Partial Summary Judgment on Breach of Contract Claims, and IBM's Reply Memorandum in Support of Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Counterclaim for Copyright Infringement (8th Counterclaim) (2005-01-07) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 373 [PDF] - Order (SCO v. IBM) granting [372] Stipulation to extend time for briefing re: IBM's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Renewed Motion to Compel Discovery, IBM's Reply Memorandum for Partial Summary Judgment on Breach of Contract Claims, and IBM's Reply Memorandum in Support of Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Counterclaim for Copyright Infringement (8th Counterclaim)
[info] 374 [PDF] - SCO's Motion to Compel IBM to Produce Samuel J. Palmisano for Deposition (2005-01-12) [ Groklaw | Groklaw text ]
[info] 375 - SCO's Memorandum in Support of SCO's Motion to Compel IBM to Produce Samuel J. Palmisano for Deposition (2005-01-12) [ Groklaw | Groklaw text ] [sealed]
[info] 375-A - SCO's Notice of Deposition of Samuel J. Palmisano for January 24, 2005 (2004-12-02)
[info] 375-B [PDF] - A Mainstream Giant Goes Countercultural; I.B.M's Embrace of Linux Is a Bet That It Is the Software of the Future, New York Times, March 20, 2000 by Steve Lohr
[info] 375-C - IBM Letter of December 17, 2004 to SCO (2004-12-17)
[info] 375-E - IBM: Linux is the `logical successor', C/Net News.com, January 29, 20003 by Stephen Shankland (2003-01-29) [ C/Net News.com ]
[info] 375-G - Interview with Robert LeBlanc, VP, IBM, Software Strategy, Software Solutions Division, FreeOS.com, December 20, 2000 by Prakash Advani (2000-12-20) [ FreeOS.com ]
[info] 375-J - IBM Press Release, Samuel J. Palmisano Elected IBM CEO; Louis V. Gerstner, Jr. to Remain Chairman Through 2002, January 29, 2002 (2002-01-29) [ IBM Press Site ]
[info] 375-K - IBM's Linux revenue: Services to overtake servers, CNET News.com, August 4, 2004 by Stephen Shankland (2004-08-04) [ CNET News.com ]
[info] 375-P - Opinion - Simpson v. Home Depot, Inc., Civ. A. No. 00-2285-JAR, 2002 WL 485661.8 (D. Kan. Mar. 7, 2002) (2002-03-07)
[info] 375-Q - Opinion - Gazaway v. Makita U.S.A., No. Civ. A. 97-2287-JWL, 1998 WL 219771 (D. Kan. Apr. 16, 1998) (1998-04-16)
[info] 376 [PDF] - IBM's Certificate of Service of IBM's Sixth Set of Interrogatories and Sixth Request for Production of Documents [SCO v. IBM 376] (2005-01-12)
[info] 377 [PDF] - Order (SCO v. IBM #377) Regarding SCO's Renewed Motion to Compel Discovery (2005-01-18) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 378 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum in Response to [SCO v. IBM 340] G2's Motion to Intervene and to Unseal the Court's File [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 379 [PDF] - IBM's Memorandum in Opposition to [SCO v. IBM 340] G2's Motion to Intervene and Unseal the Court's File [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 380 [PDF] - CNET and Forbes Motion for Joinder re: [SCO v. IBM 340] G2 Computer Intel.'s Motion to Intervene and to Unseal Court Files (2005-01-19) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 381 - IBM's Subpoenas Duces Tecum issued to Target Corporation, AutoZone, Inc., Sherwin-WIlliams Corp., and Intel Corporation
[info] 381-A - IBM's 30(b)(6) Subpoena to Target Corporation, issued January 13, 2005 (2005-01-13)
[info] 381-B - IBM's 30(b)(6) Subpoena to Autozone, Inc., issued January 13, 2005 (2005-01-13)
[info] 381-C - IBM's 30(b)(6) Subpoena to The Sherwin-Williams Company, issued January 13, 2005 (2005-01-13)
[info] 381-D [PDF] - IBM's 30(b)(6) Subpoena to Intel Corporation, issued January 13, 2005 (2005-01-13) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 382 - IBM's Certificate of Service re: Subpoenas issued to Oracle Corporation and Computer Associates, Inc. (2005-01-19)
[info] 382-A - IBM's 30(b)(6) Subpoena to Oracle Corporation, issued January 13, 2005 (2005-01-13)
[info] 382-B - IBM's 30(b)(6) Subpoena to Computer Associates, Inc., issued January 13, 2005 (2005-01-13)
[info] 383 [PDF] - SCO's Objections to IBM's Rule 30(b)(6) Notice of Deposition ("The Click-Wrap Notice") [ Groklaw | Groklaw text ]
[info] 384 [PDF] - SCO's Objections to IBM's Rule 30(b)(6) Notice of Deposition ("The Compression Notice") [ Groklaw | Groklaw text ]
[info] 385 [PDF] - SCO's Objections to IBM's Rule 30(b)(6) Notice of Deposition ("The Configurable High Availability Notice") [ Groklaw | Groklaw text ]
[info] 386 [PDF] - Stipulation (SCO v. IBM 386) to amend briefing: IBM's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Motion to Compel IBM to produce Samuel Palmisano for Deposition due 2/11/05; SCO's Reply Memorandum in Support of its Renewed Motion to Compel by 2/25/05; SCO's Reply Memorandum re SCO's Motion to Compel IBM to produce Samuel Palmisano for Deposition due by 3/4/05
[info] 387 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 387] Granting Stipulation (SCO v. IBM 386) to amend briefing: IBM's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Motion to Compel IBM to produce Samuel Palmisano for Deposition due 2/11/05; SCO's Reply Memorandum in Support of its Renewed Motion to Compel by 2/25/05; SCO's Reply Memorandum re SCO's Motion to Compel IBM to produce Samuel Palmisano for Deposition due by 3/4/05 (2005-01-28) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 388 [PDF] - IBM's Ex Parte Motion [SCO v. IBM 388] for Leave to File Sur-Reply (2005-01-28) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 389 [PDF] - G2 Computer Intelligence, Inc.'s Reply Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 390] in Support of Motion to Intervene and Motion to Unseal Court's Files (2005-01-31) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 390 - IBM's Certificate of Service re: Subpoena Duces Tecum issued to Hewlett-Packard (2005-02-01)
[info] 391 [PDF] - IBM's Ex Parte Motion [SCO v. IBM 391] for Extension of Time to Submit Objections to Discovery Order (2005-02-01) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 392 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 392] Granting IBM's Ex Parte Motion [SCO v. IBM 388] for Leave to File Sur-Reply (2005-02-18)
[info] 393 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 393] Granting IBM's Ex Parte Motion [SCO v. IBM 391] for Extension of Time to Submit Objections to Discovery Order (2005-02-01)
[info] 394 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 394] in Opposition to [SCO v. IBM 391] IBM's Ex Parte Motion to Extend Time to Submit Objections to Discovery Order (2005-02-02) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 395 - IBM's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 395] in Opposition to [SCO v. IBM 190] SCO's Renewed Motion to Compel Discovery
[info] 396 - IBM's Certificate of Service re: Discovery [SCO v. IBM 396]
[info] 397 - IBM's Certificate of Service re: Discovery [SCO v. IBM 397]
[info] 398 [PDF] - Memorandum Decision [SCO v. IBM 398] Denying [144] Amended Motion to Dismiss or Stay Count 10 of IBM's Second Amended Counterclaims, Denying Without Prejudice [152] IBM's Cross-Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Claim for Declaratory Judgment of Non-Infringement, Mooting [195] Motion in Further Opposition to IBM's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment, Denying [246] Motion to Strike Materials Submitted by SCO in Opposition to IBM's Cross-Motion for Partial Summary Judgment, Denying Without Prejudice [225] IBM's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Breach of Contract Claims, Denying Without Prejudice [233] IBM's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on it's Counterclaim for Copyright Infringement (Eighth Counterclaim), Vacating [313] to the extent that it grants permission to file dispositive motions prior to the close of discovery, and Ordering that the Court will not entertain dispositive motions until after discovery is complete, unless stipulated by the parties. Signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2005-02-08) [ Groklaw | Groklaw text ]
[info] 399 [PDF] - Stipulation [SCO v. IBM 399] that IBM has until February 18, 2005 to file its Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Motion to Compel IBM to Produce Samuel J. Palmisano for Deposition and that SCO has until March 11, 2005 to fie its Reply Memorandum in Support of SCO's Motion to Compel IBM to Produce Samuel J. Palmisano for Deposition
[info] 400 [PDF] - Stipulation [SCO v. IBM 399] that SCO and IBM will file and serve Privilege logs no later than March 10, 2005, and that SCO and IBM will file any objections to the opposing party's privilege log no later than April 9, 2005
[info] 401 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 401] Granting [SCO v. IBM 400] Stipulation that IBM has until February 18, 2005 to file its Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Motion to Compel IBM to Produce Samuel J. Palmisano for Deposition and that SCO has until March 11, 2005 to fie its Reply Memorandum in Support of SCO's Motion to Compel IBM to Produce Samuel J. Palmisano for Deposition (2005-02-11)
[info] 402 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 402] Granting [SCO v. IBM 399] Stipulation that SCO and IBM will file and serve Privilege logs no later than March 10, 2005, and that SCO and IBM will file any objections to the opposing party's privilege log no later than April 9, 2005 (2005-02-11)
[info] 403 [PDF] - IBM's Motion [SCO v. IBM 403] for Reconsideration of [SCO v. IBM 377] Order Striking Amended Scheduling [177] Order Discovery due set for 4/22/05, [177] relief motion filing deadline set for 5/20/05, [177] relief Final Pretrial Conference set for 2:30 10/10/05, [177] relief 5-Week Jury trial set for 8:30 11/1/05, [177] relief (blk) [Entry date 02/14/05]
[info] 404 [PDF] - IBM's Ex Parte Motion [SCO v. IBM 404] for Leave to File Overlength SurReply
Memorandum in Further Opposition to SCO's Motion for Leave to File a Third Amended Complaint (2005-02-18) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 405 [PDF] - IBM's Motion [SCO v. IBM 405] for Entry of Order Limiting Scope of IBM's Ninth
Counterclaim (2005-02-18) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 406 - IBM's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 406] in Opposition to SCO's Motion to Compel IBM to Produce Samuel J. Palmisano for Deposition [sealed]
[info] 407 - IBM's Sur-Reply Memorandum in Further Opposition to SCO's Motion for Leave to File a Third Amended Complaint [Original is 407, unsealed in 447] [ Unsealed | Groklaw | Groklaw text ]
[info] 408 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 408] Granting [SCO v. IBM 404] IBM's Ex Parte Motion for Leave to File Overlength Sur-Reply Memorandum in Further Opposition to SCO's Motion for Leave to File a Third Amended Complaint, signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball, 2/22/2005 (2005-02-22)
[info] 409 - SCO's Reply Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 409] in Further Support of Renewed Motion to Compel Discovery [Originally filed as 409, unsealed in 481] (2005-02-25) [ Unsealed ]
[info] 409-2 [PDF] - Deposition of Steven Alan Mills, January 7, 2005 [Originally filed as SCO v. IBM 409-2, unsealed in 496] (2005-01-07)
[info] 409-3 [PDF] - IBM's Announcement about "Next Generation e-business", posted to freebsd-current email list, January 11, 2000 (2000-01-11) [ mail-archive ]
[info] 409-Unsealed exhibits - SCO's Exhibits [SCO v. IBM 496] to Reply Memorandum [409] in Further Support of Renewed Motion to Compel Discovery [Unsealed in 496] [ Unsealed ]
[info] 410 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 410] in Opposition to IBM's Motion for Reconsideration [ Groklaw ]
[info] 411 - SCO's Certificate of Service [SCO v. IBM 411] re: Discovery
[info] 412 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. IBM 412] to Extend Time to File Response to [SCO v. IBM 405] IBM's Motion for Entry of Order until 3/23/2005 (2005-03-07) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 413 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 413] Granting [SCO v. IBM 412] SCO's Motion to Extend Time to File a Response to IBM's Motion for Entry of Order Limiting Scope of 9th Counterclaim (2005-03-08)
[info] 414 [PDF] - IBM's Motion [SCO v. IBM 414] to Extend Time to Comply with January 18, 2005 Order by 45 days or by May 3, 2005 (2005-03-10) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 415 - IBM's Notice of Filing of IBM's Privilege Log Group Email List [sealed]
[info] 416 - IBM's Notice of Filing of Privilege Log (oversized) [sealed]
[info] 417 - IBM's Certificate of Service of [SCO v. IBM 416 and SCO v. IBM 417] IBM's Notice of Filing of Privilege Logs [sealed]
[info] 419 - SCO's Reply Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 419] in Support of SCO's Motion to Compel IBM to Produce Samuel J. Palmisano for Deposition [Originally filed in 419, unsealed in 480] (2005-03-11) [ Unsealed ]
[info] 419-Exhibits - SCO's Exhibits to [SCO v. IBM 419] SCO's Reply Memorandum in Support of SCO's Motion to Compel IBM to Produce Samuel J. Palmisano for Deposition [ Unsealed ]
[info] 420 [PDF] - IBM's Reply Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 420] in Support of IBM's Motion for Reconsideration of the January 18, 2005 Order Regarding SCO's Renewed Motion to Compel [ Groklaw ]
[info] 421 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 421] in Opposition to IBM's Motion for 45-Day Extension of Time to Comply with January 18, 2005 Order [ Groklaw ]
[info] 422 [PDF] - Notice of Hearing [SCO v. IBM 422] set for April 21, 2005 at 3:00pm for [374] SCO's Motion to Compel IBM to Produce Samuel J. Palmisano for Deposition, [322] SCO's Motion for Leave to File 3rd Amended Complaint, to be held before Judge Kimball (2005-03-17) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 423 [PDF] - Notice of Hearing [SCO v. IBM 423] set for April 26, 2005 at 3:00pm for [340] G2 Computer Intel.'s Motion to Intervene and to Unseal the Court's File, to be held before Judge Kimball (2005-03-17) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 424 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 424] Granting [SCO v. IBM 414] IBM's Motion for 45-Day Extension of Time to Comply with 1/18/05 Order (2005-03-17) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 425 - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 425] in Opposition to IBM's Motion for Entry of Order Limiting Scope of IBM's Ninth Counterclaim (2005-03-23) [sealed]
[info] 426 [PDF] - IBM's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 426] in Support of Proposed Scheduling Order (2005-03-25) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 427 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 427] in Support of SCO's Proposed Scheduling Order (2005-04-01) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 428 [PDF] - IBM's Reply Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 428] in Further Support of [SCO v. IBM 405] IBM's Motion for Order Limmiting Scope of the Ninth Counterclaim (2005-04-01) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 429 [PDF] - SCO's Ex Parte Motion to Adjourn the April 21, 2005 Argument on SCO's Motion to Amend its Complaint (2005-04-11) [ Groklaw | Groklaw text ]
[info] 430 [PDF] - IBM's Reply Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 430] in Further Support of IBM's Proposed Scheduling Order (2005-04-11) [ Groklaw | Groklaw text ]
[info] 432 - SCO's Objections to IBM's Privilege Log and SCO's Memorandum in Support of SCO's Request to Compel IBM to Provide Proper Bases for its Privilege Claims [sealed]
[info] 432-Exhibits - SCO's Exhibits to [SCO v. IBM 432] SCO's Objections to IBM's Privilege Log and Memorandum in Support of SCO's Request to Compel IBM to Provide Proper Bases for its Privilege Claims [ Unsealed ]
[info] 433 [PDF] - SCO's Reply Memorandum in Support of [429-1] SCO's ex parte Motion to Vacate/Adjourn the April 21, 2005 Argument on SCO's Motion to Amend Complaint [ Groklaw ]
[info] 434 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 434] Regarding SCO's Ex Parte Motion to Adjourn the April 21, 2005 Argument on SCO's Motion to Amend its Complaint (2005-04-13) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 435 [PDF] - IBM's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Ex Parte Motion to Adjourn the April 21, 2005 Hearing on SCO's Pending Motion to Amend (2005-04-12) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 436 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 436] re: IBM's Motion for Reconsideration (2005-04-19) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 438 [PDF] - Order [SCO v IBM 438] Denying [SCO v IBM 340 & 380] G2 Computer Intelligence Motion to Intervene and Unseal Court Files, signed April 28, 2005 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2005-04-28) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 439 [PDF] - Stipulation [SCO v. IBM 439] Regarding Responses to Privilege Log Objections (2005-05-02) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 440 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 440] Granting [SCO v. IBM 439] Stipulation Regarding Responses to Privilege Log Objections (2005-05-02) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 441 [PDF] - IBM's Affidavit of Todd Shaughnessy [SCO v. IBM 441] re: Court's January 18, 2005 Order Concerning SCO's Renewed Motion to Compel (2005-05-03) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 442 [PDF] - IBM's Redaction [SCO v. IBM 442] to [SCO v. IBM 406] IBM's Memorandum in Opposition to SCOs Motion to Compel IBM to Produce Samuel J. Palmisano for Deposition [ Groklaw ]
[info] 442-A - Opinion - Cardenas v. Prudential Ins. Co. of America, Civ. No. 99-1421 (U.S. Dist. Minn., May 16, 2003 (2003-05-16)
[info] 442-C - Opinion - Agron v. Trustees of Columbia Univ., 88 Civ. 6294 (S.D.N.Y. Mar. 31, 1993) (1993-03-31)
[info] 442-D - Opinion - Hughes v. General Motors Corp., 1974 U.S. Dist (S.D.N.Y. June 18, 1974) (1974-06-18)
[info] 443 [PDF] - IBM's Redaction [SCO v. IBM 443] to [SCO v. IBM 332] IBM's Declaration of Irving Wladawsky-Berger [ Groklaw ]
[info] 444 [PDF] - IBM's Redaction [SCO v. IBM 444] to [SCO v. IBM 304] IBM's Opposition to SCOs Supplemental Memorandum Regarding Discovery [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 444-1 [PDF] - IBM (Todd Shaughnessy) Letter of August 25, 2004 to SCO (Brent Hatch and Mark James) (2004-08-25)
[info] 444-2 [PDF] - SCO (Mark James) Letter of September 8, 2004 to IBM (Todd Shaughnessy) (2004-09-08)
[info] 444-3 - Opinion - Prescient Partners, L.P. v. Fieldcrest Cannon, Inc., 96 Civ. 7590, U.S. Southern District New York, November 26, 1997 (1997-11-26)
[info] 445 - IBM's Declaration of Andrew Bonzani [Original is SCO v. IBM 334, unsealed in 445] (2004-11-19) [ Unsealed | Groklaw | Groklaw 2 ]
[info] 446 - IBM's Declaration of Alec S. Berman [Original is SCO v. IBM 331, unsealed in 446] (2004-11-19) [ Unsealed | Groklaw | Groklaw 2 ]
[info] 447 - IBM's Sur-Reply Memorandum in Further Opposition to SCO's Motion for Leave to File a Third Amended Complaint [Original is 407, unsealed in 447] [ Unsealed | Groklaw | Groklaw text ]
[info] 448 - IBM's Declaration of Samuel J. Palmisano [Original is SCO v. IBM 333, unsealed in 448] (2004-11-19) [ Unsealed | Groklaw | Groklaw 2 ]
[info] 449 [PDF] - IBM's Notice [SCO v. IBM 449] Regarding Unsealing of Documents Pursuant to 04/28/05 Order (2005-05-27) [ Groklaw | Groklaw text ]
[info] 450 [PDF] - SCO's Report [SCO v. IBM 450] in Compliance With The Court's April 28, 2005 Order Regarding the Unsealing of Documents (2005-05-27) [ Groklaw | Groklaw text ]
[info] 451 [PDF] - SCO's Updated Report [SCO v. IBM 451] in Compliance with the Court's April 28, 2005 Order [SCO v. IBM 438] Regarding the Unsealing of Documents (2005-06-03) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 453 - IBM's Memorandum in support of [212] Motion to Strike the 7/12/2004 Declaration of Christopher Sontag [Original is SCO v. IBM 271, unsealed in 453]
[info] 454 - IBM's Redaction [SCO v. IBM 454] to [SCO v. IBM 230] IBM's Memorandum in Support of Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Breach of Contract Claims
[info] 455 - IBM's Redaction [SCO v. IBM 455] to [SCO v. IBM 257] IBM's Reply to Response to [152] Cross Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Claim for Declaratory Judgment of Non-infringement
[info] 456 - IBM's Declaration of Brian W. Kernighan [Original is SCO v. IBM 252, unsealed in 456] [ Unsealed | Groklaw | Groklaw text ]
[info] 457 [PDF] - IBM's Redaction [SCO v. IBM 457] to [227] IBM's Declaration of Todd M. Shaughnessy, [228] Exhibits [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 458 [PDF] - IBM's Declaration of Amy F. Sorenson Re: [233] Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on its Counterclaim for Copyright Infringement (Eighth Counterclaim) [Original is SCO v. IBM 237, exhibits unsealed in 458] (2004-08-16)
[info] 459 [PDF] - IBM's Reply Declaration of Todd M. Shaughnessy Re: [152] Cross-Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on claim for Declaratory Judgment of Non-Infringement [Original is SCO v. IBM 250, exhibits unsealed in 459]
[info] 460 - IBM's Redaction [SCO v. IBM 460] to Exhibits re: [SCO v. IBM 239] Sealed Document, [SCO v. IBM 238] Exhibits, [SCO v. IBM 237] Declaration of Amy F. Sorenson
[info] 461 - IBM's Memorandum in Support of [233] IBM's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on its Counterclaim for Copyright Infringement (Eighth Counterclaim) [Original is SCO v. IBM 241, unsealed in 461] [oversized] [sealed]
[info] 462 - IBM's Redaction [SCO v. IBM 462] to Exhibits volume 1 [SCO v. IBM 227] Declaration, [SCO v. IBM 228] Exhibits
[info] 463 - IBM's Redaction [SCO v. IBM 463] to Exhibits Volume 2 [SCO v. IBM 227], [SCO v. IBM 228] Exhibits
[info] 464 - IBM's Redaction [SCO v. IBM 464] to Exhibit Volume 3 [SCO v. IBM 227] Declaration, [SCO v. IBM 228] Exhibits
[info] 465 - IBM's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Motion for Leave to File a Third Amended Complaint [Original is 337, unsealed in 465] [ Unsealed | Groklaw | Groklaw text ]
[info] 466 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 466] Denying SCO's Motion [SCO v. IBM 322] to File a Third Amended Complaint, Granting SCO's Motion [SCO v. IBM 374] to Compel IBM to Produce Samuel J. Palmisano for Deposition, and Granting IBM's Motion [SCO v. IBM 405] for Entry of an Order Limiting Scope of IBM's Ninth Counterclaim (2005-07-01) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 470 - SCO's Reply Brief re: Supplemental Memorandum re: Discovery [287], [163] Memorandum re: Discovery [Original is SCO v. IBM 316, unsealed in 470] [ Unsealed | Groklaw ]
[info] 471 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 471] Limiting Scope of IBM's 9th Counterclaim, signed August 1, 2005 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2005-08-01) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 472 - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 365] in Support of [366] Renewed Motion to Compel Discovery [Unsealed/Redacted in 472] [ Unsealed | Groklaw ]
[info] 473 [PDF] - SCO (Edward Normand) letter of April 25, 2005 to Judge Kimball [SCO v. IBM 473] (2005-04-25) [ Groklaw | Groklaw text ]
[info] 474 [PDF] - SCO (Edward Normand) letter of April 19, 2005 to Judge Kimball [SCO v. IBM 474] (2005-04-19) [ Groklaw | Groklaw text ]
[info] 475 [PDF] - IBM (Todd M. Shaughnessy) letter of April 28, 2005 to Judge Kimball [SCO v. IBM 475] (2005-04-28) [ Groklaw | Groklaw text ]
[info] 476 - SCO's Declarations [SCO v. IBM 198] in support of [195] SCO's Motion for Continuance Pursuant to Rule 56(f) [Originally filed in 198, unsealed in 476] (2004-07-09) [ Unsealed ]
[info] 477 - Ron Saint Pierre email of June 12, 2000 regarding Monterey Beta program [Filed sealed as exhibit to SCO v. IBM 317, unsealed in 477] (2000-06-12) [ Unsealed | Groklaw text ]
[info] 478 - IBM's Responses and Objections to SCO's Second Set of Interrogatories and Second Request for the Production of Documents [Originally filed in SCO v. IBM 206-S3, unsealed in 478] (2004-04-19) [ Unsealed | Groklaw text ]
[info] 479 - SCO's Reply [SCO v. IBM 269] to response to [245] ex parte motion for leave to file a supplemental memorandum re: discovery [Original is 269, unsealed in 479] [ Unsealed ]
[info] 480 - SCO's Reply Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 419] in Support of SCO's Motion to Compel IBM to Produce Samuel J. Palmisano for Deposition [Originally filed in 419, unsealed in 480] (2005-03-11) [ Unsealed ]
[info] 481 - SCO's Reply Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 409] in Further Support of Renewed Motion to Compel Discovery [Originally filed as 409, unsealed in 481] (2005-02-25) [ Unsealed ]
[info] 482 - SCO's Supplemental Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 287] Regarding Discovery [Originally filed as 287, unsealed in 482] (2004-08-19) [ Unsealed ]
[info] 483 [PDF] - SCO's Exhibits [SCO v. IBM 483] to the Declaration of Jeremy O. Evans in Support of SCO's Memorandum in Opposition to IBM's Motion for Summary Judgment on Breach of Contract Claims [Exhibits to 350, unsealed in 483]
[info] 484 [PDF] - SCO's Exhibits [SCO v. IBM 484] to Memorandum in Support of Plaintiff's Renewed Motion to Compel
[info] 485 [PDF] - SCO's Exhibits [SCO v. IBM 485] to the Declaration in Support of SCO's Motion for Continuance Pursuant to Rule 56(f)
[info] 486 - Deposition of David Rodgers, June 10, 2004 [Originally filed as SCO v IBM 206-S2, unsealed in 486 and 487] (2004-06-10) [ Unsealed | part 1 | part 2 ]
[info] 487 - Deposition of David Rodgers, June 10, 2004 [Originally filed as SCO v IBM 206-S2, unsealed in 486 and 487] (2004-06-10) [ Unsealed | part 1 | part 2 ]
[info] 488 [PDF] - SCO's Exhibits [SCO v. IBM 488] to SCO's Memorandum In Opposition to IBM's Motion [152] for Summary Judgment on its Tenth Counterclaim for Declaratory Judgment Of Non-Infringement
[info] 489 [PDF] - SCO's Exhibits [SCO v. IBM 489] to the Declaration of Jeremy O. Evans in Support of SCO's Reply Brief in Further Support of its Supplemental Memorandum Regarding Discovery
[info] 490 [PDF] - SCO's Exhibits [SCO v. IBM 490] to SCO's Memorandum in Opposition to IBM's Motion for Entry of Order Limiting Scope of IBM's Ninth Counterclaim [425]
[info] 491 - SCO's Exhibits to [SCO v. IBM 432] SCO's Objections to IBM's Privilege Log and Memorandum in Support of SCO's Request to Compel IBM to Provide Proper Bases for its Privilege Claims [ Unsealed ]
[info] 492 - SCO's Exhibits to [290] Memorandum in Support of SCO's Expedited Motion to Enforce the Court's Amended Scheduling Order Dated 6/10/04 [Filed sealed in SCO v. IBM 293, unsealed in 492 but oversize, so not scanned] [sealed]
[info] 493 - SCO's Exhibits to [SCO v. IBM 365] SCO's Memorandum in Support of Renewed Motion to Compel Discovery [ Unsealed ]
[info] 494 - SCO's Exhibits to [SCO v. IBM 419] SCO's Reply Memorandum in Support of SCO's Motion to Compel IBM to Produce Samuel J. Palmisano for Deposition [ Unsealed ]
[info] 495 - SCO's Exhibits to [SCO v. IBM 323] SCO's Memorandum in Support of Motion for Leave to File Third Amended Complaint [ Unsealed ]
[info] 496 - SCO's Exhibits [SCO v. IBM 496] to Reply Memorandum [409] in Further Support of Renewed Motion to Compel Discovery [Unsealed in 496] [ Unsealed ]
[info] 497 - SCO's Exhibits to [SCO v. IBM 197] SCO's Declarations in Support of IBM's Cross-Motion for Partial Summary Judgment [195] [ Unsealed ]
[info] 498 - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 323] in Support of [322] SCO's Motion for Leave to File 3rd Amended Complaint [Originally filed as 323, unsealed in 498] (2004-10-14) [ Unsealed ]
[info] 499 - IBM's emails between Bill Sandve and Gerry Hackett [Originally filed as 323-7, unsealed in 499] [ Unsealed ]
[info] 500 [PDF] - IBM's Certificate of Service [SCO v. IBM 500] of IBM's First Supplemental Responses and Objections to SCO's Third Set of Interrogatories and Third Request for Production of Documents (2005-08-19)
[info] 501 [PDF] - IBM's Certificate of Service [SCO v. IBM 501] of IBM's First Supplemental Responses and Objections to SCO's Third Set of Interrogatories and Third Request for Production of Documents Appendix (2005-08-19)
[info] 502 - Transcript of Proceedings held on September 15, 2004 (Argument On Motion) before Judge Dale A. Kimball. Court Reporter: Rebecca Janke [sealed]
[info] 503 [PDF] - SCO's Renewed Motion [SCO v. IBM 503] to Compel Discovery (2005-09-06) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 504 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 504] in Support of [503] Renewed Motion to Compel Discovery (2005-09-06) [ Groklaw | Groklaw text ]
[info] 505 - Notice [SCO v. IBM 505] of Hearing on [503] Motion to Compel Discovery, set for October 7, 2005 at 10:00am in Room 436 before Magistrate Judge Brooke C. Wells (2005-09-12) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 506 [PDF] - SCO's Motion and Order [SCO v. IBM 506] Granting motion/PHV for J. Matthew Donohue (2005-09-12)
[info] 507 [PDF] - SCO's Motion and Order [SCO v. IBM 507] Granting motion/PHV for Daniel P. Filor (2005-09-12)
[info] 508 [PDF] - SCO's Expedited Motion [SCO v. IBM 508] and Supporting Memorandum for Leave to Take Additional Depositions (2005-09-20) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 509 [PDF] - IBM's Certificate of Service [SCO v. IBM 509] of IBM's Responses and Objections to SCO's Seventh Request for the Production of Documents (2005-09-19)
[info] 510 - Amended Notice [SCO v. IBM 510] of Hearing on [365] SCO's Renewed Motion to Compel Discovery, [503] SCO's Motion to Compel Discovery, [508] Motion for Discovery, Set for 10/7/2005 10:00 AM in Room 436 before Magistrate Judge Brooke C. Wells
[info] 511 - Stipulation [SCO v. IBM 511] for Enlargement of Time for IBM to Respond to SCO's Renewed Motion to Compel (2005-09-21)
[info] 512 - Order [SCO v. IBM 512] Granting [511] Stipulation for Enlargement of Time for IBM to Respond to SCO's Renewed Motion to Compel (2005-09-22)
[info] 513 [PDF] - IBM's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 513] in Opposition to [503] SCO's Renewed Motion to Compel Discovery (2005-09-26) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 514 [PDF] - IBM's Motion [SCO v. IBM 514] to Compel Production of Documents on SCO's Privilege Log [ Groklaw | Groklaw text ]
[info] 515 - IBM's Request [SCO v. IBM 515] for Oral Argument re: [514] IBM's Motion to Compel Production of Documents on SCO's Privilege Log (2005-09-26) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 516 [PDF] - IBM's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 516] in Support of [514] IBM's Motion to Compel Production of Documents on SCO's Privilege Log (2005-09-26) [ Groklaw | Groklaw text ]
[info] 517 [PDF] - IBM's Declaration [SCO v. IBM 517] of Daniel Frye re: SCO's Renewed Motion to Compel Discovery (2005-09-26) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 518 [PDF] - IBM's Declaration of Todd M. Shaughnessy [SCO v. IBM 518] in Support of IBM's Opposition to SCO's Renewed Motion to Compel [ Groklaw ]
[info] 519 [PDF] - IBM's Declaration of Amy Sorenson [SCO v. IBM 519] in Support of IBM's Motion to Compel Production of Documents on SCO's Privilege Log
[info] 520 - IBM's Attachment E [SCO v. IBM 520] to [518] IBM's Declaration of Todd M. Shaughnessy in Support of IBM's Opposition to SCO's Renewed Motion to Compel (2005-09-26) [sealed]
[info] 521 - Second Amended Notice [SCO v. IBM 521] of Hearing on [365] SCO's Renewed Motion to Compel Discovery, [503] Motion to Compel Discovery, [508] Motion to Compel Discovery, set for 10/7/2005 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Brooke C. Wells, in Courtroom 220 (2005-09-30)
[info] 522 [PDF] - SCO's Reply Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 522] in Further Support of its Renewed Motion to Compel [ Groklaw ]
[info] 523 [PDF] - IBM's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 523] in Opposition to SCO's Motion for Leave to Take Additional Depositions [ Groklaw ]
[info] 524 - Minute Entry [SCO v. IBM 524] for Hearing Held on October 7, 2005 before Judge Brooke C. Wells re: [503] SCO's Motion to Compel Discovery, [508] SCO's Motion for Discovery. The Court hears arguments and rules from bench: denying 503 Motion to Compel, granting in part and denying in part 508 Motion for Discovery - see order for specifics. Counsel for IBM to prepare the order. Hearing set for 12/20/05 at 10:00 a.m. as to dft's remaining motion to compel and pla's renewed motion to be filed by 10/21/05. The Courtroom is to be determined, a notice of hearing will be sent. Court is adjouned.Attorney for Plaintiff: Stuart Singer, Attorney for Defendant David Marriott.(Court Reporter Kelly Hicken.) (2005-10-07) [ Groklaw | transcript | Groklaw transcript ]
[info] 525 [PDF] - Stipulation [SCO v. IBM 525] of Dismissal of IBM's Patent Counterclaims (2005-10-06) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 526 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 526] Granting [525] that IBM's 11th, 12th, and 13th Counterclaims from IBM's 2nd Amended Counterclaims be Dismissed With Prejudice, Signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2005-10-10) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 527 - IBM's Declaration [SCO v. IBM 345] of Todd M. Shaughnessy in Support of IBM's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Motion for Leave to File a Third Amended Complaint [Originally sealed in 345, unsealed in 527] [ Unsealed | Groklaw ]
[info] 528 - IBM's Exhibits [SCO v. IBM 220] to Declaration of Amy F. Sorenson [219] [Originally sealed in 220, unsealed in 528] [ Unsealed | Groklaw ]
[info] 529 [PDF] - IBM's Notice [SCO v. IBM 529] of Unsealing (2005-10-11) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 530 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 530] that SCO is to Refile [366] Renewed Motion to Compel Discovery, Denying [503] SCO's Renewed Motion to Compel Discovery, Increasing Allowable Depositions by 10, Signed October 12, 2005 by Magistrate Judge Brooke Wells (2005-10-12) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 531 [PDF] - Stipulation [SCO v. IBM 531] for Extension of Time for SCO to File Response to [514] IBM's Motion to Compel Production of Documents on SCO's Privilege Log
[info] 532 - Order [SCO v. IBM 532] Granting [531] Stipulation for Extension of Time for SCO to File Response to [514] IBM's Motion to Compel Production of Documents on SCO's PRivilege Log, signed October 20, 2005 by Judge Brooke C. Wells (2005-10-20)
[info] 533 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 532] Granting [531] Stipulation for Extension of Time for SCO to File Response to [514] IBM's Motion to Compel Production of Documents on SCO's PRivilege Log, signed October 18, 2005 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2005-10-18)
[info] 534 [PDF] - SCO's New Renewed Motion [SCO v. IBM 534] to Compel Discovery
[info] 535 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 535] in Opposition to IBM's Motion to Compel Production of Documents on SCO's Privilege Log [ Groklaw | Groklaw text ]
[info] 536 - Notice [SCO v. IBM 536] of Hearing on Motion re: [514] Motion to Compel Production of Documents on SCO's Privilege Log, [534] Motion to Compel Discovery. Set for December 20, 2005 at 10:00am in Room 220 before Magistrate Judge Brooke C. Wells (2005-10-28)
[info] 538 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 538] In Support of [537] SCO's Motion to Compel Discovery (2005-10-27) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 539 [PDF] - SCO's Objection [SCO v. IBM 539] to the Magistrate Court's Order of October 12, 2005 (2005-10-27)
[info] 540 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 540] in Support of [539] SCO's Objection to the Magistrate Court's Order of October 12, 2005 (2005-10-27)
[info] 541 - SCO's Revised Supplemental Response [SCO v. IBM 541] to IBM's Six Sets of Interrogatories (2005-10-28) [sealed]
[info] 542 [PDF] - SCO's Interim Disclosure [SCO v. IBM 542] of Material Misused by IBM (2005-10-28) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 543 [PDF] - IBM's Certificate of Service [SCO v. IBM 543] of Subpoena Duces Tecum upon KPMG (2005-10-28) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 544 - SCO's Exhibit [SCO v. IBM 544] to [542] SCO's Notice of Filing of Interim Disclosure of Material Misused by IBM (2005-10-28) [sealed]
[info] 545 - SCO's Appendix [SCO v. IBM 545] Volumes I Through X to [544] SCO's Exhibit to [542] SCO's Interim Disclosure of Material Misused by IBM (2005-10-31) [sealed]
[info] 546 - Notice of Hearing [SCO v. IBM 546] Status Conference set for November 3, 2005 at 10:30AM in Room 220 before Judge Dale A. Kimball (2005-11-01)
[info] 547 - SCO's Corrections [SCO v. IBM 547] to [544] Exhibit 1 to SCO's Interim Disclosure of Material Misused by IBM (2005-11-03) [sealed]
[info] 548 [PDF] - Stipulation [SCO v. IBM 548] for Enlargement of Time for IBM to File its Reply Memorandum in Support of its Motion to Compel Production of Documents From SCO's Privilege Log (2005-11-04)
[info] 549 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 549] Granting [548] Stipulation for Enlargement of Time for IBM to File its Reply Memorandum in Support of its Motion to Compel Production of Documents From SCO's Privilege Log, Signed November 7, 2005 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2005-11-07)
[info] 550 [PDF] - IBM's Certificate of Service [SCO v. IBM 550] of Subpoena Duces Tecums upon Arthur Anderson LLP c/o CT Corporation System (2005-11-08) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 551 [PDF] - IBM's Certificate of Service [SCO v. IBM 551] of Subpoena Duces Tecums upon Ernst & Young LLP c/o David R. Jolley (2005-11-08) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 552 [PDF] - IBM's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 552] in Opposition to [534] SCO's New Renewed Motion to Compel Discovery (2005-11-08) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 553 [PDF] - IBM's Certificate of Service [SCO v. IBM 553] for Subpoena Duces Tecums Served on KPMG/Craig Omer on 10/31/05
[info] 554 [PDF] - IBM's Certificate of Service [SCO v. IBM 554] of Subpoena Duces Tecum upon Deloitte & Toche c/o Paul G. Child
[info] 555 [PDF] - Stipulation [SCO v. IBM 555] for Extension of Time for IBM to File its Reply Memorandum in Support of its Motion to Compel Production of Documents on SCO's Privilege Log until December 8, 2005 [ Groklaw ]
[info] 556 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 556] Granting [555] Stipulation for Extension of Time for IBM to File its Reply Memorandum in Support of its Motion to Compel Production of Documents on SCO's Privilege Log until December 8, 2005, signed November 14, 2005 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2005-11-14)
[info] 557 [PDF] - Stipulation [SCO v. IBM 557] for Extension of Time for IBM to Respond to SCO's Motion to Compel Discovery by 11/21/2005, and for IBM to Respond to SCO's Objection to Magistrate's Order of 10/12/2005 by 11/21/2005 (2005-11-14) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 558 - IBM's Return of Service [SCO v. IBM 558] Executed for Subpoena served on Deloitte & Touche, c/o Thomas T. Rich on 11/09/2005 (2005-11-14) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 559 - IBM's Return of Service [SCO v. IBM 559] Executed for Subpoena served on Ernst & Young, c/o David Jolley on 11/08/2005 (2005-11-14) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 560 - IBM's Return of Service [SCO v. IBM 560] Executed for Subpoena served on Arthur Andersen, c/o CT Corporation System on 11/09/2005 (2005-11-17) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 561 [PDF] - IBM's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 561] in Opposition to [537] SCO's Motion to Compel Discovery (2005-11-21) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 562 [PDF] - IBM's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 562] in Oposition to [539] SCO's Objections to Magistrate Decision of 10/12/2005 (2005-11-21) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 563 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 563] Granting [557] Motion for Extension of Time, Signed November 23, 2005 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2005-11-23)
[info] 564 [PDF] - SCO's Reply Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 564] in Further Support of SCO's New Renewed Motion to Compel (2005-11-23) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 565 - Notice [SCO v. IBM 565] of Miscellaneous Hearing re: SCO's Objections to Magistrate's Order, set for 12/13/2005 10:30 AM in Room 220 before Judge Dale A. Kimball (2005-12-02)
[info] 566 - SCO's Reply Memorandum in Support of [537] Motion to Compel Discovery (2005-12-06) [sealed]
[info] 567 - SCO's Reply Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 567] in Support of [539] SCO's Objections to Magistrate's Order (2005-12-06) [sealed]
[info] 568 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. IBM 568] to Seal [566] SCO's Reply Memorandum in Support of [537] SCO's Motion to Compel Discovery (2005-12-07)
[info] 569 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. IBM 569] to Seal [567] SCO's Memorandum in Support of [539] Objections (2005-12-07)
[info] 570 [PDF] - Stipulation [SCO v. IBM 570] re: Scheduling Order (2005-12-07)
[info] 571 [PDF] - IBM's Declaration of Todd M. Shaughnessy re: [573] IBM's Reply Memo in Support of Motion to Compel Production of Documents on SCOs Privilege Log [mistakenly filed sealed in 571, unsealed in 578] (2005-12-09) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 572 [PDF] - IBM's Redaction [SCO v. IBM 572] to [571] IBM's Reply Memorandum in Support of Motion to Compel Production of Documents on SCO's Privilege Log (2005-12-08) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 574 [PDF] - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. IBM 574] for Entry of Order Eliminating the Numerical Limit on Requests for Admissions (2005-12-08)
[info] 575 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 575] Granting [574] Stipulated Motion to Eliminate Limitations on Number of Requests for Admissions, signed by Judge Brooke C. Wells on December 9, 2005 (2005-12-09)
[info] 576 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 576] Granting [568] SCO's Motion to Seal, signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball on December 8, 2005. (2005-12-09)
[info] 577 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 577] Granting [569] SCO's Motion to Seal (2005-12-09)
[info] 578 [PDF] - IBM's Declaration of Todd M. Shaughnessy re: [573] IBM's Reply Memo in Support of Motion to Compel Production of Documents on SCOs Privilege Log [mistakenly filed sealed in 571, unsealed in 578] (2005-12-09) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 580 - Minute Entry [SCO v. IBM 580] for Proceedings Held Before Judge Dale A. Kimball : Miscellaneous Hearing re: pla's objections to Magistrate Judge's order held on 12/13/2005. After hearing the arguments of counsel, the Court took the matter under advisement.Attorney for Plaintiff: Ted Normand & Brent Hatch, Attorney for Defendant David Marriott & Todd Shaunessy.(Court Reporter : Mindi Powers.) (2005-12-13) [ Transcript | Groklaw transcript | Groklaw text of transcript ]
[info] 581 - IBM's Certificate of Service [SCO v. IBM 581] re: Discovery (2005-12-14)
[info] 583 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 583] Overruling SCO's Objection to Magistrate Judge's Order of October 12, 2005 and Affirming Magistrate Judge's Order, Signed December 16, 2005 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2005-12-16) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 584 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 584] Granting [574] Stipulated Motion for Entry of Order Eliminating the Numerical Limit on Requests for Admissions, Signed December 9, 2005 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2005-12-15)
[info] 585 [PDF] - IBM's Certificate of Service [SCO v. IBM 585] of IBM's Responses and Objections to SCO's Fifth Set of Interrogatories (2005-12-16)
[info] 586 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 586] Regarding Third Party Subpoena Production, signed December 20, 2005 by Judge Brooke C. Wells (2005-12-20) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 587 - Minute Entry [SCO v. IBM 587] for Hearing Held December 20, 2005 before Judge Brooke C. Wells re: [537] SCO's Motion to Compel Discovery, GRANTED IN PART/DENIED IN PART, affidavits to be provided by January 6, 2006; [514] IBM's Motion to Compel Production of Documents on SCO's Privilege Log, GRANTED, log to be provided by January 6, 2006; [534] SCO's Motion to Compel Discovery FOUND MOOT by Judge Kimball's Ruling; [582] SCO's Motion for Protective Order FOUND MOOT as the parties have reached a resolution, and an order is executed and filed in open court. (2005-12-20) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 588 - Modification of Docket [SCO v. IBM 588]: The previous minute entry contains an error as to ruling on motions. Correction: Motion 534 is GRANTED IN PART AND DENIED IN PART with affidavits due on 1/6/06; Motion 537 is MOOT per Judge Kimball's ruling (2005-12-21)
[info] 589 [PDF] - SCO's Notice [SCO v. IBM 589] of Filing of Disclosure of Material Misused by IBM (2005-12-22) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 590 - SCO's Second Revised Supplemental Response [SCO v. IBM 590] to IBM's Six Sets of Interrogatories (2005-12-22) [sealed]
[info] 591 - SCO's Appendix [SCO v. IBM 591] Volumes I-XX to [589] SCO's Disclosure of Material Misused by IBM (2005-12-22) [sealed]
[info] 592 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. IBM 592] to Compel Discovery (2005-12-29) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 593 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. IBM 593] for Leave to File Excess Pages re: [594] SCO's Memorandum in Support of [592] SCO's Motion to Compel Discovery (2005-12-29) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 594 - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 594] in Support of [592] SCO's Motion to Compel Discovery (2005-12-29) [ Groklaw ] [sealed]
[info] 595 [PDF] - SCO's Declaration [SCO v. IBM 595] of Mark F. James re: [592] SCO's Motion to Compel Discovery (2006-01-03) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 596 - Order [SCO v. IBM 596] Granting [593] SCO's Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages, Signed January 6, 2006 by Judge Brooke C. Wells (2006-01-06)
[info] 597 - IBM's Declaration [SCO v. IBM 597] of Nicholas S. Bowen (2006-01-06)
[info] 598 - IBM's Declaration [SCO v. IBM 598] of Paul M. Horn (2006-01-06)
[info] 599 - IBM's Return of Service [SCO v. IBM 599] of Subpoena served on PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLC, Ivan. P Stolze on January 4, 2006 (2006-01-11)
[info] 600 [PDF] - IBM's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 600] in Opposition to [592] SCO's Motion to Compel Discovery (2006-01-17) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 601 [PDF] - IBM's Declaration [SCO v. IBM 601] of Todd M. Shaughnessy re: [600] IBM's Memorandum in Opposition to [592] SCO's Motion to Compel Discovery (2006-01-17) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 602 - Minute Entry [SCO v. IBM 602] for Telephone Conference held January 19, 2006 before Judge Brooke C. Wells re: Interpretation of order 184 as to production of affidavits or delcarations to be used at deposition (2006-01-19)
[info] 603 - Transcript [SCO v. IBM 603] of Hearing Held December 13, 2005 before Judge Dale A. Kimball (2006-01-24)
[info] 604 - Minute Entry [SCO v. IBM 604] for Telephone Conference held on January 26, 2006 before Judge Brooke C. Wells. The Court Rules The depositions of Otis Wilson and Ted Kennedy ONLY may be extended by 30 days (by 2/26/06). Counsel are to agree on the date and time. As to Mr. Wilson - he is not to be subjected to any questions other than reasonable inferences re: new information ONLY. As to the depositions of the three corporations addressed by SCO, the Court will not address this except via motion, which SCO may file.Attorney for Plaintiff: Ted Normand, Attorney for Defendant Todd Shaughnessey (2006-01-26)
[info] 605 [PDF] - IBM's Certificate of Service [SCO v. IBM 605] of IBM's Responses and Objections to SCO's Sixth Set of Interrogatories (2006-01-30)
[info] 606 [PDF] - IBM's Certificate of Service [SCO v. IBM 606] of IBM's Responses and Objections to SCO's Sixth Set of Interrogatories (2006-01-30)
[info] 607 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. IBM 607] for Leave to Take Certain Prospective Depositions (2006-01-27)
[info] 608 [PDF] - IBM's Certificate of Service [SCO v. IBM 608] of IBM's Responses and Objections to SCO's Ninth Request for the Production of Documents (2006-01-31)
[info] 609 - Modification of Docket [SCO v. IBM 609] - Incorrect PDF was attached to entry no. 605. Correction: the docket text of this entry was modified to reflect that counsel will re-efile the CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by International Business Machines Corporation of IBM's Responses and Objections to SCO's Ninth Request for the Production of Documents (2006-01-31)
[info] 610 - SCO's Reply Memorandum in Support of [592] SCO's Motion to Compel Discovery [filed sealed in 610, redacted in 611] (2006-01-31) [ Unsealed | Groklaw ] [sealed]
[info] 611 - SCO's Reply Memorandum in Support of [592] SCO's Motion to Compel Discovery [filed sealed in 610, redacted in 611] (2006-01-31) [ Unsealed | Groklaw ] [sealed]
[info] 612 [PDF] - Intel's Notice [SCO v. IBM 612] of Appearance by Mark A. Wagner (2006-02-07)
[info] 613 [PDF] - Intel's Response [SCO v. IBM 613] to [607] SCO's Motion for Leave to Take Certain Prospective Depositions (2006-02-07) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 614 [PDF] - Intel's Motion and Order [SCO v. IBM 614 & 615] for Admission Pro Hac Vice for Jessica L. Everett-Garcia [Document image did not attach correctly to 614, so 615 contains notice of the modification of the docket and the image] (2006-02-08)
[info] 615 [PDF] - Intel's Motion and Order [SCO v. IBM 614 & 615] for Admission Pro Hac Vice for Jessica L. Everett-Garcia [Document image did not attach correctly to 614, so 615 contains notice of the modification of the docket and the image] (2006-02-08)
[info] 616 - Notice [SCO v. IBM 616] of Hearing re: [607] SCO's Motion for Leave to Take Certain Prospective Depositions [592] SCO's Motion to Compel Discovery, set for February 24, 2006 at 9:30 AM in Room 220 before Magistrate Judge Brooke C. Wells (2006-02-10)
[info] 617 - IBM's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 617] in Opposition to [607] SCO's Motion for Leave to Take Certain Prospective Depositions (2006-02-13)
[info] 618 - SCO's Redaction [SCO v. IBM 618] to [592] SCO's Declaration of Mark F. James in Support of SCO's Motion to Compel Discovery (2006-02-10)
[info] 619 - IBM's Motion [SCO v. IBM 619] to Limit SCO's Claims Relating to Allegedly Misused Material (2006-02-13)
[info] 620 - IBM's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 620] in Support of [619] IBM's Motion to Limit SCO's Claims Relating to Allegedly Misused Materials (2006-02-13)
[info] 621 [PDF] - SCO's Redaction [SCO v. IBM 621] to [592] SCO's Memorandum in Support of SCO's Motion to Compel Discovery (2006-02-10) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 622 - Amended Notice [SCO v. IBM 622] of Hearing on Motion re: [607] SCO's Motion for Leave to Take Certain Prospective Depositions, [592] SCO's Motion to Compel Discovery. Motion Hearing previously set for 2/24/2006 at 9:30 AM in Room 220 before Magistrate Judge Brooke C. Wells has been reset for 2/24/2006 at 2:30 PM in Room 220 before Magistrate Judge Brooke C. Wells (2006-02-13)
[info] 623 - IBM's Exhibit 4 [SCO v. IBM 623] to [617] IBM's Memorandum in Opposition to [607] SCO's Motion for Leave to Take Certain Prospective Depositions (2006-02-13) [sealed]
[info] 624 - IBM's Certificate of Service [SCO v. IBM 624] of IBM's Seventh Set of Interrogatories (2006-02-15)
[info] 625 - IBM's Certificate of Service [SCO v. IBM 625] of IBM's Eleventh Set of Requests for Admission (2006-02-15)
[info] 626 - SCO's Reply Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 626] in Support of [607] SCO's Motion for Leave to Take Certain Prospective Depositions (2006-02-15) [sealed]
[info] 627 - IBM's Certificate of Service [SCO v. IBM 627] of IBM's Eighth Request for the Production of Documents (2006-02-15)
[info] 628 - SCO's Redaction [SCO v. IBM 628] to [626] SCO's Reply Memorandum in Support of SCO's Motion for Leave to Take Certain Prospective Depositions (2006-02-17)
[info] 629 - Stipulation [SCO v. IBM 629] and Joint Motion Regarding Requests for Admissions (2006-02-17)
[info] 630 - IBM's Notice [SCO v. IBM 630] of Subpoenas Duces Tecum
[info] 631 [PDF] - IBM's Notice [SCO v. IBM 631] of Service of Subpoena Duces Tecum re: Houlihan Valuation Advisors (2006-02-22) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 632 - IBM's Notice [SCO v. IBM 632] of Service of Subpoenas Duces Tecum (2006-02-28)
[info] 633 - Minute Entry [SCO v. IBM 633] for Motion Hearing held on February 24, 2006 before Judge Brooke C. Wells. Court hears arguments and rules as follows: 592 Motion to Compel filed by SCO Group - DENIED without prejudice. A much more detailed and concise motion to compel may be filed within 30 days. 607 MOTION for Leave to Take Certain Prospective Depositions filed by SCO Group - DENIED (2006-02-24)
[info] 634 - IBM's Affidavit [SCO v. IBM 634] of Service for Subpoena Served on Houlihan Valuation Advisors on February 23, 2006 (2006-03-01)
[info] 635 - IBM's Affidavit [SCO v. IBM 635] of Service of Subpoena Served on Michael Sean Wilson on February 22, 2006 (2006-03-02)
[info] 636 - IBM's Affidavit [SCO v. IBM 636] of Service of Subpoena Served on Prentice-Hall/McGraw-Hill on March 1, 2006 (2006-03-02)
[info] 637 - Order [SCO v. IBM 637] Granting [629] Stipulation and Joint Motion regarding Requests for Admission (2006-03-03)
[info] 638 - Letters Rogatory [SCO v. IBM 638] Issued by Clerk's Office and given to IBM Counsel Todd M. Shaughnnessy (2006-03-03)
[info] 639 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. IBM 639] for Leave to File Excess Pages (2006-03-07)
[info] 640 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 640] Granting [639] SCO's Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages (2006-03-08)
[info] 641 [PDF] - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. IBM 641] to Seal Confidential Documents re: [631] Notice of Service of Subpoena on Houlihan Advisors (2006-03-09)
[info] 642 [PDF] - IBM's Notice [SCO v. IBM 642] of Issuance of Subpoenas on Opinder Bawa, Larry Goldfarb of BayStar, Kimble L. Jenkins of Morgan Stanley, Scott Lemon, and Drew A. Spencer (2006-03-09) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 642-A [PDF] - IBM's Subpoena Served on Kimble L. Jenkins of Morgan Keegan [SCO v. IBM 642-A] (2006-03-08)
[info] 642-B [PDF] - IBM's Subpoena Served on Opinder Bawa [SCO v. IBM 642-B] (2006-03-03)
[info] 642-C [PDF] - IBM's Subpoena Served on Larry Goldfarb [SCO v. IBM 642-C] (2006-03-08)
[info] 642-D [PDF] - IBM's Subpoena Served on Scott Lemon [SCO v. IBM 642-D] (2006-03-08)
[info] 642-E [PDF] - IBM's Subpoena Served on Drew Spencer [SCO v. IBM 642-E] (2006-03-08)
[info] 643 - SCO's Memorandum in Opposition to [619] IBM's Motion to Limit SCO's Claims Relating to Allegedly Misused Material (2006-03-07) [sealed]
[info] 644 - IBM's Exhibits [SCO v. IBM 644] to [643] SCO's Memorandum in Opposition to IBMs Motion to Limit SCOs Claims Relating to Misused Material (2006-03-08) [sealed]
[info] 645 - IBM's Certificate of Service [SCO v. IBM 645] of Subpoena Served on Robert Marsh, February 27, 2006 (2006-03-13)
[info] 646 - Minute Entry [SCO v. IBM 646] for Telephone Conference Held March 3, 2006 before Judge Brooke C. Wells re: Letters Rogatory and Depositions. SCO has no objection to the deposition of the witness taking place after the discovery deadline. Parties updated the Court as to the status of the case. The Court directed that should further telephone status conferences be necessary, counsel are to contact the Court for scheduling. Attorney for Plaintiff: Edward Normand, Attorney for Defendant Todd Shaughnessy (2006-03-03)
[info] 647 - Order [SCO v. IBM 647] Granting in Part, Denying in Part [537] Renewed Motion to Compel, [587] Order on Motion to Compel, Order on Motion for Protective Order. Follows Oral Order of December 20, 2005. Signed March 10, 2006 by Judge Brooke C. Wells (2006-03-10)
[info] 648 - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. IBM 648] to Seal Exhibits 1 and 2 of Attachment A of [631] Notice of Subpoena Duces Tecum re: Houlihan Valuation Advisors (2006-03-13)
[info] 649 - Order [SCO v. IBM 649] Granting [641] Motion to Seal, Granting [648] Motion to Seal Document [631] Notice of Subpoena Duces Tecum re: Houlihan Advisors (2006-03-13)
[info] 650 [PDF] - IBM's Certificate of Service [SCO v. IBM 650] for Subpoena Served on Scott Lemon on March 8, 2006 (2006-03-15)
[info] 651 [PDF] - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. IBM 651] for Extension of Time Discovery (2006-03-17)
[info] 652 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 652] Granting [651] Stipulated Motion for Extension of Time of Discovery Deadlines and Dispositive Motions Deadline, Signed March 20, 2006 by Judge Brooke C. Wells (2006-03-20)
[info] 653 - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. IBM 653] to Amend/Correct re: Briefing (2006-03-21)
[info] 654 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 654] Granting [653] Stipulated Motion to Amend/Correct Briefing re: [619] IBM's Motion to Limit SCO's Claims, Signed March 22, 2006 by Judge Brooke C. Wells (2006-03-22)
[info] 655 - Notice [SCO v. IBM 655] of Hearing on [619] IBM's Motion to Limit SCO's Claims Relating to Allegedly Misused Material, set for April 14, 2006 at 3:00pm in Room 220 before Magistrate Judge Brooke C. Wells (2006-03-22)
[info] 656 [PDF] - Documents Lodged [SCO v. IBM 656] Consisting of Order Re Briefing (an order from Magistrate Wells is already on file, see #654) (2006-03-22)
[info] 657 [PDF] - IBM's Reply Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 657] in Further Support of [619] IBM's Motion to Limit SCO's Claims Relating to Allegedly Misused Material (2006-04-04) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 657-A [PDF] - IBM's Timeline [SCO v. IBM 657-A] Showing IBM's Requests for Specificity, the Court's Orders, and SCO's "Repeated Failures to Identify" the Allegedly Misused Code
[info] 657-B [PDF] - IBM's Chart [SCO v. IBM 657-B] Showing SCO's failure "to identify lines of System V, AIX or Dynix, and Linux material with respect to any of the 198 items" [ Groklaw ]
[info] 657-C [PDF] - IBM's Cases [SCO v. IBM 657-C] in Support of [657] IBM's Reply Memorandum
[info] 658 [PDF] - IBM's Declaration [SCO v. IBM 658] of Randall Davis re: SCO's Specificity (2006-04-04)
[info] 658-A [PDF] - Randall Davis' Credentials as an Expert
[info] 658-B [PDF] - IBM's Chart [SCO v. IBM 657-B] Showing SCO's failure "to identify lines of System V, AIX or Dynix, and Linux material with respect to any of the 198 items" [ Groklaw ]
[info] 659 - Notice [SCO v. IBM 659] of Removing Intel's Counsel from Service List (2006-04-04)
[info] 660 - IBM's Declaration [SCO v. IBM 660] of Todd M. Shaughnessy (2006-04-04)
[info] 661 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. IBM 661] for Leave to File Declaration of Marc Rochkind (2006-04-10) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 662 - Amended Notice [SCO v. IBM 662] of Hearing on [619] IBM's Motion to Limit SCO's Claims Relating to Allegedly Misused Material. Hearing previously set for 4/14/06 at 3:00 PM has been reset for 4/14/2006 at 11:00 AM in Room 220 before Magistrate Judge Brooke C. Wells (2006-04-12) [ Groklaw | Transcript | Groklaw transcript ]
[info] 663 [PDF] - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. IBM 663] to Amend/Correct [38] Protective Order (2006-04-12) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 663-A [PDF] - Proposed New Protective Order [SCO v. IBM 663-A]
[info] 664 [PDF] - IBM's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 664] in Opposition to [661] SCO's Motion for Leave to File Declaration of arc Rochkind (2006-04-12) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 665 [PDF] - SCO's Reply Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 665] in Further Support of [661] SCO's Motion for Leave to File Declaration of Marc Rochkind (2006-04-13)
[info] 666 - Addendum [SCO v. IBM 666] to Protective Order (2006-04-14)
[info] 667 - Minute Entry [SCO v. IBM 667] for Hearing Held 4/14/2006 before Judge Brooke C. Wells. Court Grants [661] SCO's Motion for Leave to File Declaration of Marc Rochkind, IBM is given 10 business days to respond to the Declaration. The Court hears arguments re: [619] IBM's Motion to Limit SCO's Claims, taken under advisement. (2006-04-14)
[info] 668 [PDF] - SCO's Declaration [SCO v. IBM 668] of Marc Rochkind [Filed sealed in 668, redacted in 669] (2006-04-14) [sealed]
[info] 669 [PDF] - SCO's Declaration [SCO v. IBM 668] of Marc Rochkind [Filed sealed in 668, redacted in 669] (2006-04-14) [sealed]
[info] 670 - Notice [SCO v. IBM 670] of Modification of Docket text re: [667] Minute Entry (2006-04-20)
[info] 671 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 671] re: [633] Order on Motion to Compel, Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief. Follows oral order of 02/24/2006. Motion [607] for Leave to Take Certain Prospective Depositions is DENIED, [692] Motion to Compel is DENIED, WITHOUT PREJUDICE. SCO is granted leave to file a new motion to compel no later than 3/26/2006, signed by Judge Brooke C. Wells on 4/26/2006 (2006-04-26)
[info] 672 [PDF] - IBM's Rebuttal Declaration [SCO v. IBM 672] of Randall Davis re: [668] Sealed Document, [619] IBM's Motion to Limit SCO's Claims Relating to Allegedly Misused Material (2006-04-28) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 673 - IBM's Rebuttal Declaration [SCO v. IBM 673] of Randall DAvis re: [668] SCO's Declaration of Marc Rochkind (2006-04-28) [sealed]
[info] 674 - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. IBM 674] to Amend/Correct Regarding Requests for Admissions (2006-05-01)
[info] 675 - Order [SCO v. IBM 675] GRANTING [674] Stipulated Motion to Amend/Correct Requests for Admissions. As per parties' stipulation, the parties shall have an extension of time, to and including June 2, 2006, within which to respond to all outstanding Requests for Admission, signed May 2, 2006 by Judge Brooke C. Wells (2006-05-02)
[info] 676 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. IBM 676] to Strike [672] Declaration, [673] Documents re: Declaration of Randall Davis (2006-05-04) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 677 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 677] in Support of [676] SCO's Motion to Strike [672] Declaration, [673] Documents re: Declaration of Randall Davis (2006-05-04)
[info] 678 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. IBM 678] for In-Camera Review of Allegedly Privileged Documents (2006-05-05) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 679 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 679] in Support of [678] SCO's Motion for In-Camera Review of Allegedly Privileged Documents (2006-05-05) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 679-A [PDF] - SCO (Ted Normand) Letter [SCO v. IBM 679-A] of February 6, 2006 to IBM (Todd Shaughnessy) (2006-02-06)
[info] 679-B [PDF] - IBM (Todd Shaughnessy) Letter [SCO v. IBM 679-B] of February 11, 2006 to SCO (Ted Normand) (2006-02-11)
[info] 679-C [PDF] - SCO (Ted Normand) Letter [SCO v. IBM 679-C] of March 8, 2006 to IBM (Todd Shaughnessy) (2006-03-08)
[info] 679-D [PDF] - SCO (Ted Normand) Letter [SCO v. IBM 679-D] of March 8, 2006 to IBM (Todd Shaughnessy) re: Certain Document-Production Issues (2006-03-08)
[info] 679-E [PDF] - SCO (Ted Normand) Letter [SCO v. IBM 679-E] of March 8, 2006 to IBM (Todd Shaughnessy) (2006-03-08)
[info] 679-F [PDF] - IBM (Todd Shaughnessy) Letter [SCO v. IBM 679-F] of March 8, 2006 to SCO (Ted Normand) re: Privilege Log for Documents Re-Claimed as Privileged (2006-03-08)
[info] 679-G [PDF] - SCO (Ted Normand) Letter [SCO v. IBM 679-G] of March 9, 2006 to IBM (Todd Shaughnessy) re: Privilege Log for Documents Re-Claimed as Privileged (2006-03-09)
[info] 679-H [PDF] - SCO (Ted Normand) Letter [SCO v. IBM 679-H] of March 9, 2006 to IBM (Todd Shaughnessy) re: Privilege Log for Documents Re-Claimed as Privileged (2006-03-09)
[info] 679-I [PDF] - SCO (Ted Normand) Letter [SCO v. IBM 679-I] of March 27, 2006 to IBM (Todd Shaughnessy) (2006-03-27)
[info] 679-J [PDF] - IBM (Todd Shaughnessy) Letter [SCO v. IBM 679-J] of March 27, 2006 to SCO (Ted Normand) (2006-03-27)
[info] 679-K [PDF] - SCO (Ted Normand) Letter [SCO v. IBM 679-K] of April 17, 2006 to IBM (Todd Shaughnessy) (2006-04-17)
[info] 679-L [PDF] - SCO (Ted Normand) Letter [SCO v. IBM 679-L] of April 17, 2006 to Joyce Smithson (2006-04-17)
[info] 679-M [PDF] - IBM (Todd Shaughnessy) Letter [SCO v. IBM 679-M] of May 4, 2006 to SCO (Ted Normand) (2006-05-04)
[info] 679-N [PDF] - IBM (Gregory Lembrich) Letter [SCO v. IBM 679-N] of May 5, 2006 to SCO (Ted Normand) (2006-05-05)
[info] 680 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 680] Denying [676] SCO's Motion to Strike [672] Declaration, [673] Documents re: Declaration of Randall Davis, signed May 10, 2006 by Judge Brooke C. Wells (2006-05-10) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 681 [PDF] - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. IBM 681] for Extension of Time Regarding Certain Scheduling Deadlines (2006-05-12) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 682 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 682] GRANTING [681] Stipulated Motion for Extension of Time for Certain Scheduling Deadlines. Initial Expert Reports due: 5/19/06. Opposing Expert Reports due: 6/16/06. Rebuttal Exp Reports due: 7/14/06. Final Deadline for Expert Discovery due: 7/24/06. Dispositive Motions due: 8/4/06. Oppositions to Disp Motions due: 9/8/06. Replies on Disp Motions due: 10/6/06. Signed May 15, 2006 by Judge Brooke C. Wells (2006-05-15)
[info] 683 [PDF] - IBM's Certificate of Service [SCO v. IBM 683] of Expert Reports and Declarations of Professor J. R. Kearl and Brian W. Kernighan (2006-05-22)
[info] 684 [PDF] - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. IBM 684] for Extension of Time to File Response to [678] SCO's Motiuon for In-Camera Review of Allegedly Privileged Documents (2006-05-23)
[info] 685 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 685] Granting [684] Stipulated Motion for Extension of Time to File Response to [678] SCO's Motion for In-Camera Review of Allegedly Privileged Documents (2006-05-24)
[info] 686 [PDF] - SCO's Certificate of Service [SCO v. IBM 686] (2006-05-24)
[info] 687 [PDF] - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. IBM 687] for Extension of Time for IBM to File Memorandum in Opposition to [678] SCO's Motion for In-Camera Review of Allegedly Privileged Documents (2006-05-30)
[info] 688 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 688] Granting [687] Stipulated Motion for Extension of Time, Signed 5/31/2006 by Judge Brooke C. Wells (2006-05-31)
[info] 689 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. IBM 689] for Leave to Withdraw Matthew Donohue as Counsel (2006-05-31)
[info] 690 [PDF] - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. IBM 690] for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery (2006-05-31)
[info] 691 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 691] Granting [690] Stipulated Motion for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery. Signed June 2, 2006 by Judge Brooke C. Wells (2006-06-02)
[info] 692 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 692] Granting [689] SCO's Motion to Withdraw as Attorney, J. Matthew Donohue. Signed June 2, 2006 by Judge Brooke C. Wells (2006-06-02)
[info] 693 [PDF] - IBM's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 693] in Opposition to [678] SCO's Motion for In-Camera Review of Allegedly Privileged Documents (2006-06-06)
[info] 694 [PDF] - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. IBM 694] to Amend/Correct [466] Memorandum Decision (2006-06-08)
[info] 695 [PDF] - IBM's Motion [SCO v. IBM 695] to Strike Allegations in Excess of the Final Disclosures (2006-06-08)
[info] 696 [PDF] - IBM's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 696] in Support of [695] IBM's Motion to Strike Allegations in Excess of the Final Disclosures (2006-06-08)
[info] 697 [PDF] - IBM's Request [SCO v. IBM 697] for Expedited Briefing and Hearing re: [695] IBM's Motion to Strike Allegations in Excess of the Final Disclosures, [696] IBM's Memorandum in Support of [695] Motion to Strike (2006-06-08)
[info] 698 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. IBM 698] to Withdraw Mark R. Clements as Counsel (2006-06-09)
[info] 699 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 699] in Response to [697] IBM's Request for Expedited Briefing and Hearing re: [695] IBM's Motion to Strike Allegations in Excess of the Final Disclosures (2006-06-12)
[info] 700 [PDF] - IBM's Memorandum [700] in Response to [697] IBM's Request for Expedited Briefing and Hearing (2006-06-13)
[info] 701 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 701] Granting [697] IBM's Request for Expedited Briefing and Hearing re: IBM's Motion to Strike SCO's Allegations in Excess of the Final Disclosures. SCO's Opposition to Motion due; 6/19/2006; IBM's Reply Due 6/26/2006; A hearing will be held after briefing is completed. Signed June 13, 2006 by Judge Brooke C. Wells (2006-06-13)
[info] 702 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 702] Granting [698] SCO's Motion to Withdraw as Attorney Mark R. Clements. Signed June 12, 2006 by Brooke C. Wells (2006-06-12)
[info] 703 [PDF] - Amended Order [SCO v. IBM 703] Granting [697] Request for Expedited Briefing and Hearing on IBM's Motion to Strike SCO's Allegations in Excess of the Final Disclosures. Amends [702]. SCO to file any opposition to IBMs Motion to Strike by 6/19/06 at 5:00 p.m. IBM is to file any reply by 6/26/06 at 5:00 p.m. A hearing will be held on the motion after issue is fully briefed. Signed June 14, 2006 by Judge Brooke C. Wells. (2006-06-14)
[info] 704 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 704] of Amendment to Scheduling Order: Expert Discovery due by 9/22/2006; Motions due by 9/25/2006. Signed June 13, 2006 by Judge Brooke C. Wells (2006-06-13)
[info] 705 [PDF] - Notice [SCO v. IBM 705] of Conventional Filing of Memorandum in Opposition to [695] IBM's Motion to Confine SCO's Claims to, and Strike Allegations in Excess of, the Final Disclosures (2006-06-19)
[info] 706 [PDF] - SCO's Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages (2006-06-19)
[info] 707 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 707] in Opposition to [695] IBM's Motion to Confine Claims to and to Strike Allegations in Excess of the Final Disclosures (2006-06-19)
[info] 708 [PDF] - Exhibits [SCO v. IBM 708] 12, 13, 14, 18, and 19 to [707] SCO's Memorandum in Opposition to [695] IBM's Motion to Confine Claims (2006-06-19)
[info] 709 [PDF] - Modification of Docket [SCO v. IBM 709] re: Exhibits left off [708] re: SCO's Memorandum in Opposition (2006-06-20)
[info] 710 - Sealed Exhibits [SCO v. IBM 710] to [707] SCO's Memorandum in Opposition to [695] IBM's Motion (2006-06-19) [sealed]
[info] 711 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 711] Granting [706] SCO's Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages. Signed June 20, 2006 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2006-06-20)
[info] 712 [PDF] - SCO's Response Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 712] in Support of [678] SCO's Motion for In-Camera Review of Allegedly Privileged Documents (2006-06-20)
[info] 713 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 713] Granting in part and Denying in part [678] SCO's Motion for In-Camera Review of Allegedly Privileged Documents. Signed June 20, 2006 by Judge Brooke C. Wells (2006-06-20)
[info] 714 - Sealed Exhibit [SCO v. IBM 714] 11 re: [707] Memorandum in Opposition (2006-06-20) [sealed]
[info] 715 [PDF] - SCO's Certificate of Service [SCO v. IBM 715] of [714] Sealed Exhibit (2006-06-20)
[info] 716 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 716] re: [678] SCO's Motion for In-Camera Review, [712] SCO's Response Memorandum. IBM is to provide SCO a copy of the declarations from Sharon Dobbs and Mark Walker by June 30, 2006. These declarations are to be filed with the court under seal by June 30, 2006. SCO may file a reply memorandum in support of its motion, if it chooses, by July 7, 2006. Signed June 22, 2006 by Judge Brooke C. Wells. (2006-06-22)
[info] 717 [PDF] - IBM's Response Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 717] re: [695] IBM's Motion to Strike Allegations in Excess of the Final Disclosures (2006-06-26)
[info] 718 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 718] Granting [619] IBM's Motion to Limit SCO's Claims. Signed June 28, 2006 by Judge Brooke C. Wells (2006-06-26)
[info] 719 [PDF] - Notice [SCO v. IBM 719] of Modification of Docket re: [718] Order on Motion to Limit SCO's Claims (2006-06-30)
[info] 720 [PDF] - SCO's Response Memorandum [SCO v' IBM 720] in Support of [678] SCO's Motion for In-Camera Review of Allegedly Privileged Documents (2006-07-07)
[info] 721 [PDF] - SCO's Notice [SCO v. IBM 721] of Conventional Filing of SCO's Objections to Order Granting in Part IBM's Motion to Limit SCO's Claims (2006-07-13)
[info] 722 [PDF] - SCO's Notice [SCO v. IBM 722] of Conventional Filing of Declaration of Mark F. James (2006-07-13)
[info] 723 [PDF] - SCO's Ex-Parte Motion [SCO v. IBM 723] for Leave to File Excess Pages re: Objections to Order Granting in Part IBM's Motions to Limit SCO's Claims (2006-07-13)
[info] 723-A [PDF] - SCO's Proposed Order [SCO v. IBM 723-A] Granting [723] SCO's Ex-Parte Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages re; SCO's Objections to Order Granting in Part IBM's Motions to Limit SCO's Claims (2006-07-13)
[info] 733 - SCO's Motion [SCO v. IBM 733] to Withdraw as Attorney Dan Filor (2006-08-14)
[info] 734 - IBM's Notice [SCO v. IBM 734] of Conventional Filing of IBM's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Objections to Magistrate Judge Wells' Order of June 28, 2006, and the Declaration of Todd M. Shaughnessy (2006-08-14)
[info] 735 - IBM's Ex-Parte Motion [SCO v. IBM 735] for Leave to File Excess Pages in Opposition to SCO's Objections to Magistrate Judge Wells' Order of June 28, 2006 (2006-08-14)
[info] 736 - IBM's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 736] in Opposition to [724] SCO's Objections to Magistrate Judge Wells' Order of June 28, 2006 [Filed sealed in 736, Redacted in 748] [ Redacted ]
[info] 772 - SCO's Notice [SCO v. IBM 772] of Conventional Filing of Exhibits to SCO's Memorandum in Support of SCO's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on SCO's Third Cause of Action for Breach of Contract (2006-09-25)
[info] 773 - IBM's Motion [SCO v. IBM 773] for Leave to File Additional Declarations in Support of Motions for Summary Judgment (2006-09-25)
[info] 825 - Order [SCO v. IBM 825] Granting [823] IBM's Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice for Roger G. Brooks, signed September 29, 2006 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2006-09-29)
[info] 826 - IBM's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 826] in Support of [784] IBM's Motion for Summary Judgment on IBM's Eighth Counterclaim for Copyright Infringement (2006-09-29)
[info] 827 - IBM's Declaration [SCO v. IBM 827] of Todd M. Shaughnessy (Second Supplemental) (2006-09-29)
[info] 828 - IBM's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 828] in Support of [783] IBM's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Interference Claims [Redacted] (2006-09-29)
[info] 829 - IBM's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 829] in Support of [781] IBM's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Copyright Claim [Redacted] (2006-09-29)
[info] 830 [PDF] - IBM's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 830] in Support of [782] IBM's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Unfair Competition Claim [Redacted] (2006-09-29) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 831 - IBM's Notice [SCO v. IBM 831] of Conventional Filing of IBM's Redacted Memorandum in Support of its Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Contract Claims (SCO's First, Second, Third, and Fourth Causes of Action), and IBM's Redacted Memorandum in Support of its Motion for Summary Judgment on its Claim for Declaratory Judgment of Non-Infringement (IBM's Tenth Counterclaim) (2006-09-29)
[info] 832 - IBM's Redacted Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 832] in Support of [780] IBM's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Contract Claims (2006-09-29)
[info] 833 - Modification of Docket [SCO v. IBM 833] - Did not attach second half of PDF for [832] Redacted Memorandum in Support (2006-10-02)
[info] 834 - IBM's Notice [SCO v. IBM 834] of Conventional Filing of Declaration of Todd M. Shaughnessy (2006-10-04)
[info] 835 [PDF] - IBM's Declaration [SCO v. IBM 835] of Todd M. Shaughnessy (exhibits submitted on DVD) (2006-10-04) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 836 - IBM's Amended Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 836] in Support of [783] IBM's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Interference Claims (2006-10-05)
[info] 837 - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. IBM 837] For Extension of Time re: Various Deadlines (2006-10-11)
[info] 838 [PDF] - IBM's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 838] in Support of Summary Judgment re: 10th Counterclaim [filed sealed in 805, redacted in 838] (2006-10-13)
[info] 839 - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. IBM 839] for Extension of Time re: Deadlines (2006-10-18)
[info] 840 - Order [SCO v. IBM 840] Granting [839] Stipulated Motion for Extension of Time re: Deadlines (2006-10-19)
[info] 841 [PDF] - SCO's Notice [SCO v. IBM 841] of Conventional Filing of SCO's Motion for a Protective Order re: Dr. Jeffrey Leitzinger's Personal Financial Information and Certificate of Compliance with Rule 37(c) [filed sealed in 841, unsealed in 845] (2006-10-20) [ Groklaw | Redacted ]
[info] 844 - Minute Entry [SCO v. IBM 844] for Proceedings Held Before Judge Dale A. Kimball: Miscellaneous Hearing re: SCO's Objections to Magistrate Judge Wells' Order. The Court took the matter under advisement. After discussion with the attorneys, the Court vacated the trial date of 2/26/07 to allow time for the pending motions to be briefed, heard, and decided prior to trial.Attorneys for Plaintiff: Stuart Singer, Mark James, Sashi Boruchow; Attorneys for Defendant: David Marriott, Todd Shaughnessey, Michael Burke, Wing Chiu. (2006-10-24) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 845 [PDF] - SCO's Notice [SCO v. IBM 841] of Conventional Filing of SCO's Motion for a Protective Order re: Dr. Jeffrey Leitzinger's Personal Financial Information and Certificate of Compliance with Rule 37(c) [filed sealed in 841, unsealed in 845] (2006-10-20) [ Groklaw | Redacted ]
[info] 846 [PDF] - SCO's Joint Motion [SCO v. IBM 846] for Extension of Time to File Opposition to Summary Judgment Motions (2006-11-01) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 847 [PDF] - IBM's Response [SCO v. IBM 847] to [846] SCO's Motion for Extension of Time to File Opposition to Summary Judgment Motions (2006-11-01) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 848 [PDF] - IBM's Notice [SCO v. IBM 848] of Conventional Filing of IBM's Memorandum in Opposition to [845] SCO's Motion for a Protective Order Regarding Dr. Jeffrey Leitzinger's Personal Financial Information and Certificate of Compliance with Rule 37(c) (2006-11-07) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 849 [PDF] - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. IBM 849] for Extension of Time re: Deadlines (2006-11-07) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 850 [PDF] - Mail Returned as Undeliverable [SCO v. IBM 850] to Frederick S. Frei (2006-11-08) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 851 [PDF] - IBM's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 851] in Opposition to [842] SCO's Motion for Protective Order Regarding Dr. Jeffrey Leitzinger's Personal Financial Information and Certificate of Compliance with Rule 37(c) [Filed Sealed in 851, unsealed in 852] (2006-11-07) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 852 [PDF] - IBM's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 851] in Opposition to [842] SCO's Motion for Protective Order Regarding Dr. Jeffrey Leitzinger's Personal Financial Information and Certificate of Compliance with Rule 37(c) [Filed Sealed in 851, unsealed in 852] (2006-11-07) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 853 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 853] Granting [849] Stipulated Motion for Extension of Time re: Deadlines, Signed November 8, 2006 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2006-11-08) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 854 - Notice [SCO v. IBM 854] of Hearing on Motion re: [695] IBM's Motion to Strik Allegations in Excess of the Final Disclosures: Motion Hearing Previously set for 11/15/2006 at 10:30am has been reset for 11/30/2006 at 3:30pm in Room 102 before Magistrate Judge Brooke C. Wells (2006-11-09)
[info] 855 [PDF] - IBM's Motion [SCO v. IBM 855] for Leave to File Excess Pages re: IBM's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Motion Regarding Spoliation (2006-11-10)
[info] 856 [PDF] - IBM's Notice [SCO v. IBM 856] of Conventional Filing of 1) Declaration of Todd M. Shaughnessy; (2) IBM's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Motion Regarding Spoliation; (3) IBM's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on SCO's Third Cause of Action, for Breach of Contract; (4) IBM's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Motion for Summary Judgment on IBM's Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Counterclaims; and (5) IBM's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on IBM's Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Counterclaims filed by Defendant International Business Machines Corporation re [775] MOTION for Summary Judgment on SCO's Third Cause of Action, For Breach of Contract, [776] MOTION for Summary Judgment on IBM's Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Counterclaims, [778] MOTION for Relief for IBM's Spoliation of Evidence, [777] MOTION for Summary Judgment on IBM's Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Counterclaims (2006-11-10)
[info] 857 - SCO's Ex Parte Motion [SCO v. IBM 857] for Leave to File Excess Pages (2006-11-11)
[info] 858 - SCO's Notice of Conventional Filing [SCO v. IBM 858] of Opposition Memoranda and Declaration of Brent O. Hatch (2006-11-11)
[info] 859 - Order [SCO v. IBM 859] Granting [855] Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages, signed November 13, 2006 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2006-11-13)
[info] 860 - Order [SCO v. IBM 860] Granting [857] Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages, signed November 13, 2006 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2006-11-13)
[info] 861 - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 861] in Opposition to [782] IBM's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Unfair Competition Claim (2006-11-11) [sealed]
[info] 862 - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 862] in Opposition to [233] IBM's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment re: IBM's 8th Counterclaim of Copyright Infringement [Filed sealed in 862, Redacted in 954] (2006-11-11) [ Redacted | Groklaw ] [sealed]
[info] 863 - IBM's Memorandum in Opposition [SCO v. IBM 863] to [775] SCO's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Third Cause of Action, for Breach of Contract [Filed sealed in 863, redacted in 883] (2006-11-10) [ Redacted ] [sealed]
[info] 864 - IBM's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 864] in Opposition to [778] SCO's Motion for Relief for IBM's Spoliation of Evidence [Filed Sealed in 864, redacted in 879] (2006-11-10) [ Redacted | Groklaw ] [sealed]
[info] 865 - IBM's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 865] in Opposition to [776] SCO's Motion for Summary Judgment on IBM's Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Counterclaims [Filed sealed in 865, redacted in 882] (2006-11-10) [ Redacted | Groklaw text ] [sealed]
[info] 866 - IBM's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 866] in Opposition to [777] SCO's Motion for Summary Judgment on IBM's Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Counterclaims [Filed sealed in 866, redacted in 881] (2006-11-10) [ Redacted ] [sealed]
[info] 867 - IBM's Declaration [SCO v. IBM 867] of Todd M. Shaughnessy (2006-11-10) [sealed]
[info] 868 - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 868] in Opposition to [783] IBM's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Interference Claims (2006-11-11) [sealed]
[info] 869 - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 869] in Opposition to [781] IBM's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Copyright Claim [Filed Sealed in 869, redacted in 903] (2006-11-11) [ Redacted ] [sealed]
[info] 870 - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 871] in Opposition to [785] IBM's Motion for Summary Judgment on IBM's Tenth Counterclaim, part 2 (2006-11-11) [sealed]
[info] 872 - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 872] in Opposition to [780] IBM's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Contract Claims, part 1 of 4 [Filed sealed in 872-875, Redacted in 960] (2006-11-11) [ Redacted | Appendix A ] [sealed]
[info] 873 - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 873] in Opposition to [780] IBM's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Contract Claims, part 3 of 4 (2006-11-11) [sealed]
[info] 874 - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 874] in Opposition to [780] IBM's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Contract Claims (2006-11-11) [sealed]
[info] 875 - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 875] in Opposition to [780] IBM's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Contract Claims, part 4 of 4 (2006-11-11) [sealed]
[info] 876 - SCO's Declaration [SCO v. IBM 876] of Brent O. Hatch (2006-11-11) [sealed]
[info] 877 - SCO's Notice [SCO v. IBM 877] of Conventional Filing of SCO's Memorandum in Support of SCO's Motion for a Protective Order Regarding Dr. Jeffrey Leitzinger's Personal Financial Information (2006-11-17)
[info] 878 - SCO's Reply Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 878] in Support of SCO's Motion for a Protective Order Regarding Dr. Jeffrey Leitzinger's Personal Financial Information (2006-11-17) [sealed]
[info] 879 - IBM's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 864] in Opposition to [778] SCO's Motion for Relief for IBM's Spoliation of Evidence [Filed Sealed in 864, redacted in 879] (2006-11-10) [ Redacted | Groklaw ] [sealed]
[info] 880 [PDF] - IBM's Declaration [SCO v. IBM 880] of Todd M. Shaughnessy (2006-11-22) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 881 - IBM's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 866] in Opposition to [777] SCO's Motion for Summary Judgment on IBM's Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Counterclaims [Filed sealed in 866, redacted in 881] (2006-11-10) [ Redacted ] [sealed]
[info] 882 - IBM's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 865] in Opposition to [776] SCO's Motion for Summary Judgment on IBM's Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Counterclaims [Filed sealed in 865, redacted in 882] (2006-11-10) [ Redacted | Groklaw text ] [sealed]
[info] 883 - IBM's Memorandum in Opposition [SCO v. IBM 863] to [775] SCO's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Third Cause of Action, for Breach of Contract [Filed sealed in 863, redacted in 883] (2006-11-10) [ Redacted ] [sealed]
[info] 884 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 884] Overruling [539] SCO's Objections to Magistrate's Order Granting in Part IBM's Motion to Limit SCO's Claims. Magistrate Judge's Order is Affirmed and Adopted in its entirety. Trial set for 2/26/07 is VACATED. Oral Argument is set for pending motions for summary jgm as follows: 3/1/07 from 3:00p.m. to 5:00p.m., 3/5/07 from 2:30p.m. to 5:00p.m., and 3/7/07 from 2:30p.m. to 5:00p.m. Signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball on 11/29/06 (2006-11-29) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 885 - Notice [SCO v. IBM 885] of Hearing on Motions set for March 1, 2007 at 3:00pm in Room 220 before Judge Dale A. Kimball (2006-11-29)
[info] 886 - Notice [SCO v. IBM 886] of Hearing on Motions set for March 5, 2007 at 2:30pm in Room 220 before Judge Dale A. Kimball (2006-11-29)
[info] 887 - Notice [SCO v. IBM 887] of Hearing on Motions set for March 7, 2007 at 2:30pm in Room 220 before Judge Dale A. Kimball (2006-11-29)
[info] 888 - Minute Entry [SCO v. IBM 888] for Proceedings held before Judge Brooke C. Wells on November 30, 2006. Court granted 695 MOTION to Strike Allegations in Excess of the Final Disclosures filed by International Business Machines Corporation. Written Order to be prepared by Mr. Marriott. (2006-11-30) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 889 [PDF] - SCO's Notice [SCO v. IBM 889] of Conventional Filing of SCO's Reply Memorandum in Support of SCO's Motion for Relief for IBM's Spoliation of Evidence (2006-12-01)
[info] 890 - SCO's Ex Parte Motion [SCO v. IBM 890] for Leave to File over-length Reply Memorandum (2006-12-01)
[info] 891 - SCO's Reply Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 891] in Further Support of [778] SCO's Motion for Relief for IBM's Spoliation of Evidence (2006-12-01)
[info] 892 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 892] Granting [890] SCO's Motion for Leave to file over-length Memorandum (2006-12-06)
[info] 893 [PDF] - SCO's Notice [SCO v. IBM 893] of Conventional Filing of SCO's Motion for Reconsideration of November 29th Order and Memorandum in Support of SCO's Motion for Reconsideration of November 29th Order (2006-12-13)
[info] 894 - SCO's Request [SCO v. IBM 897] for Reconsideration of November 29th Order [Filed sealed in 894, redacted in 897 or 902?] (2006-12-14) [ Redacted | 902 ]
[info] 895 - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 895] in Support of [894] SCO's Motion to Reconsider Order #884 dated November 29, 2006 (2006-12-13) [sealed]
[info] 896 - Notice [SCO v. IBM 896] of Hearing on [845] SCO's Motion for Protective Order re: Dr. Jeffrey Leitzinger's Personal Financial Information and Certificate of Compliance with Rule 37(c), [842] Motion, [778] SCO's Motion for Relief for IBM's Spoliation of Evidence. Motion Hearing set for January 18, 2007 at 9:30AM in Room 102 before Magistrate Judge Brooke C. Wells (2006-12-14)
[info] 897 - SCO's Request [SCO v. IBM 897] for Reconsideration of November 29th Order [Filed sealed in 894, redacted in 897 or 902?] (2006-12-14) [ Redacted | 902 ]
[info] 898 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 898] in Support of [897] SCO's Request for Reconsideration (2006-12-14)
[info] 899 [PDF] - SCO's Objection [SCO v. IBM 899] to Magistrate Judge Decision (2006-12-14)
[info] 900 - Notice [SCO v. IBM 900] of Deficiency re: [897] Request for Reconsideration. The document was filed as a request and would be better filed as a motion. The court asks the filer of the original document to file the pleading again. The new pleading will receive a new document number on the docket. (2006-12-18)
[info] 901 [PDF] - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. IBM 901] for Extension of Time to File Reply Memoranda in Further Support of Pending Motions for Summary Judgment (2006-12-18)
[info] 902 - SCO's Request [SCO v. IBM 897] for Reconsideration of November 29th Order [Filed sealed in 894, redacted in 897 or 902?] (2006-12-14) [ Redacted | 902 ]
[info] 903 - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 869] in Opposition to [781] IBM's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Copyright Claim [Filed Sealed in 869, redacted in 903] (2006-11-11) [ Redacted ] [sealed]
[info] 904 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 901] Granting [901] Stipulated Motion for Extension of Time to File Reply Memoranda in Further Support of Pending Motions for Summary Judgment (2006-12-21)
[info] 905 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. IBM 905] for Admission Pro Hac Vice for Sashi Bach Boruchow (2006-12-21)
[info] 906 [PDF] - Written Order [SCO v. IBM 906] Following [888] Oral Order at Hearing of November 30, 2006, Granting IBM's Motion to Strike. Signed December 21, 2006 by Judge Brooke C. Wells (2006-12-21)
[info] 907 - SCO's Memorandum in Opposition to IBM's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Unfair Competition Claim [Filed with improper redactions in 907, refiled in 909] (2006-12-27) [ Redacted ]
[info] 908 - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 908] in Opposition to IBM's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Interference Claims [Filed improperly redacted in 908, refiled in 910] (2006-12-27) [ Redacted ]
[info] 909 - SCO's Memorandum in Opposition to IBM's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Unfair Competition Claim [Filed with improper redactions in 907, refiled in 909] (2006-12-27) [ Redacted ]
[info] 910 - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 908] in Opposition to IBM's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Interference Claims [Filed improperly redacted in 908, refiled in 910] (2006-12-27) [ Redacted ]
[info] 911 - IBM's Motion [SCO v. IBM 911] for Extension of Time to File Response to [894] SCO's Motion for Reconsideration (2007-01-02)
[info] 912 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 912] Granting [911] IBM's Motion for Extension of Time to File Response to [894] SCO's Motion for Reconsideration. Signed January 3, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-01-03) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 913 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. IBM 913] to Amend/Correct December 2005 Submission (2007-01-09) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 914 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 914] in Support of [913] SCO's Motion to Amend/Correct December 2005 Submission (2007-01-09) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 915 [PDF] - SCO's Notice [SCO v. IBM 915] of Conventional Filing of Exhibits 1, 2, and 3 to [914] SCO's Memorandum in Support of [913] SCO's Motion to Amend/Correct December 2005 Submission (2007-01-09) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 916 [PDF] - SCO's Notice [SCO v. IBM 916] of Conventional Filing of SCO's Memorandum in Support of its Objections to the Magistrate Judge's Order on IBM's Motion to Confine (2007-01-09) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 917 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. IBM 917] for Leave to File Overlengh Memorandum in Support of its Objections to the Magistrate Judge's Order on IBM's Motion to Confine (2007-01-09) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 918 [PDF] - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. IBM 918] for Extension of Time of Deadlines (2007-01-10) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 919 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 919] Granting [917] SCO's Motion for Leave to File Overlength Memorandum in Support of Objections to the Magistrate Judge's Order on IBM's Motion to Confine. Signed January 10, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-01-10)
[info] 920 - Order [SCO v. IBM 920] Granting [905] SCO's Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Sashi Bach Boruchow. Signed January 8, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball. (2007-01-09)
[info] 921 - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 921] in Support of [899] SCO's Objection to Magistrate Judge Decision (2007-01-09) [sealed]
[info] 922 - SCO's Exhibits [SCO v. IBM 922] 1, 2, and 3 to [914] SCO's Memorandum in Support of [913] SCO's Motion to Amend/Correct December 2005 Submission (2007-01-09) [sealed]
[info] 923 [PDF] - IBM's Motion [SCO v. IBM 923] for Leave to File Excess Pages (2007-01-12)
[info] 924 [PDF] - IBM's Notice [SCO v. IBM 924] of Conventional Filing of (1) IBM's Reply Memorandum in Further Support of its Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Contract Claims (SCO's First, Second, Third and Fourth Causes of Action); (2) IBM's Reply Memorandum in Further Support of Its Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Copyright Claim (SCO's Fifth Cause of Action); (3) IBM's Reply Memorandum in Further Support of Its Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Unfair Competition Claim (SCO's Sixth Cause of Action); (4) IBM's Reply Memorandum in Further Support of Its Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Interference Claims (SCO's Seventh, Eighth and Ninth Causes of Action); (5) IBM's Reply Memorandum in Further Support of Its Motion for Summary Judgment Regarding Its Claim for Declaratory Judgment of Non-Infringement (IBM's Tenth Counterclaim); (6) IBM's Reply Memorandum in Further Support of Its Motion for Summary Judgment on Its Claim for Copyright Infringement Claim (IBM's Eighth Counterclaim); (7) Declaration of Todd M. Shaughnessy; (8) Supplemental Declaration of Todd M. Shaughnessy (2007-01-12)
[info] 925 [PDF] - SCO's Notice [SCO v. IBM 925] of Conventional Filing of SCO's Reply Memorandum in Further Support of SCO's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Third Cause of Action, for Breach of Contract (2007-01-12)
[info] 926 [PDF] - SCO's Notice [SCO v. IBM 926] of Conventional Filing of SCO's Reply Memorandum in Further Support of Motion for Summary Judgment on IBM's Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Counterclaims (2007-01-12)
[info] 927 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. IBM 927] for Leave to File Overlength Reply Memorandum in Further Support of SCO's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on SCO's Third Cause of Action, for Breach of Contract (2007-01-12)
[info] 928 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. IBM 928] for Leave to File Overlength Reply Memorandum in Support of SCO's Motion for Summary Judgment on IBM's Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Counterclaims (2007-01-12)
[info] 929 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. IBM 929] for Leave to File Overlength Reply Memorandum in Support of SCO's Motion for Summary Judgment on IBM's Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Counterclaims (2007-01-12)
[info] 930 [PDF] - SCO's Reply Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 930] in Support of [777] SCO's Motion for Summary Judgment on IBM's Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Counterclaims (2007-01-12) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 931 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 931] Granting [918] Stipulated Motion for Extension of Time regarding Deadlines. Signed January 16, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball
[info] 932 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 932] Granting [923] Motion for Leave to file Excess Pages. Signed January 16, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball
[info] 933 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 933] Granting [927] Motion for Leave to File Overlength Reply Memorandum. Signed January 16, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball
[info] 934 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 934] Granting [929] Motion for Leave to File Overlength Memorandum. Signed January 16, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball
[info] 935 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 935] Granting [928] Motion for Leave to File Overlength Reply Memorandum. Signed January 16, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball
[info] 936 [PDF] - IBM's Motion [SCO v. IBM 936] for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Michael P. Burke [ Groklaw ]
[info] 937 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 937] Granting [936] IBM's Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Michael P. Burke. Signed January 16, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball [ Groklaw ]
[info] 939 - IBM's Reply Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 939] in Support of [780] IBM's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Contract Claims, part 2 of 2 [sealed]
[info] 941 - IBM's Declaration [SCO v. IBM 941] of Todd M. Shaughnessy [sealed]
[info] 942 - IBM's Reply Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 942] in Support of [781] IBM's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Copyright Claim [Filed Sealed in 942, Redacted in 977] [ Redacted | Addendum A | Addendum B ] [sealed]
[info] 943 - SCO's Reply Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 943] in Support of [775] SCO's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Third Cause of Action, for Breach of Contract [sealed]
[info] 944 - SCO's Reply Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 944] in Support of [776] SCO's Motion for Summary Judgment on IBM's Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Counterclaims [sealed]
[info] 945 - IBM's Reply Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 945] in Support of [784] IBM's Motion for Summary Judgment on IBM's Eighth Counterclaim [Filed Sealed in 945, Redacted in 980] [ Redacted | Addendum A | Addendum B ] [sealed]
[info] 946 - IBM's Reply Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 946] in Support of [783] IBM's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Interference Claims [Filed Sealed in 946, Redacted in 979] [ Redacted | Addendum A | Addendum B ] [sealed]
[info] 947 - IBM's Reply Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 947] in Support of [782] IBM's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Unfair Competition Claim [Filed Sealed in 947, Redacted in 978] [ Redacted | Addendum A | Addendum B ] [sealed]
[info] 948 - IBM's Supplemental Declaration [SCO v. IBM 948] of Todd M. Shaughnessy [sealed]
[info] 950 [PDF] - IBM's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 950] in Opposition to [894] SCO's Motion for Reconsideration of the Court's Order of November 29, 2006
[info] 951 [PDF] - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. IBM 951] for Extension of Time for IBM to file its Opposition to SCO's Objections to Magistrate Judge's order on IBM's Motion to Confine, and SCO's Motion to Amend/Correct December 2005 Submission
[info] 952 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 952] Granting [951] Stipulated Motion for Extension of Time. Signed January 26, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball
[info] 953 [PDF] - SCO's Ex Parte Motion [SCO v. IBM 953] for Leave to File Overlength Reply Memorandum in Support of SCO's Motion for Reconsideration of the Court's Order of November 29, 2006.
[info] 954 - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 862] in Opposition to [233] IBM's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment re: IBM's 8th Counterclaim of Copyright Infringement [Filed sealed in 862, Redacted in 954] (2006-11-11) [ Redacted | Groklaw ] [sealed]
[info] 955 [PDF] - SCO's Response Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 955] in Support of [894] SCO's Motion for Reconsideration [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 956 - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 870] in Opposition to [785] IBM's Motion for Summary Judgment on IBM's Tenth Counterclaim [Filed Sealed in 870, Redacted in 956] (2006-11-11) [ Redacted | Appendix A | Groklaw ] [sealed]
[info] 957 [PDF] - IBM's Motion [SCO v. IBM 957] for Extension of Time to File Response to [913] SCO's Motion to Amend/Correct December 2005 Submission, [899] SCO's Objection to Magistrate Judge Decision (2007-02-08)
[info] 958 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 958] Granting SCO's Motion for a Protective Order Regarding Dr. Jeffrey Leitzingers Personal Financial Information. Signed February 12, 2007 by Judge Brooke C. Wells.
[info] 959 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 959] Granting [957] IBM's Motion for Extension of Time to File Response re: SCO's Objections and SCO's Motion to Amend. Replies Due by 2/16/2007. Signed February 13, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball
[info] 960 - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 872] in Opposition to [780] IBM's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Contract Claims, part 1 of 4 [Filed sealed in 872-875, Redacted in 960] (2006-11-11) [ Redacted | Appendix A ] [sealed]
[info] 961 - IBM's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 961] in Opposition to [913] SCO's Motion to Amend/Correct December 2005 Submission and re: [899] Objection to Magistrate Judge Decision [Filed in 961, corrected in 968] [ Original | Corrected ]
[info] 962 [PDF] - IBM's Ex Parte Motion [SCO v. IBM 962] for Leave to File Excess Pages for [961] IBM's Memorandum in Opposotion
[info] 963 [PDF] - IBM's Addendum K [SCO v. IBM 963] to [961] IBM's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Motion
[info] 964 - IBM's Addendum J [SCO v. IBM 964] to [961] IBM's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Motion [sealed]
[info] 965 - IBM's Addendum I [SCO v. IBM 965] to [961] IBM's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Motion [sealed]
[info] 966 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 966] Granting [962] IBM's Ex Parte Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages
[info] 967 - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. IBM 967] for Extension of Time to File Response to IBM's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Objections to the Magistrate Judge's Order on IBM's Motion to Confine and SCO's Motion to Amend its December 2005 Submission
[info] 968 - IBM's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 961] in Opposition to [913] SCO's Motion to Amend/Correct December 2005 Submission and re: [899] Objection to Magistrate Judge Decision [Filed in 961, corrected in 968] [ Original | Corrected ]
[info] 969 - Order [SCO v. IBM 969] Granting [967] Stipulated Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to SCO's Objections to Magistrate Judge's Order. Replies are due by 3/12/2007. Signed February 22, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball.
[info] 970 - Amended Notice [SCO v. IBM 970] of Hearing re: [782] Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Unfair Competition Claim, [776] Motion for Summary Judgment on IBM's Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Counterclaims, [780] Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Contract Claims, [777] Motion for Summary Judgment on IBM's Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Counterclaims, [775] Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Third Cause of Action, for Breach of Contract, [781] Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Copyright Claim, [784] Motion for Summary Judgment on IBM's Eighth Counterclaim, [953] Ex Parte Motion for Leave to File SCO's Overlength Reply Memorandum in Support of its Motion for Reconsideration of the Court's Order of November 29, 2006, [894] Sealed Motion, [783] Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Interference Claims, [785] Motion for Summary Judgment on IBM's Tenth Counterclaim, [913] Motion to Amend/Correct December 2005 Submission. Motion Hearing Reset for 3/1/2007 at 2:30pm in Room 220 before Judge Dale A. Kimball. (note time change from 3:00pm to 2:30pm)
[info] 971 [PDF] - SCO's Declaration [SCO v. IBM 971] of Brent O. Hatch re: Declarations of Lawrence Bouffard
[info] 972 - Minute Entry [SCO v. IBM 972] for Motion Hearing held 3/1/2007 before Judge Dale A. Kimball re: [774] SCO's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Third Cause of Action, For Breach of Contract; [781] IBM's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Copyright Claim; [780] IBM's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Contract Claims. After hearing arguments from counsel, the court took the motions under advisement. (2007-03-01)
[info] 973 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 973] Denying [778] SCO's Motion for Relief for IBM's Spoliation of Evidence. Follows oral order on motion in hearing of 1/18/2007. Signed March 2, 2007 by Judge Brooke C. Wells. (2007-03-02)
[info] 974 - Minute Entry [SCO v. IBM 974] for Motion Hearing Held 3/5/2007 before Judge Dale A. Kimball re: [782] IBM's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Unfair Competition Claim, [783] IBM's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Interference Claims. After hearing the arguments of counsel, the Court took the motions under advisement (2007-03-05)
[info] 975 - Minute Entry [SCO v. IBM 975] for Hearing Held on 3/7/2007 before Judge Dale A. Kimball re: [776] SCO's Motion for Summary Judgment on IBM's Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Counterclaims, [784] IBM's Motion for Summary Judgment on IBM's Eighth Counterclaim, [785] IBM's Motion for Summary Judgment on IBM's Tenth Counterclaim, [777] SCO's Motion for Summary Judgment on IBM's Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Counterclaims (2007-03-07)
[info] 976 [PDF] - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. IBM 976] for Extension of Time to File Response Memorandum in Support of SCO's Objections to the Magistrate Judge's Order on IBM's Motion to Confine and SCO's Motion to Amend its December 2005 Submission
[info] 977 - IBM's Reply Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 942] in Support of [781] IBM's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Copyright Claim [Filed Sealed in 942, Redacted in 977] [ Redacted | Addendum A | Addendum B ] [sealed]
[info] 978 - IBM's Reply Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 947] in Support of [782] IBM's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Unfair Competition Claim [Filed Sealed in 947, Redacted in 978] [ Redacted | Addendum A | Addendum B ] [sealed]
[info] 979 - IBM's Reply Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 946] in Support of [783] IBM's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Interference Claims [Filed Sealed in 946, Redacted in 979] [ Redacted | Addendum A | Addendum B ] [sealed]
[info] 980 - IBM's Reply Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 945] in Support of [784] IBM's Motion for Summary Judgment on IBM's Eighth Counterclaim [Filed Sealed in 945, Redacted in 980] [ Redacted | Addendum A | Addendum B ] [sealed]
[info] 982 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 982] Granting [976] IBM's Motion for Extension of Time to File Response to [913] SCO's Motion to Amend/Correct December 2005 Submission. Replies due by 3/19/2007. Signed March 14, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-03-14)
[info] 984 [PDF] - SCO's Notice [SCO v. IBM 984] of Conventional Filing of SCO's Memorandum in Support of SCO's Motion for Reconsideration by the Magistrate Court of the Order Denying SCO's Motion for Relief for IBM's Spoliation of Evidence and Exhibits thereto; SCO's Memorandum in Support of SCO's Objections to the Magistrate Court's Order Denying SCO's Motion for Relief for IBM's Spoliation of Evidence and Exhibits thereto; Declaration of Mark F. James Regarding SCO's Objections to the Magistrate Court's Order Denying SCO's Motion for Relief for IBM's Spoliation of Evidence; Declaration of Mark F. James Regarding SCO's Memorandum in Support of SCO's Objections to the Magistrate Court's Order Denying SCO's Motion for Relief for IBM's Spoliation of Evidence; Declaration of Dr. Evan Ivie in Support of SCO's Motion for Relief for IBM's Spoliation of Evidence; Declaration of Mark Rochkind in Support of SCO's Motion for Reconsideration by the Magistrate Court of the Order Denying SCO's Motion for Relief for IBM's Spoliation of Evidence (2007-03-16)
[info] 985 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. IBM 985] for Leave to File Excess Pages for SCO's Memorandum in Support of SCO's Motion for Reconsideration by the Magistrate Court of the Order Denying SCO's Motion for Relief from IBM's Spoliation of Evidence (2007-03-16)
[info] 986 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. IBM 986] for Reconsideration by the Magistrate Court of the Order Denying SCO's Motion for Relief from IBM's Spoliation of Evidence (2007-03-16)
[info] 987 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. IBM 987] for Leave to File Excess Pages for SCO's Memorandum in Support of SCO's Objections to the Magistrate Court's Order Denying SCO's Motion for Relief from IBM's Spoliation of Evidence (2007-03-16)
[info] 988 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 988] Granting [987] SCO's Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages. Signed March 19, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-03-19)
[info] 989 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 989] Granting [985] SCO's Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages. Signed March 19, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-03-19)
[info] 990 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 990] in Support of [986] SCO's Motion for Reconsideration by the Magistrate Court of the Order Denying SCO's Motion for Relief from IBM's Spoliation of Evidence [Filed sealed in 990, Redacted in 1009] (2007-03-21) [sealed]
[info] 991 [PDF] - SCO's Response Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 991] re: [913] SCO's Motion to Amend/Correct December 2005 Submission (2007-03-19)
[info] 992 [PDF] - SCO's Response Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 992] re: [917] SCO's Motion for Leave to File Overlength Memorandum in Support of its Objections to the Magistrate Judge's Order on IBM's Motion to Confine; re: [916] (Original Objection Not Available on Docket to Link to While Filing) (2007-03-19)
[info] 993 [PDF] - SCO's Notice [SCO v. IBM 993] of Corrected Filing re: [991] SCO's Response Memorandum to SCO's Motion to Amend/Correct December 2005 Submission (2007-03-19)
[info] 994 [PDF] - SCO's Response Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 994] in Support of [913] SCO's Motion to Amend/Correct December 2005 Submission (2007-03-19)
[info] 995 - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 995] in Support of SCO's Objections to Order re: [986] SCO's Motion for Reconsideration by the Magistrate Court of the Order Denying SCO's Motion for Relief from IBM's Spoliation of Evidence [Filed sealed in 995, Redacted in 1002] (2007-03-20) [ Redacted | Exhibit A ] [sealed]
[info] 996 [PDF] - SCO's Declaration [SCO v. IBM 996] of Mark F. James re: [986] SCO's Motion for Reconsideration by the Magistrate Court of the Order Denying SCO's Motion for Relief from IBM's Spoliation of Evidence [Filed Sealed in 996, Redacted in 1010] (2007-03-21) [sealed]
[info] 997 - SCO's Declaration [SCO v. IBM 997] of Mark F. James re: SCO's Objections to Order; re: [986] SCO's Motion for Reconsideration by the Magistrate Court of the Order Denying SCO's Motion for Relief from IBM's Spoliation of Evidence [sealed]
[info] 998 - SCO's Reply Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 998] in Support of SCO's Cross Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Novell's Fourth Counterclaim [NOTE: Misfiled in wrong case?] [sealed]
[info] 999 - SCO's Declaration [SCO v. IBM 999] of Mark F. James [Filed Sealed in 999, Redacted in 1005] (2007-03-20) [ Redacted ] [sealed]
[info] 1000 - SCO's Declaration [SCO v. IBM 1000] of Dr. Evan Ivie re: [973] [sealed]
[info] 1001 - SCO's Declaration [SCO v. IBM 1001] of Marc Rochkind re: [986] SCO's Motion for Reconsideration by the Magistrate Court of the Order Denying SCO's Motion for Relief from IBM's Spoliation of Evidence [sealed]
[info] 1002 - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 995] in Support of SCO's Objections to Order re: [986] SCO's Motion for Reconsideration by the Magistrate Court of the Order Denying SCO's Motion for Relief from IBM's Spoliation of Evidence [Filed sealed in 995, Redacted in 1002] (2007-03-20) [ Redacted | Exhibit A ] [sealed]
[info] 1003 [PDF] - SCO's Declaration [SCO v. IBM 1003] of Dr. Evan Ivie re: [986] SCO's Motion for Reconsideration by the Magistrate Court of the Order Denying SCO's Motion for Relief From IBM's Spoliation of Evidence [CORRECTED]
[info] 1004 [PDF] - SCO's Notice [SCO v. IBM 1004] of Corrected Filing re: [1000] SCO's Declaration of Dr. Evan Ivie, correctly filed under docket entry 1003 (2007-03-20)
[info] 1005 - SCO's Declaration [SCO v. IBM 999] of Mark F. James [Filed Sealed in 999, Redacted in 1005] (2007-03-20) [ Redacted ] [sealed]
[info] 1006 [PDF] - SCO's Declaration [SCO v. IBM 1006] of Marc Rochkind re: [986] SCO's Motion for Reconsideration by the Magistrate Court of the Order Denying SCO's Motion for Relief from IBM's Spoliation of Evidence [CORRECTED] (2007-03-20)
[info] 1007 [PDF] - SCO's Notice [SCO v. IBM 1007] of Corrected Filing re: Declaration of Marc Rochkind, correctly filed under docket entry 1006 (2007-03-20)
[info] 1008 - Modification of Docket [SCO v. IBM 1008] re: Docket Entry #998, SCO's Sealed Reply Memorandum in Support of SCO's Cross Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Novell's Fourth Counterclaim
[info] 1009 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 990] in Support of [986] SCO's Motion for Reconsideration by the Magistrate Court of the Order Denying SCO's Motion for Relief from IBM's Spoliation of Evidence [Filed sealed in 990, Redacted in 1009] (2007-03-21) [sealed]
[info] 1010 [PDF] - SCO's Declaration [SCO v. IBM 996] of Mark F. James re: [986] SCO's Motion for Reconsideration by the Magistrate Court of the Order Denying SCO's Motion for Relief from IBM's Spoliation of Evidence [Filed Sealed in 996, Redacted in 1010] (2007-03-21) [sealed]
[info] 1011 - Notice [SCO v. IBM 1011] It has come to the attention of the Clerk's Office that certain attachments to a SEALED DOCUMENT filed in this case were inadvertently left unprotected during the Court's docketing process. Therefore, these sealed, confidential attachments were accessible for a short period of time to anyone who attempted to electronically access the contents of this docket entry, which clearly stated that it contained a SEALED DOCUMENT. This notice serves as a reminder that, regardless of whether SEALED DOCUMENTS are actually electronically protected from being accessed, all documents marked CONFIDENTIAL are subject to the Protective Order entered by the Court on September 16, 2003. (2007-03-23)
[info] 1012 - Notice [SCO v. IBM 1012] that from this day forward, sealed submission in this case will not be scanned for internal court use but will be maintained in the court's sealed room not to be accessed except by court personnel. (ce) (Entered: 03/23/2007)
[info] 1013 [PDF] - IBM's Motion [SCO v. IBM 1013] for Extension of Time to Respond to SCO's Motion for Reconsideration of the Order Denying SCO's Motion Regarding Spoliation and to SCO's Objections Thereto (2007-03-28)
[info] 1014 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 1014] Granting [1013] IBM's Motion for Extension of Time. Oppositions due 4/18/2007. Signed March 29, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-03-29)
[info] 1015 [PDF] - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. IBM 1015] for Extension of Deadlines (2007-03-29)
[info] 1016 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. IBM 1016] to Deem a Prospective Third-Party Deposition in Related Litigation to be a Deposition Taken in This Case As Well (2007-04-02)
[info] 1017 [PDF] - SCO's Notice [SCO v. IBM 1017] of Conventional Filing of SCO's Memorandum in Support of [1016] SCO's Motion to Deem a Prospective Third-Party Deposition in Related Litigation to be a Deposition Taken in This Case As Well (2007-04-02)
[info] 1020 - SCO's Exhibits [SCO v. IBM 1020] 18-23 re: [1019] SCO's Memoradum in Support of [1016] SCO's Motion to Deem a Potential Third-Party Deposition in Related Litigation to be a Deposition Taken in This Case As Well (2007-04-02) [sealed]
[info] 1021 [PDF] - SCO's Notice [SCO v. IBM 1021] of Conventional Filing of SCO's Corrected Memorandum in Support of its Motion to Deem a Prospective Third-Party Deposition in Related Litigation to be a Deposition Taken in this Case as Well (2007-04-05)
[info] 1022 [PDF] - SCO's Corrected Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 1023] in Support of [1016] SCO's Motion to Deem a Prospective Third-Party Deposition in Related Litigation to be a Deposition Taken in this Case as Well [Filed Sealed in 1023, Redacted in 1022] (2007-04-06) [sealed]
[info] 1023 [PDF] - SCO's Corrected Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 1023] in Support of [1016] SCO's Motion to Deem a Prospective Third-Party Deposition in Related Litigation to be a Deposition Taken in this Case as Well [Filed Sealed in 1023, Redacted in 1022] (2007-04-06) [sealed]
[info] 1024 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. IBM 1024] for Admission Pro Hac Vice of David Boies (2007-04-10)
[info] 1025 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 1025] Granting [1024] SCO's Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of David Boies. Signed April 11, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-04-11)
[info] 1026 [PDF] - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. IBM 1026] for Extension of Time to Respond to Requests for Admission (2007-04-13)
[info] 1027 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 1027] Granting [1026] Stipulated Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Outstanding Requests for Admission (2007-04-16)
[info] 1028 [PDF] - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. IBM 1028] for Extension of Time to File Response to [1016] SCO's Motion to Deem a Prospective Third-Party Deposition in Related Litigation to be a Deposition Taken in This Case as Well, [995] SCO's Memorandum in Support of SCO's Objections to Order re: [986] SCO's Motion for Reconsideration by the Magistrate Court of the Order Denying SCO's Motion for Relief from IBM's Spoliation of Evidence (2007-04-17)
[info] 1029 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 1029] Granting [1028] Stipulated Motion for Extension of Time to File Response to [986] SCO's Motion for Reconsideration by the Magistrate Court of the Order Denying SCO's Motion for Relief from IBM's Spoliation of Evidence. Replies due by 4/27/2007. Signed April 18, 2007 by Judge Brooke C. Wells (2007-04-18)
[info] 1030 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 1030] Granting [1015] Motion for Extension of Time Regarding Scheduling Order Deadlines. Signed April 19, 2007 by Judge Brooke C. Wells (2007-04-19)
[info] 1031 [PDF] - IBM's Motion [SCO v. IBM 1031] for Leave to File Sur-reply (2007-04-20)
[info] 1032 - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 1032] in Opposition to [1031] IBM's Motion for Leave to File Sur-reply (2007-04-20)
[info] 1033 - Order [SCO v. IBM 1033] Granting [1031] IBM's Motion for Leave to File Sur-Reply. In addition, SCO may file a response to IBM's sur-reply memorandum within 14 days. Signed April 20, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-04-20)
[info] 1034 [PDF] - IBM's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 1034] in Opposition to [913] SCO's Motion to Amend/Correct December 2005 Submission and [899] SCO's Objection to the Magistrate Judge's Decision on IBM's Motion to Confine (Sur-reply Memorandum) (2007-04-20)
[info] 1035 - IBM's Addendum B [SCO v. IBM 1035] to [1034] IBM's Sur-Reply Memorandum in Opposition to [913] SCO's Motion to Amend/Correct December 2005 Submission and [899] SCO's Objection to the Magistrate Judge's Decision on IBM's Motion to Confine (2007-04-20) [sealed]
[info] 1036 - IBM's Addendum C [SCO v. IBM 1036] to [1034] IBM's Sur-Reply Memorandum in Opposition to [913] SCO's Motion to Amend/Correct December 2005 Submission and [899] SCO's Objection to the Magistrate Judge's Decision on IBM's Motion to Confine (2007-04-20) [sealed]
[info] 1037 - IBM's Addendum G [SCO v. IBM 1037] to [1034] IBM's Sur-Reply Memorandum in Opposition to [913] SCO's Motion to Amend/Correct December 2005 Submission and [899] SCO's Objection to the Magistrate Judge's Decision on IBM's Motion to Confine (2007-04-20) [sealed]
[info] 1038 [PDF] - IBM's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 1038] in Opposition to [1016] SCO's Motion to Deem a Prospective Third-Party Deposition in Related Litigation to be a Deposition Taken in this Case as Well (2007-04-27)
[info] 1039 [PDF] - IBM's Motion [SCO v. IBM 1039] for Leave to File Excess Pages for IBM's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Motion for Reconsideration of the Order Denying SCO's Motion for Relief for IBM's Alleged Spoliation of Evidence (2007-04-27)
[info] 1040 [PDF] - IBM's Motion [SCO v. IBM 1040] for Leave to File Excess Pages on IBM's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Objections to the Magistrate Judge's Order Denying SCO's Motion for Relief for IBM's Alleged Spoliation of Evidence (2007-04-27)
[info] 1041 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 1041] Granting [1039] IBM's Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages. Signed April 30, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-04-30)
[info] 1042 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 1042] Granting [1040] IBM's Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages. Signed April 30, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-04-30)
[info] 1043 - IBM's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 1043] In Opposition to [986] SCO's Motion for Reconsideration by the Magistrate Court of the Order Denying SCO's Motion for Relief from IBM's Spoliation of Evidence (2007-04-27) [sealed]
[info] 1044 - IBM's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 1044] in Opposition to [899] SCO's
Objection to Magistrate Judge Decision (2007-04-27) [sealed]
[info] 1045 [PDF] - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. IBM 1045] for Extension of Time for SCO to File Response to IBM's Sur-Reply Memorandum in Further Opposition to SCO's Objections to the Magistrate Judge's Order on IBM's Motion to Confine and SCO's Motion to Amend its December 2005 Submission (2007-05-02)
[info] 1046 - Order [SCO v. IBM 1046] Granting [1045] Stipulated Motion for Extension of Time. Replies are due by 5/11/2007. Signed May 3, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-05-03)
[info] 1047 [PDF] - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. IBM 1047] for Extension of Time to File Response to [986] SCO's Motion for Reconsideration by the Magistrate Court of the Order Denying SCO's Motion for Relief from IBM's Spoliation of Evidence (2007-05-08)
[info] 1048 [PDF] - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. IBM 1048] for Extension of Deadlines (2007-05-10)
[info] 1049 [PDF] - Clerk's Notice [SCO v. IBM 1049] Disregard-See [1052] for Correct Order on Motion (2007-05-11)
[info] 1050 [PDF] - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. IBM 1050] for Extension of Time to File Response (2007-05-11)
[info] 1051 [PDF] - Clerk's Notice [SCO v. IBM 1051] Disregard-Motion not ruled on yet (2007-05-11)
[info] 1052 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 1052] Granting [1048] Stipulated Motion for Extension of Time. Rule 26(a)(3) Disclosures due 6/13/2007. Exchange of Jury Instructions due 6/27/07. Motions in Limine due 7/9/07. Signed May 11, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-05-11)
[info] 1053 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 1053] Granting [1047] Stipulated Motion for Extension of Time to File Response to [986] SCO's Motion for Reconsideration by the Magistrate Court of the Order Denying SCO's Motion for Relief from IBM's Spoliation of Evidence. Replies due by 5/18/2007. Signed May 11, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-05-11)
[info] 1054 - Notice [SCO v. IBM 1054] Modification of Docket: Clerk initially docketed orders on wrong motions. Correction: Clerk has corrected this and re-entered the orders with the correct motions. They have been sent out to all counsel as usual. re 1051 Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply, 1053 Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply, 1049 Order on Motion for Extension of Time, 1048 Stipulated MOTION for Extension of Time for Extension of Deadlines, 1052 Order on Motion for Extension of Time, 1047 Stipulated MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to 986 MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION BY THE MAGISTRATE COURT OF THE ORDER DENYING SCOS MOTION FOR RELIEF FROM IBMS SPOLIATION OF EVIDENCE JointlyStipulated MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to 986 MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION BY THE MAGISTRATE COURT OF THE ORDER DENYING SCOS MOTION FOR RELIEF FROM IBMS SPOLIATION OF EVIDENCE Jointly. (2007-05-11)
[info] 1055 [PDF] - SCO's Sur-Surreply Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 1055] In Further Support of [913] SCO's Motion to Amend/Correct December 2005 Submission (2007-05-11) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 1056 [PDF] - SCO's Sur-Surreply Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 1056] in Further Support of its Objections to the Magistrate Judge's Order on IBM's Motion to Confine (2007-05-11) [ Groklaw | Groklaw text ]
[info] 1057 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 1057] Granting [1050] Stipulated Motion for Extension of Time to File Response. Signed May 14, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball. Replies are due by 5/25/2007. (2007-05-14)
[info] 1058 [PDF] - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. IBM 1058] for Extension of Time of Deadlines (2007-05-25)
[info] 1059 [PDF] - SCO's Notice [SCO v. IBM 1059] of Conventional Filing (2007-05-25)
[info] 1060 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. IBM 1060] for Leave to File Excess Pages (2007-05-25)
[info] 1061 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. IBM 1061] for Leave to File Excess Pages (2007-05-25) [ Proposed Order ]
[info] 1062 - SCO's Reply Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 1062] in Further Support of [986] SCO's Motion for Reconsideration by the Magistrate Court of the Order Denying SCO's Motion for Relief from IBM's Spoliation of Evidence (2007-05-25) [sealed]
[info] 1063 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 1063] Granting [1060] SCO's Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages. Signed May 29, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-05-29)
[info] 1064 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 1064] Granting [1061] SCO's Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages. Signed May 29, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-05-29)
[info] 1065 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 1065] Granting [1058] Motion for Extension of Time. Signed May 29, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-05-29)
[info] 1066 - SCO's Reply Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 1066] in Further Support of SCO's Objections to the Magistrate Judge's Order Denying SCO's Motion for Relief from IBM's Spoliation of Evidence (2007-05-25) [sealed]
[info] 1067 [PDF] - SCO's Notice [SCO v. IBM 1067] of Filing of SCO's Certificate of Service of SCO's Objections and Responses to IBM's Requests for Admissions Sets 2-12 (2007-06-13)
[info] 1068 [PDF] - IBM's Certificate of Service [SCO v. IBM 1068] of IBM's Responses to SCO's Requests for Admission (2007-06-13)
[info] 1069 [PDF] - SCO's Response Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 1069] re: [1016] SCO's Motion to Deem a Prospective Third-Party Deposition in Related Litigation to be a Deposition Taken in This Case as Well (2007-06-15)
[info] 1070 [PDF] - Disregard this entry. [SCO v. IBM 1070] Wrong case number was placed on document. This will be filed in case number 2:04cv139. EXHIBITS to SCO's Memorandum in Opposition to Novell's Evidentiary Objections to SCO's Exhibits Submitted in Support of its Summary Judgment Oppsitions Filed May 18, 2007 Incorporating by Reference Novell's Evidentiary Objections to SCO's Summary Judgment Exhibits filed by Plaintiff SCO Group. No attachment - document retained in the sealed room. (blk) Additional attachment(s) added on 6/19/2007 - cover sheet of document (blk). (2007-06-18) [sealed]
[info] 1071 [PDF] - Notice [SCO v. IBM 1071] of Modification of Docket. Document 1070 was entered on this case because it is the case number put on the pleading by counsel. The clerk has been informed that the case number is incorrect. Counsel are advised to review pleadings before filing them to ensure that the case information is correct, as the clerk will docket it on the case number given on the document. re 1070 Sealed Document. The Clerk will docket this document on case number 2:04cv139. (blk) (2007-06-19)
[info] 1072 [PDF] - IBM's Motion [SCO v. IBM 1072] for Extension of Time of Deadlines in May 29, 2007 Order (2007-07-13)
[info] 1073 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. IBM 1073] in Opposition to [1072] IBM's Motion for Extension of Time of Deadlines in May 29, 2007 Order (2007-07-16)
[info] 1074 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 1074] Granting [1072] IBM's Motion for Extension of Time of Deadlines Set in the Court's 5/29/07 Order. Signed July 16, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-07-16)
[info] 1075 [PDF] - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. IBM 1075] for Scheduling Order (Pretrial Schedule) (2007-07-26)
[info] 1076 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. IBM 1076] Granting [1075] Stipulated Motion for Extension of Deadlines. See order for new dates/deadlines. Signed July 27, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-07-30)
[info] 1077 [PDF] - Notice [SCO v. IBM 1077] of Decision and Request for Status Update. Signed August 10, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-08-10)
[info] 1078 [PDF] - IBM's Response [SCO v. IBM 1078] re: [1077] Court's Order of August 10, 2007 (2007-08-31)
[info] 1079 [PDF] - SCO's Status Report [SCO v. IBM 1079] re: [1077] Court's Order of August 10, 2007 (2007-08-31)
[info] 2 - RedHat's return of service executed as to SCO Group Inc. 8/4/03 Answer due on 8/25/03 for SCO Group Inc. (2008-05-20)
[info] 3 - Case assigned to Judge Sue L. Robinson . Notice to all parties.
[info] 4 - RedHat's Motion with Proposed Order for William Lee, Mark Matuschak, David Cerveny, Jennifer Ann Gaeta, Michelle Miller, and Donald Steinberg to Appear Pro Hac Vice
[info] 5 - Stipulation to extend time for SCO to respond to RedHat's complaint; Order granting [4] Motion for William Lee, Mark Matuschak, David Cerveny, Jennifer Ann Gaeta, Michelle Miller, and Donald Steinberg to Appear Pro Hac Vice; Order granting [5] stipulation reset Answer deadline to 9/15/03 for SCO Group Inc. (signed by Judge Sue L. Robinson)
[info] 6 - RedHat's Certificate of Service re: (1) First Request for the Production of Documents and things; and (2) First Set of Interrogatories (2009-09-20)
[info] 7 - SCO's Disclosure Statement pursuant to Rule 7.1
[info] 8 - SCO's Motion to Dismiss. Answer Brief due 9/29/03 re: [8] motion
[info] 14 [PDF] - RedHat's Letter to Clerk from A. Poff re [13] problems with formatting and minor typographical errors; enclosing a corrected version of the brief
[info] 15 [PDF] - SCO's Motion to Stay Discovery Pending Resolution of Motion to Dismiss Answer Brief due 10/16/03 re: [15] motion (2003-10-02) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 16 [PDF] - Stipulation and order to extend time for SCO to file reply brief in support of Motion to Dismiss (signed by Judge Sue L. Robinson) (2003-10-06)
[info] 17 - SCO's Motion For Enlargment of Time to Respond to RedHat's First Set of Interrogatories and First Request for Production of Documents and Things Answer Brief due 10/22/03 (2003-10-08)
[info] 19 - SCO's Declaration of Mark J. Heise in support of the SCO Group, Inc.'s Motion to Dismiss (2003-10-10)
[info] 20 - Notice of Deficiency from the court to SCO re [19]; No original signature on declaration (2003-10-10)
[info] 21 - RedHat's Answer Brief re: [15] SCO's Motion to Stay Discovery Pending Resolution of Motion to Dismiss
[info] 22 - Letter to Judge Robinson from J. Moyer stating briefing is complete on SCO's motion to dismiss; requesting oral argument
[info] 23 - SCO's Letter to Clerk from J. Moyer enclosing original signed declaration of Mark J. Heise to replace faxed copy filed 10/10/03
[info] 24 - SCO Terminated attorney Raymond J. DiCamillo, J. Moyer and Richards, Layton & Finger; Notice of attorney appearance for SCO by Jack B. Blumenfeld
[info] 25 - RedHat's Answer Brief re: [17] Motion For Enlargment of Time to Respond to Pltf's First Set of Interrogatories and First Request for Production of Documents and Things - Reply Brief due 10/24/03
[info] 26 - Stipulation and order for extension of time; Reply Brief Deadline to 10/24/03 re: [15] motion to Stay Discovery Pending Resolution of Motion to Dismiss (signed by Judge Sue L. Robinson)
[info] 27 - Reply Brief Filed by SCO Group Inc. [17] motion For Enlargment of Time to Respond to Pltf's First Set of Interrogatories and First Request for Production of Documents and Things, [15] motion to Stay Discovery Pending Resolution of Motion to Dismiss (rd) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 28 - SCO's Motion and order for Stephen N. Zack and Mark J. Heise to Appear Pro Hac Vice (signed by Judge Sue L. Robinson)
[info] 29 - Order effective immediately the court will not consider applications and requests submitted by letter or in a form other than a motion, absent express approval by the court; no telephone calls are to be made to chambers; emergency matters should be emailed to the court at the address provided with no attachments (signed by Judge Sue L. Robinson)
[info] 30 [PDF] - RedHat's Motion with Proposed Order To Supplement the Record Answer Brief due 2/25/04 re: [30] motion [ Groklaw ]
[info] 30-A - SCO letter of December 19, 2003 to Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc. (2003-12-19) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 30-B - SCO letter to Lehman Brothers' Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Richard Fuld [ Groklaw ] [sealed]
[info] 30-C - SCO letter to Lehman Brothers' Chief of Operations and Technology, Jonathan Beyman [ Groklaw ]
[info] 31 - SCO's Memorandum re: [30] motion To Supplement the Record - Reply Brief due 2/26/04 [ Groklaw ]
[info] 32 [PDF] - RedHat's Reply Brief In Support of [30] Motion To Supplement the Record [ Groklaw ]
[info] 33 - RedHat's Notice of Withdrawal of appearance of David J. Cerveny of Hale and Dorr LLP
[info] 34 [PDF] - Memorandum Order (RedHat v. SCO) denying [8] motion to Dismiss; case is stayed pending resolution of Utah litigation between SCO and IBM; parties shall each submit a letter every 90 days as to the status of the Utah litigation; if the Utah litigation is not proceeding in an orderly and efficient fashion the court may reconsider the stay (signed by Judge Sue L. Robinson) [Edit date 04/06/04] Per Court's Order, the following motions are moot: mooting [30] motion To Supplement the Record, mooting [17] motion For Enlargment of Time to Respond to Pltf's First Set of Interrogatories and First Request for Production of Documents and Things, mooting [15] motion to Stay Discovery Pending Resolution of Motion to Dismiss [ Groklaw | filed with AutoZone motion to stay ]
[info] 35 [PDF] - RedHat's Motion with Proposed Order for Reconsideration of [34] order Answer Brief due 5/4/04 re: [35] motion [ Groklaw ]
[info] 36 [PDF] - RedHat's Opening Brief re: [35] motion for Reconsideration of [34] order [ Groklaw ]
[info] 37 - RedHat's Declaration of Josy W. Ingersoll, Esq. in Support of [35]
[info] 38 - RedHat (Josy Ingersoll) letter to Judge Robinson re [37]; writing to clarify that the documents which were the subject of declaration filed on 4/20/04 [37], did not include attachments, except for Exhibit J
[info] 39 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum in Opposition to [35] RedHat's Motion for Reconsideration of [34] order - Reply Brief due 5/11/04 [ Groklaw ]
[info] 40 - RedHat's Notice of Name Change; Hale and Dorr LLP merged with Wilmer Cutler Pickering LLP; the new firm name is Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
[info] 41 - SCO (Jack Blumenfeld) letter of June 17, 2004 to Judge Robinson re: District of Utah action (2004-06-17) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 42 - SCO (Jack Blumenfeld) Letter to Judge Robinson re: status of the SCO v. IBM case
[info] 43 - RedHat (Josy Ingersoll) letter to Judge Robinson re: status of various related litigation matters [ Groklaw ]
[info] 44 [PDF] - SCO (Leslie Polizoti) letter of October 4, 2004 to Judge Robinson (RedHat v. SCO) re: status of the SCO v. IBM case (2004-10-04) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 45 - RedHat (Josy Ingersoll) Letter of October 2004 to Judge Robinson re: status of various related litigation matters [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 46 [PDF] - SCO (Jack Blumenfeld) letter of January 2005 to Judge Robinson re: Status of SCO v. IBM case pending before the Honorable Dale A. Kimball in the USDC for the District of Utah [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 47 [PDF] - RedHat (Josy Ingersoll) letter of January 2005 to Judge Robinson re: Status of various related litigation matters [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 48 [PDF] - Order [RedHat v. SCO] Denying [RedHat v. SCO 35] RedHat's Motion for Reconsideration (2005-03-31) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 49 [PDF] - RedHat (Josy Ingersoll) Letter of April 1, 2005 to Judge Robinsin re: Status of various related litigation matters (2005-04-01) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 50 [PDF] - SCO (Leslie Polizoti) Letter of April 4, 2005 to Judge Robinson re: status of the SCO v. IBM case (2005-04-04) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 51 [PDF] - RedHat (John W. Shaw) Letter [RedHat v. SCO 51] of June 30, 2005 to Judge Robinson re: Status of various related litigation matters (2005-06-30) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 52 [PDF] - SCO (Leslie Polizoti) Letter [RedHat v. SCO 52] of July 6, 2005 to Judge Robinson re: Status of various related litigation matters (2005-07-06) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 53 [PDF] - RedHat (Josy Ingersoll) Letter [RedHat v. SCO 53] of September 29, 2005 to Judge Robinson re: Status of various related litigation matters (2005-09-29) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 54 [PDF] - SCO (Leslie Polizoti) Letter [RedHat v. SCO 54] of October 3, 2005 to Chief Judge Robinson (2005-10-03)
[info] 55 [PDF] - RedHat (Josy Ingersoll) Letter [RedHat v. SCO 55] of December 27, 2005 to Judge Robinson (2005-12-27) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 56 [PDF] - SCO (Leslie Polizoti) Letter [RedHat v. SCO 56] of January 3, 2006 to Judge Robinson (2006-01-03) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 57 [PDF] - Transcript [RedHat v. SCO 57] of Telephone Conference held 1/24/2006 before Judge Robinson (2006-01-24) [ Groklaw transcript ]
[info] 58 [PDF] - RedHat's Letter [RedHat v. SCO 58] of March 27, 2006 to Judge Robinson (2006-03-27) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 59 - SCO's Letter [RedHat v. SCO 59] to Judge Robinson (2006-04-03)
[info] 61 - Minute Entry [RedHat v. SCO 61] for Telephone Conference held September 6, 2006 before Judge Sue L. Robinson (2006-09-06)
[info] 62 [PDF] - Red Hat's Status Report [RedHat v. SCO 62] to Judge Robinson (2006-09-25)
[info] 63 [PDF] - SCO's Status Report [RedHat v. SCO 63] to Judge Robinson (2006-10-04)
[info] 64 [PDF] - Red Hat's Status Report [RedHat v. SCO 64] to Judge Robinson (2006-12-22)
[info] 65 [PDF] - SCO's Status Report [RedHat v. SCO 65] to Judge Robinson (2007-01-04) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 66 [PDF] - Red Hat's Status Report [RedHat v. SCO 66] to Judge Robinson (2007-03-21)
[info] 67 [PDF] - SCO's Status Report [RedHat v. SCO 67] to Judge Robinson (2007-04-06)
SCO v. Novell
Current local time: Sat, March 29, 2025 12:24 am
Third Judicial District Court of Salt Lake County, State of Utah - Civil Case number 040900936, Judge Anthony B. Quinn
[info] 1-1 - Clerk's mailing of certificate of acknowledgment of alternative dispute resolution option. Mailed, faxed or emailed to plaintiff SCO Grp, defendant Novell Inc
[info] 1-2 - Notification of Filing mailed to Register of Copyrights
[info] 4 - Novell's Notice of filing Original Affidavit of Ryan L. Richards Re: Memo in Support of Novell's Motion for Change of Venue. (motion and memo filed in State Court and not on this case docket yet)
[info] 5 [PDF] - SCO's Certificate of election Refer to: Litigation
[info] 6 [PDF] - Novell's Motion and Consent of Designated Associate Local Counsel and Application for Pro Hac Vice for Paul Goldstein
[info] 7 [PDF] - Novell's Motion and Consent of Designated Associate Local Counsel and Application for Pro Hac Vice for Michael A. Jacobs
[info] 8 [PDF] - Novell's Motion and Consent of Designated Associate Local Counsel and Application for Pro Hac Vice for Matthew I. Kreeger
[info] 9 [PDF] - Stipulation that SCO may have up to and including March 5, 2004 to file a memorandum in opposition to Novell's Motion to Dismiss
[info] 10 [PDF] - Order granting that SCO may have up to and including March 5, 2004 to file a memorandum in opposition to Novell's Motion to Dismiss
[info] 14 [PDF] - Stipulation to extend time for Novell to File Reply Memorandum in Support of its Motion to Dismiss up to and including 3/19/04
[info] 15 [PDF] - Order granting [14] Stipulation Motion to extend time for Novell to File Reply Memorandum in Support of its Motion to Dismiss up to and including 3/19/04 signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball, 3/17/04 (2004-03-17)
[info] 16 [PDF] - Stipulation to extend time for Novell to file opposition memo re: remand motion up to and including 3/26/04
[info] 17 [PDF] - Order granting [16] stipulation motion to extend time for Novell to file opposition memo re: remand motion up to and including 3/26/04 signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball, 3/19/04 (2004-03-19)
[info] 18 [PDF] - Novell's [Original] to response to [2] motion to dismiss
[info] 19 [PDF] - Novell's [Modified] Reply to response to [2] motion to dismiss
[info] 20 [PDF] - Novell's Memorandum in opposition to [11] motion to remand
[info] 21 [PDF] - SCO's Reply to Response to [11] SCO's Motion to Remand (SCO v. Novell) [ alternate copy ]
[info] 23 [PDF] - Notice of Hearing set for 3:00 p.m. on 5/11/04 for [11] motion to remand. To be held before Judge Dale A. Kimball
[info] 24 [PDF] - Amended Notice of Hearing set for 3:00 5/11/04 for [11] motion to remand, set for 3:00 5/11/04 for [2] motion to dismiss to be held before Judge Kimball [ filed with AutoZone motion to stay ]
[info] 25 [PDF] - SCO's Motion and Consent of Designated Associate Local Counsel and Application for Pro Hac Vice for Scott E. Gant
[info] 27 [PDF] - Novell's Motion and Order signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball, 6/9/04 Granting motion/PHV for Attorney Johnathan E. Mansfield
[info] 28 [PDF] - Novell's Motion and Order signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball, 6/9/04 Granting motion/PHV for Attorney Maame A.F. Ewusi-Mensah
[info] 29 [PDF] - Memorandum Decision denying [11] motion to remand, granting in part, denying in part [2] motion to dismiss: Novell's Motion to Dismiss is denied as to SCO's pleading of falsity and granted as to SCO's pleading of special damages. SCO is granted 30 days from the date of this order to amend its Complaint to more specifically plead special damages signed by Dale A. Kimball
[info] 30 [PDF] - SCO's Motion and Order signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball, Granting motion/PHV for Attorney Robert Silver
[info] 32 [PDF] - Stipulation to extend time up to 8/6/04 for Novell to answer or otherwise respond to SCO's amended complaint
[info] 33 [PDF] - Order granting [32] stipulation motion to extend time up to 8/6/04 for Novell to answer or otherwise respond to pla's amended complaint signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball, 7/26/04 (2004-07-26)
[info] 34 [PDF] - SCO's Motion and Order signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball, 7/29/04 granting motion/PHV for Attorney David E. Melaugh (2004-07-29)
[info] 35 [PDF] - Novell's Motion to dismiss the Amended Complaint
[info] 36 [PDF] - Novell's Ex parte motion for leave to file overlength memorandum in support of motion to dismiss [35]
[info] 37 [PDF] - Novell's Declaration of Bruce Lowry Re: [35] motion to dismiss the Amended Complaint (2004-08-05) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 37-A - Novell Press Release, Novell Challenges SCO Position, Reiterates Support for Linux, May 28, 2003 (2003-05-28) [ Novell PR site ]
[info] 37-B [PDF] - SCO (Darl McBride) letter of June 6, 2003 to Novell (Jack Messman) (2003-06-06) [ Groklaw | Novell ]
[info] 37-H - Novell Press Release, Novell Statement on UNIX Copyright Registrations, December 22, 2003 (2003-12-22) [ Novell PR site ]
[info] 37-I - Novell Press Release, Novell Supports Enterprise Linux Customers with New Linux Indemnification Program, January 13, 2004 (2004-01-13) [ Novell PR site ]
[info] 38 [PDF] - Novell's Declaration of David E. Melaugh Re: [35] motion to dismiss the Amended Complaint (2004-08-05) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 39 [PDF] - Order granting [36] Novell's ex parte motion for leave to file overlength memorandum in support of motion to dismiss [35] signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball, 8/9/04 (2004-08-09)
[info] 40 [PDF] - Novell's Memorandum in support of [35] motion to dismiss the Amended Complaint
[info] 41 [PDF] - Novell's Notice of filing original declarations
[info] 42 [PDF] - Stipulation for extension of time for SCO to respond to Novell's Motion to Dismiss
[info] 43 [PDF] - Order granting [42] stipulation to extend time for SCO to file a memorandum in opposition to Novell's Motion to Dismiss
[info] 44 [PDF] - Notice of Hearing (SCO v. Novell) filed re: Motion hearing set for 2:00 9/15/04 for [35] motion to dismiss the Amended Complaint and motion for summary jgm To be held before Judge Kimball (2004-08-30)
[info] 45 [PDF] - Notice of VACATED Hearing filed: Hearing (SCO v. Novell) set for 9/15/04 at 2:00 p.m. set in error therefore is VACATED [ Groklaw ]
[info] 46 [PDF] - Stipulation (SCO v. Novell) to extend time for SCO to file a memorandum in opposition to Novell's Motion to Dismiss up to and including 9/24/04
[info] 47 [PDF] - Order granting [46] stipulation (SCO v. Novell) to allow SCO until September 24, 2004 to respond to [35] Novell's Motion to Dismiss
[info] 48 [PDF] - Stipulation (SCO v. Novell) to extend time for SCO to file a memorandum in opposition to Novell's Motion to Dismiss up to and including 10/01/04
[info] 49 [PDF] - Order granting [48] stipulation (SCO v. Novell) to allow SCO until October 1, 2004 to respond to [35] Novell's Motion to Dismiss
[info] 50 [PDF] - SCO's Ex Parte Motion [50] for Leave to File Overlength Memorandum in Opposition to Novell's Motion to Dismiss SCO's Amended Complaint
[info] 51 [PDF] - Order (SCO v. Novell) Granting [50] SCO's Ex Parte Motion for Leave to File Overlength Memorandum in Opposition to Novell's Motion to Dismiss SCO's Amended Complaint (2004-10-04)
[info] 52 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum in Opposition to [35] Novell's Motion to Dismiss the Amended Complaint [ Groklaw text | Groklaw ]
[info] 52-1 [PDF] - Bill of Sale betweeen Novell, Inc. and The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. (1995-12-06) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 52-2 [HTML] - Technology License Agreement between Novell, Inc. and The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. (1995-12-05) [ Groklaw | SEC ]
[info] 52-3 - Man in the middle: Jack Messman talks to vnunet.com, vnunet.com, September 20, 2004 by Peter Williams (2004-09-20) [ vnunet.com ]
[info] 52-A - Opinion - Joseph Johnson, et al. v. Tuff-N-Rumble Management, Inc., et al., No. CIV.A.99-1374, 2000 WL 1145748 (E.D. La. Aug. 14, 2000) (2000-08-14) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 52-B - Opinion - Lawrence Friedman v. Stacey Data Processing Services, Inc., No. 89 C 4444, 1990 WL 172586 (N.D. Ill. Nov. 1, 1990) (1990-11-01) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 52-C - Opinion - Relational Design & Technology, Inc. v. Stuart Brock, Wesley Brock, and Data Team Corporation, Civ. A. No. 91-2452-EEO, 1993 WL 191323 (D. Kan. May 25, 1993) (1993-05-25)
[info] 52-D - Opinion - United States Fidelity & Guaranty Company v. Jack Jespen, et al., No. 90 C 6931, 1991 WL 249706 (N.D. Ill. Nov. 14, 1991) (1991-11-14)
[info] 52-E - Opinion - George W. Moore v. Ford Motor Company, Monty Scher, Barry Scher, and Kenneth Weinberger, No. 92 C 1130, 1994 WL 25822 (N.D. Ill. Jan. 26, 1994) (1994-01-26)
[info] 52-F - Opinion - Vernon R. Miller v. Colorado Farms, et al., No. CIV. A. 97WY2015WD, 2001 WL 629463 (D. Colo. Jan. 16, 2001) (2001-01-16)
[info] 53 [PDF] - Stipulation (SCO v. Novell) to extend time for Novell to file Reply Memorandum in Support of Second Motion to Dismiss until November 8, 2004
[info] 54 [PDF] - Order (SCO v. Novell) Granting [53] Stipulation to extend time for Novell to file Reply Memorandum in Support of Second Motion to Dismiss until November 8, 2004, signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball, 10/7/2004 (2004-10-07)
[info] 55 [PDF] - Novell's Ex Parte Motion for Leave to File Overlength Memorandum in Reply to Response to [35] Motion to Dismiss the Amended Complaint
[info] 56 [PDF] - Novell's Reply Memorandum in Support of [35] Motion to Dismiss the Amended Complaint [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 57 [PDF] - Novell's Declaration of Kellie Carlton re: [35] Novell's Motion to Dismiss the Amended Complaint [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 57-A [PDF] - Novell's Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors of Novell, Inc., Monday, September 18, 1995 (1995-09-18) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 58 [PDF] - Order granting [55] Novell's Ex Parte Motion for Leave to File Overlength Memorandum in Reply to Response to [35] Novell's Motion to Dismiss the Amended Complaint. (2004-11-09)
[info] 59 [PDF] - Novell's Notice of Filing of Original Declaration (2004-11-10)
[info] 60 [PDF] - Notice of Hearing (SCO v. Novell) filed re: [35] Novell's Motion to Dismiss the Amended Complaint, set for 3:00 January 20, 2005 [ Groklaw ]
[info] 61 [PDF] - Notice of Hearing (SCO v. Novell) reset re: [35] Novell's Motion to Dismiss the Amended Complaint, reset for 3:00 February 1, 2005 (2004-12-28)
[info] 62 [PDF] - Notice of Hearing [SCO v. Novell 62] reset re: [35] Novell's Motion to Dismiss the Amended Complaint, reset for 3:00pm March 8, 2005
[info] 63 [PDF] - Novell's Motion [SCO v. Novell 63] to Continue 3/8/2005 Hearing on Motion to Dismiss [ Groklaw | Groklaw 2 ]
[info] 64 [PDF] - Novell's Declaration [SCO v. Novell 64] of Heather M. Sneddon re: [63] Novell's Motion to Continue 3/8/2005 Hearing on Motion to Dismiss [ Groklaw | Groklaw 2 ]
[info] 65 [PDF] - Novell's Declaration [SCO v. Novell 65] of Michael A. Jacobs re: [SCO v. Novell 63] Novell's Motion to Continue 3/8/2005 Hearing on Motion to Dismiss [ Groklaw | Groklaw 2 ]
[info] 66 [PDF] - Stipulation [SCO v. Novell 66] to Continue 3/8/2005 Hearing re: Novell's Motion to Dismiss the Amended Complaint [ Groklaw | Groklaw 2 ]
[info] 67 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. Novell 67] Granting [SCO v. Novell 63] Novell's Motion for Continuance and [SCO v. Novell 66] Stipulation for Continuance, signed March 2, 2005 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2005-03-02)
[info] 68 [PDF] - Novell's Declaration of Michael A. Jacobs re: [SCO v. Novell 66] Stipulation Motion to Continue Hearing (2005-03-04)
[info] 69 - Novell's Notice of Filing Original Declaration, entered 03/04/2005 (2005-03-04)
[info] 70 [PDF] - Motion & Order [SCO v. Novell 70] Granting Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice for of Edward Normand for SCO Group, Signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball on 5/23/05 (2005-05-23)
[info] 71 - Motion & Order [SCO v. Novell 71] Granting Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice for of Sean Eskovitz for SCO Group, Signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball on 5/24/05 (2005-05-24)
[info] 72 [PDF] - Minute Entry [SCO v. Novell 72] for Motion Hearing held on 5/25/2005 re [SCO v. Novell 35] Novell's Motion to Dismiss, held before Judge Dale A. Kimball. (2005-05-25) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 73 [PDF] - Motion & Order [SCO v. Novell 73] Granting Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice for Kenneth Brakebill for Novell, signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2005-06-07) [ Groklaw | Groklaw 2 ]
[info] 74 [PDF] - Novell's Certificate of Service [SCO v. Novell 74] of Novell's Motion and Application [SCO v. Novell 73] for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Kenneth W. Brakebill (2005-06-07) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 75 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. Novell 75] Denying [SCO v. Novell 35] Novell's Motion to Dismiss (2005-06-27) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 76 [PDF] - Stipulation [SCO v. Novell 76] for Extension of Time to File Answer and Counterclaims in Response to SCO's Amended Complaint by July 29, 2005 (2005-07-15)
[info] 77 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. Novell 77] Granting [76] Stipulation for Extension of Time for Novell to Answer SCO's Amended Complaint and File Counterclaims by July 29, 2005 (2005-07-15)
[info] 79 [PDF] - Stipulation [SCO v. Novell 79] that SCO has until September 12, 2005 to file a response to Novell's Answer and Counterclaims (2005-08-17) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 80 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. Novell 80] Granting [79] Stipulation that SCO has until September 12, 2005 to file response to Novell's Answer and Counterclaims (2005-08-18) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 82 - Notice [SCO v. Novell 82] of Initial Pretrial Conference set for 12/20/2005 01:30 PM in Room 477 before Magistrate Judge David Nuffer (2005-11-10)
[info] 83 - Notice Reminder [SCO v. Novell 83] of Attorneys' Planning Meeting Report due five days from receipt of this notice re [82] NOTICE OF INITIAL PRETRIAL CONFERENCE (2005-11-29)
[info] 84 [PDF] - Report [SCO v. Novell 84] of Attorney Planning Meeting (2005-12-01)
[info] 85 [PDF] - Scheduling Order [SCO v. Novell 85] Amended Pleadings due by 3/7/2006. Joinder of Parties due by 3/7/2006. Discovery due by 11/1/06, 1/12/2007. Motions due by 1/26/2007. Final Pretrial Conference set for 6/6/2007 02:30 PM in Room 220 before Judge Dale A. Kimball. 21 day Jury Trial set for 6/25/2007 08:30 AM in Room 220 before Judge Dale A. Kimball.. Signed by Judge David Nuffer on 12/6/05 (2005-12-06) [ Filed with Novell's Expedited Motion to Compel Production | Filed with SCO's Memorandum in Opposition to Novell's Motion to Stay ]
[info] 86 [PDF] - Novell's Certificate of Service [SCO v. Novell 86] of Novell's First Set of Requests for Production (2005-12-06)
[info] 87 [PDF] - Novell's Certificate of Service [SCO v. Novell 87] of Novell's Second Set of Requests for Production (2005-12-14)
[info] 88 - Notice [SCO v. Novell 88] of Telephone Conference set for January 25, 2005 at 2:30pm in Room 220 before Judge Dale A. Kimball (2005-12-19) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 89 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. Novell 89] to File Second Amended Complaint (2005-12-30) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 89-A [PDF] - SCO's Proposed Second Amended Complaint [SCO v. Novell-89-A] (2005-12-30) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 90 [PDF] - Novell's Certificate of Service [SCO v. Novell 90] of Novell's First Set of Interrogatories (2005-12-30)
[info] 91 [PDF] - SCO's Certificate of Service [SCO v. Novell 91] of SCO's First Request for Production of Documents and First Set of Interrogatories (2006-01-11)
[info] 92 [PDF] - Stipulation [SCO v. Novell 92] re: [89] SCO's Motion to Amend Amended Complaint (2006-01-26)
[info] 93 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. Novell 93] Granting [89] SCO's Motion to Amend Amended Complaint, signed January 26, 2006 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2006-01-26)
[info] 94 [PDF] - Novell's Notice [SCO v. Novell 94] of Third Party Subpoena (2006-01-31)
[info] 95 [PDF] - Novell's Certificate of Service [SCO v. Novell 95] of Subpoena Served on DataSafe, Inc. (2006-02-02)
[info] 96 [PDF] - SCO's Second Amended Complaint [SCO v. Novell 96] Against Novell (2006-02-03)
[info] 97 [PDF] - Novell's Certificate of Service [SCO v. Novell 97] of Novell's Response to SCO's First Set of Requests for Production (2006-02-10)
[info] 98 [PDF] - Novell's Certificate of Service [SCO v. Novell 98] of Novell's Response to SCO's First Set of Interrogatories (2006-02-17)
[info] 99 [PDF] - Novell's Certificate of Service [SCO v. Novell 99] of Novell's Rule 26 Initial Disclosure (2006-03-01)
[info] 100 [PDF] - Stipulation [SCO v. Novell 100] For Extension of Time to File Answer re: [96] SCO's Second Amended Complaint (2006-03-17)
[info] 101 [PDF] - SCO's Certificate of Service [SCO v. Novell 101] of Initial Disclosures (2006-03-21)
[info] 102 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. Novell 102] that Novell may File, under Seal, Confidential Exhibits to its Motion to Stay, Signed April 10, 2006 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2006-04-10)
[info] 103 [PDF] - Stipulation [SCO v. Novell 103] to File Confidential Exhibits under Seal re: Novell's Motion to Stay (2006-04-10)
[info] 104 [PDF] - Novell's Motion [SCO v. Novell 104] to Stay Claims Raising Issues Subject to Arbitration (2006-04-10)
[info] 105 - Novell's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 105] in Support of [104] Novell's Motion to Stay [Filed sealed in 105, Redacted in 106] (2006-04-10) [ Redacted ] [sealed]
[info] 106 - Novell's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 105] in Support of [104] Novell's Motion to Stay [Filed sealed in 105, Redacted in 106] (2006-04-10) [ Redacted ] [sealed]
[info] 107 - Novell's Declaration [SCO v. Novell 107] of Michael A. Jacobs re: [104] Novell's Motion to Stay [Filed Sealed in 107, Redacted in 108] (2006-04-10) [ Redacted ] [sealed]
[info] 108 - Novell's Declaration [SCO v. Novell 107] of Michael A. Jacobs re: [104] Novell's Motion to Stay [Filed Sealed in 107, Redacted in 108] (2006-04-10) [ Redacted ] [sealed]
[info] 109 [PDF] - Novell's Motion [SCO v. Novell 109] for a More Definite Statement of SCO's Unfair Competition Cause of Action (2006-04-10)
[info] 110 [PDF] - Novell's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 110] in Support of [109] Novell's Motion for a More Definite Statement of SCO's Unfair Competition Cause of Action (2006-04-10) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 111 [PDF] - IBM's Declaration [SCO v. Novell 111] of Kenneth W. Brakebill re: [109] Novell's Motion for a More Definite Statement (2006-04-10) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 112 [PDF] - Novell's Certificate of Service [SCO v. Novell 112] re: [103] Stipulation to File Confidential Exhibits under Seal (2006-04-10)
[info] 113 [PDF] - Novell's Certificate of Service [SCO v. Novell 113] re: [105] Sealed Memorandum in Support of Motion to Stay (2006-04-10)
[info] 114 [PDF] - Novell's Certificate of Service [SCO v. Novell 114] re: [107] Sealed Declaration of Michael A. Jacobs re: Motion to Stay (2006-04-10)
[info] 115 [PDF] - Novell's Answer [SCO v. Novell 115] and Counterclaims to SCO's Second Amended Complaint (2006-04-10)
[info] 116 [PDF] - Novell's Notice [SCO v. Novell 116] of Third-Party Subpoena (2006-04-17)
[info] 117 [PDF] - Novell's Certificate of Service [SCO v. Novell 117] re: Recall Subpoena (2006-04-25)
[info] 118 - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. Novell 118] for Extension of Time for SCO to File Response to Novell's Motion to Stay and Motion for More Definite Statement (2006-04-28)
[info] 119 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. Novell 119] Granting [118] Stipulated Motion for Extension of Time for SCO to File Response to Novell's Motion to Stay and Motion for More Definite Statement, due 5/19/2006. Signed May 1, 2006 by Judge Dale A. Kimball. (2006-05-02)
[info] 120 [PDF] - Novell's Counterclaim [SCO v. Novell 120] against SCO Group (2006-04-10)
[info] 121 [PDF] - SCO's Answer [SCO v. Novell 121] to [120] Novell's Counterclaim (2006-05-01)
[info] 122 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 122] in Opposition to [104] Novell's Motion to Stay Claims Raising Issues Subject to Arbitration (2006-05-26)
[info] 122-2 [PDF] - Novell's First Set [SCO v. Novell 122-2] of Requests for Production, Novell's First Set of Interrogatories, Novell's Second Set of Requests for Production, Novell's Notice of Third Party Subpoena on DataSafe, Inc., Novell's Notice of Third Party Subpoena on Recall
[info] 122-3 [PDF] - SCO's First Request [SCO v. Novell 122-3] for Production of Documents and First Set of Interrogatories (2006-05-26)
[info] 122-Other - SCO's Exhibits to [SCO v. Novell 122] SCO's Memorandum in Opposition to Novell's Motion to Stay Claims Raising Issues Subject to Arbitration [ Exhibit 4 | Exhibit 5 | Exhibit 6 | Exhibit 7 | Exhibit 8 ]
[info] 123 [PDF] - SCO's Ex-Parte Motion [SCO v. Novell 123] for Leave to File Excess Pages re: SCO's Memorandum in Opposition to Novel's Motion to Stay Claims Relating to Issues Subject to Arbitration (2006-05-26)
[info] 124 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 124] in Opposition to [109] Novell's Motion for a More Definite Statement [ Groklaw ]
[info] 125 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. Novell 125] Granting [123] Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages. Signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2006-05-31)
[info] 126 - SCO's Motion [SCO v. Novell 126] to Withdraw as Counsel (2006-06-09)
[info] 127 [PDF] - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. Novell 127] for Extension of Time to File Response Memorandum in Support of Novell's Motions to Stay and for a More Definite Statement (2006-06-12)
[info] 128 - Order [SCO v. Novell 128] Granting [126] Motion for Mark R. Clements to Withdraw as Counsel (2006-06-13)
[info] 129 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. Novell 129] Granting [127] Motion for Extension of Time to File Response to [109] Novell's Motion for a More Definite Statement. Signed June 13, 2006 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2006-06-13)
[info] 130 [PDF] - Novell's Ex Parte Motion [SCO v. Novell 130] for Leave to File an Overlength Reply Memorandum [ Proposed Order ]
[info] 131 [PDF] - Novell's Reply Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 131] in Support of Novell's Motion to Stay Claims Raising Issues Subject to Arbitration
[info] 133 [PDF] - Novell's Reply Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 133] in Support of [109] Novell's Motion for a More Definite Statement of SCO's Unfair Competition Cause of Action [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 134 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. Novell 134] Granting [130] Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages. Signed June 20, 2006 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2006-06-20)
[info] 135 - Notice of Hearing [SCO v. Novell 135] on [109] Novell's Motion for a More Definite Statement, [104] Novell's Motion to Stay. Hearing set for July 17, 2006 10:00 AM in Room 220 before Judge Dale A. Kimball (2006-06-20)
[info] 136 - Order [SCO v. Novell 136] on Novell's Motion for a More Definite Statement (2006-07-17)
[info] 137 [PDF] - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. Novell 137] for Protective Order (2006-07-31) [ Proposed Order ]
[info] 138 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. Novell 138] Granting [137] Stipulated Protective Order (2006-08-02)
[info] 139 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. Novell 139] Granting In Part [104] Novell's Motion to Stay Claims Raising Issues Subject to Arbitration (2006-08-21)
[info] 140 [PDF] - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. Novell 140] for Leave for Novell to File Amended Counterclaim (2006-08-02) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 140-B [PDF] - Novell's Proposed Order [SCO v. Novell 140-B] Granting [140-A] Novell's Amended Counterclaims (2006-09-21)
[info] 141 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. Novell 141] Granting [140] Novell's Motion for Leave to File Amended Counterclaim, Signed September 22, 2006 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2006-09-22)
[info] 142 [PDF] - Novell's Amended Counterclaims [SCO v. Novell 142] Against SCO (2006-09-25)
[info] 143 [PDF] - Novell's Certificate of Service [SCO v. Novell 143] of Novell's Second Set of Interrogatories and Third Set of Requests for Production (2006-09-27)
[info] 144 [PDF] - Novell's Certificate of Service [SCO v. Novell 144] of Novell's First Set of Requests for Admission (2006-09-29)
[info] 145 [PDF] - Novell's Certificate of Service [SCO v. Novell 145] of Novell's Third Set of Interrogatories
[info] 146 [PDF] - Novell's Certificate of Service [SCO v. Novell 146] of Novell's Fourth Set of Requests for Production
[info] 147 [PDF] - Novell's Motion [SCO v. Novell 147] for Partial Summary Judgment or Preliminary Injunction (2006-09-29)
[info] 148 - Novell's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 155] in Support of [147] Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment or Preliminary Injunction [Filed Sealed in 155, Redacted in 148] (2006-10-02) [ Redacted ] [sealed]
[info] 149 [PDF] - Novell's Declaration [SCO v. Novell 149] of Joseph A. LaSala, Jr. re: [148] Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment or Preliminary Injunction (2006-09-29)
[info] 149-1 [PDF] - Novell (Mike Bready)Letter [SCO v. Novell 149-1] of July 11, 2003 to SCO (Robert Bench) (2003-07-11)
[info] 149-2 [PDF] - SCO (Robert Bench) Letter [SCO v. Novell 149-2] of July 17, 2003 to Novell (Mike Bready)
[info] 150 - Novell's Declaration [SCO v. Novell 150] of Michael A. Jacobs re: [147] Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment [Filed Sealed in 150, Redacted in 151] [ Redacted ] [sealed]
[info] 151 - Novell's Declaration [SCO v. Novell 150] of Michael A. Jacobs re: [147] Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment [Filed Sealed in 150, Redacted in 151] [ Redacted ] [sealed]
[info] 152 [PDF] - Novell's Certificate of Service [SCO v. Novell 152] re: [150] Novell's Sealed Declaration of Michael A. Jacobs re: Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment or Preliminary Injunction
[info] 153 [PDF] - Novell's Notice [SCO v. Novell 153] of Conventional Filing of Redacted Declaration of Michael A. Jacobs in Support of Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment or Preliminary Injunction
[info] 154 [PDF] - Novell's Certificate of Service [SCO v. Novell 154] of Novell's Sealed Memorandum in Support of Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment or Preliminary Injunction
[info] 155 - Novell's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 155] in Support of [147] Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment or Preliminary Injunction [Filed Sealed in 155, Redacted in 148] (2006-10-02) [ Redacted ] [sealed]
[info] 156 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. Novell 156] for Expedited Stay or Continuance to Respond to Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment or Preliminary Injunction, and to Extend Fact Discovery (2006-10-04)
[info] 157 [PDF] - Novell's Errata [SCO v. Novell 157] to [148] Novell's Memorandum in Support of [155] Motion for Partial Summary Judgment or Preliminary Injunction (2006-10-08)
[info] 158 [PDF] - SCO's Answer [SCO v. Novell 158] to [142] Novell's Amended Counterclaim (2006-10-16) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 159 [PDF] - Novell's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 159] in Opposition to [156] SCO's Motion to Stay or Continue Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment (2006-10-18) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 160 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. Novell 160] for Admisison Pro Hac Vice of Stuart H. Singer (2006-10-23) [ Proposed Order ]
[info] 161 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. Novell 161] for Admission Pro Hac Vice of William Dzurilla (2006-10-23) [ Proposed Order ]
[info] 162 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. Novell 162] Granting in Part, Denying in Part SCO's Motion for Expedited Stay or Continuance (2006-10-24) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 163 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. Novell 163] Granting [160] SCO's Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Stuart H. Singer, Granting [161] SCO's Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of William Dzurilla, Signed October 24, 2006 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2006-10-24)
[info] 164 [PDF] - Novell's Certificate of Service [SCO v. Novell 164] of Novell's Response to SCO's Second Set of Requests for Production and Second Set of Interrogatories (2006-11-06)
[info] 165 [PDF] - Novell's Expedited Motion [SCO v. Novell 165] to Compel Production of Deposition Transcripts and Exhibits from SCO v. IBM [ Groklaw ]
[info] 166 [PDF] - Novell's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 166] in Support of [165] Novell's Expedited Motion to Compel Production of Deposition Transcripts and Exhibits from SCO v. IBM [ Groklaw ]
[info] 167 [PDF] - Novell's Declaration [SCO v. Novell 167] of Kenneth Brakebill re: [165] Novell's Expedited Motion to Compel Production of Deposition Transcripts and Exhibits from SCO v. IBM [ Groklaw ]
[info] 167-A [PDF] - Emails between Ted Normand and Kenneth Brakebill re: Novell's Access to Documents Produced in SCO v. IBM (2005-10-14)
[info] 167-B [PDF] - IBM Email from David Marriott to Kenneth Brakebill giving IBM's permission to share discovery (2006-02-08)
[info] 167-D [PDF] - Novell's First Set of Requests for Production [SCO v. Novell 167-D] [ Groklaw ]
[info] 167-E [PDF] - Email from Kenneth Brakebill to Ted Normand [SCO v. Novell 167-E] attaching Emails to remind SCO re: Novell's access to Documents in SCO v. IBM [ Groklaw ]
[info] 167-F [PDF] - Emails between Kenneth Brakebill and Ted Normand [SCO v. Novell 167-F] re: SCO's Commitment to begin rolling Production of Documents [ Groklaw ]
[info] 167-G [PDF] - SCO's Responses and Objections [SCO v. Novell 167-G] to Novell's First Set of Interrogatores and Second Set of Requests for Production [ Groklaw ]
[info] 167-H [PDF] - Novell's Second Set of Requests for Production [SCO v. Novell 167-H] [ Groklaw ]
[info] 168 - Order [SCO v. Novell 168] Referring Case to Magistrate Judge Brooke C. Wells under 28:636 (b)(1)(A), Magistrate to hear and determine all nondispositive pretrial matters. Signed November 9, 2006 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2006-11-09)
[info] 169 [PDF] - Novell's Notice [SCO v. Novell 169] of Filing of Letter to Judge Kimball (2006-11-14) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 169-A [PDF] - Novell's Letter [SCO v. Novell 169-A] of November 14, 2006 to Judge Kimball (2006-11-14) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 170 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 170] in Opposition to Novell's Expedited Motion to Compel (2006-11-27) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 171 [PDF] - Novell's Motion [SCO v. Novell 171] for Partial Summary Judgment on Novell's Fourth Claim for Relief (2006-12-01) [ GGroklaw ]
[info] 172 - Novell's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 172] in Support of [171] Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Novell's Fourth Claim for Relief [Filed Sealed in 175, Redacted in 172] (2006-12-01) [ Redacted | Groklaw ] [sealed]
[info] 173 - Novell's Declaration [SCO v. Novell 173] of Kenneth W. Brakebill re: [171] Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Novell's Fourth Claim for Relief [Filed Sealed in 176, Redacted in 173] (2006-12-01) [ Redacted | Groklaw ] [sealed]
[info] 174 [PDF] - Novell's Notice [SCO v. Novell 174] of Conventional Filing of Memorandum and Declaration of Kenneth W. Brakebill in Support of [171] Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Novell's Fourth Claim for Relief (2006-12-01) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 175 - Novell's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 172] in Support of [171] Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Novell's Fourth Claim for Relief [Filed Sealed in 175, Redacted in 172] (2006-12-01) [ Redacted | Groklaw ] [sealed]
[info] 176 - Novell's Declaration [SCO v. Novell 173] of Kenneth W. Brakebill re: [171] Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Novell's Fourth Claim for Relief [Filed Sealed in 176, Redacted in 173] (2006-12-01) [ Redacted | Groklaw ] [sealed]
[info] 177 [PDF] - Novell's Response Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 177] in Support of [165] Novell's Motion to Compel Production of Deposition Transcripts and Exhibits from SCO v. IBM (2006-12-11)
[info] 178 [PDF] - SCO's Notice [SCO v. Novell 178] of Conventional Filing of SCO's Memorandum in Opposition to Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment or Preliminary Injunction and in Support of SCO's Cross Motion for Summary Judgment or Partial Summary Judgment (2006-12-12)
[info] 179 [PDF] - SCO's Notice [SCO v. Novell 179] of Conventional Filing of SCO's Declaration of Brent O. Hatch (2006-12-12)
[info] 180 [PDF] - SCO's Cross Motion [SCO v. Novell 180] for Summary Judgment on Novell's Third, Sixth, Eighth, and Ninth Counterclaims (2006-12-12)
[info] 181 [PDF] - Stipulation [SCO v. Novell 181] and Motion for Leave to File Memorandum in Opposition (2006-12-12)
[info] 182 [PDF] - SCO's Ex Parte Motion [SCO v. Novell 182] for Leave to File Overlength Memorandum in Opposition to Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment or Preliminary Injunction and in Support of SCO's Cross Motion for Partial Summary Judgment or Partial Summary Judgment (2006-12-12)
[info] 183 - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 183] in Opposition to [147] Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment or Preliminary Injunction [Filed Sealed in 183, Redacted in 209] (2006-12-12) [ Redacted | Groklaw ] [sealed]
[info] 184 - SCO's Declaration [SCO v. Novell 184] of Brent O. Hatch (2006-12-12) [sealed]
[info] 185 - SCO's Exhibits [SCO v. Novell 185] 1-20 to [184] SCO's Declaration of Brent O. Hatch (2006-12-12) [sealed]
[info] 186 - SCO's Exhibits [SCO v. Novell 186] 21-27 re: [184] SCO's Declaration of Brent O. Hatch (2006-12-12) [sealed]
[info] 187 - SCO's Exhibit [SCO v. Novell 187] 28 re: [184] SCO's Declaration of Brent O. Hatch (2006-12-12) [sealed]
[info] 188 - SCO's Exhibits [SCO v. Novell 188] 20-32 re: [184] SCO's Declaration of Brent O. Hatch (2006-12-12) [sealed]
[info] 189 - SCO's Exhibits [SCO v. Novell 189] 33-46 re: [184] SCO's Declaration of Brent O. Hatch (2006-12-12) [sealed]
[info] 190 - SCO's Exhibit [SCO v. Novell 190] 26 (CD) re: [184] SCO's Declaration of Brent O. Hatch (2006-12-12) [sealed]
[info] 191 [PDF] - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. Novell 191] for Extension of Time to File Response to [171] Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Novell's Fourth Claim for Relief (2006-12-18)
[info] 192 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. Novell 192] Granting [191] Stipulated Motion for Extension of Time to File Response to [171] Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Novell's Fourth Claim for Relief. Signed December 19, 2006 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2006-12-19)
[info] 193 - Notice [SCO v. Novell 193] of Hearing on [165] Novell's Motion to Compel Production of Deposition Transcripts and Exhibits from SCO v. IBM. Hearing set for 1/11/2007 at 10:30am in Room 436 before Magistrate Judge Brooke C. Wells (2007-01-03) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 194 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. Novell 194] for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Devan Padmanabhan (2007-01-04) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 195 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. Novell 195] for Admission Pro Hac Vice of John J. Brogan (2007-01-04) [ Proposed Order | Groklaw ]
[info] 196 - SCO's Motion [SCO v. Novell 196] for Extension of Time to File Response to [171] Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Novell's Fourth Claim for Relief (2007-01-08) [ Groklaw | Groklaw text ]
[info] 197 [PDF] - Novell's Ex-Parte Motion [SCO v. Novell 197] for Leave to File Excess Pages re: Novell's Reply Memorandum in Support of Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment or Preliminary Injunction (2007-01-08) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 198 - Novell's Response Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 198] in Support of Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment or Preliminary Injunction [Filed sealed in 205, Redacted in 198] (2007-01-08) [ Redacted | Exhibit A | Groklaw ]
[info] 199 [PDF] - Novell's Declaration [SCO v. Novell 199] of Heather M. Sneddon re: [198] Novell's Response Memorandum in Support of [171] Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment or Preliminary Injunction (2007-01-08) [ Exhibit 1 | Exhibit 2 | Groklaw ]
[info] 200 [PDF] - Novell's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 200] in Opposition to [196] SCO's Motion for Extension of Time to File Response to [171] Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Novell's Fourth Claim for Relief (2007-01-09) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 201 [PDF] - Novell's Notice [SCO v. Novell 201] of Conventional Filing of Novell's Reply Memorandum in Support of Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment or Preliminary Injunction (2007-01-09) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 202 [PDF] - SCO's Response Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 202] in Support of [196] SCO's Motion for Extension of Time to File Response to [171] Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment or Preliminary Injunction (2007-01-09) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 203 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. Novell 203] Granting [195] SCO's Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of John J. Brogan. Signed January 5, 2007, by Judge Dale A. Kimball. (2007-01-05) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 204 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. Novell 204] Granting [194] SCO's Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Devan V. Padmanabbhan. Signed January 5, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-01-08)
[info] 205 - Novell's Response Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 198] in Support of Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment or Preliminary Injunction [Filed sealed in 205, Redacted in 198] (2007-01-08) [ Redacted | Exhibit A | Groklaw ]
[info] 206 - Order [SCO v. Novell 206] Granting [197] Motion to File Excess Pages. Signed January 10, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-01-10)
[info] 207 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. Novell 207] Granting [196] SCO's Motion for Extension of Time to File Response to [171] Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Novell's Fourth Claim for Relief. Reply due by January 17, 2007. Signed January 9, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-01-10)
[info] 208 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. Novell 208] Granting [181] Motion for Leave to File. Signed January 12, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-01-12) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 209 - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 183] in Opposition to [147] Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment or Preliminary Injunction [Filed Sealed in 183, Redacted in 209] (2006-12-12) [ Redacted | Groklaw ] [sealed]
[info] 209-A [PDF] - SCO's Response [SCO v. Novell 209-A] to Novell's Statement of Undisputed Facts
[info] 210 [PDF] - Novell's Notice [SCO v. Novell 210] of Conventional Filing of Novell's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Cross Motion for Summary Judgment, Declaration of Heather M. Sneddon, and Novell's Response to SCO's Statement of Facts
[info] 211 [PDF] - SCO's Notice [SCO v. Novell 211] of Conventional Filing of SCO's Memorandum in Opposition to Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on its Fourth Counterclaim for Relief, and in Support of SCO's Motion for Summary Judgment, and SCO's Declaration of Brent O. Hatch
[info] 212 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. Novell 212] for Leave to File Overlength Memorandum in Opposition to Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on its Fourth Counterclaim for Relief, and for SCO's Cross Motion for Summary Judgment
[info] 213 - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 213] in Opposition to [171] Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Novell's Fourth Claim for Relief [Filed Sealed in 213, Redacted in 265] [sealed]
[info] 214 - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 214] in Support of [180] SCO's Cross Motion for Summary Judgment or Partials Summary Judgment on Novell's Third, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth Counterclaims [sealed]
[info] 215 - SCO's Declaration [SCO v. Novell 215] of Brent O. Hatch [sealed]
[info] 216 - SCO's Exhibits [SCO v. Novell 216] 10-43 re: [215] SCO's Declaration of Brent Hatch [sealed]
[info] 217 - SCO's Exhibit [SCO v. Novell 217] 35 re: [215] SCO's Declaration of Brent Hatch [sealed]
[info] 218 - SCO's Exhibits [SCO v. Novell 218] 44-56 re: [215] SCO's Declaration of Brent Hatch [sealed]
[info] 219 - SCO's Exhibits [SCO v. Novell 219] 57-63 re: [215] SCO's Declaration of Brent Hatch [sealed]
[info] 220 - Novell's Response [SCO v. Novell 220] to SCO's Statement of Facts in [180] SCO's Cross Motion for Summary Judgment or Partial Summary Judgment on Novell's Third, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth Counterclaims [sealed]
[info] 221 - Novell's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 221] in Opposition to [180] SCO's Cross Motion for Summary Judgment or Partial Summary Judgment on Novell's Third, Sixth, Eighth, and Ninth Counterclaims [sealed]
[info] 222 - Novell's Declaration [SCO v. Novell 222] of Heather M. Sneddon re: [221] Novell's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Cross Motion, part 1 of 2 [sealed]
[info] 223 - Novell's Declaration [SCO v. Novell 223] of Heather M. Sneddon re: [221] Novell's Memorandum in Opposition to [180] SCO's Cross Motion, part 2 of 2 [sealed]
[info] 224 [PDF] - SCO's Cross Motion [SCO v. Novell 224] for Partial Summary Judgment on Novell's Fourth Counterclaim [ Groklaw ]
[info] 225 - Order [SCO v. Novell 225] Granting [182] SCO's Ex Parte Motion for Leave to File Overlength Memorandum, Granting [212] SCO's Motion for Leave to File Overlength Memorandum. Signed January 19, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-01-19)
[info] 227 - Minute Entry [SCO v. Novell 227] for Motion Hearing re: [147] Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment or Preliminary Injunction, [180] SCO's Cross Motion for Summary Judgment or Partial Summary Judgment on Novell's Third, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth Counterclaims, [224] SCO's Cross Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Novell's Fourth Counterclaim, [171] Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Novell's Fourth Claim for Relief. Held January 23, 2007 before Judge Dale A. Kimball. The Court took the matter under advisement (2007-01-23)
[info] 228 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. Novell 228] Granting [226] SCO's Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Sashi Bach Boruchow. Signed January 24, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-01-25)
[info] 229 - Minute Entry [SCO v. Novell 229] for Telephone Conference Held January 25, 2007 before Judge Dale A. Kimball. After hearing from counsel, The Court will allow each side to designate 3 or 4 additional depositions by January 29, to be taken by March 2, 2007. Each side will also be allowed to designate one more deposition by February 9, to be taken by March 2, 2007. (2007-01-25)
[info] 230 [PDF] - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. Novell 230] for Extension of Time to File Response (2007-01-30) [ Proposed Order ]
[info] 231 [PDF] - SCO's Notice [SCO v. Novell 231] of Conventional Filing of SCO's Reply Memorandum in Support of [180] SCO's Cross Motion for Summary Judgment or Partial Summary Judgment on Novell's Third, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth Counterclaims (2007-01-31)
[info] 232 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. Novell 232] Granting [230] Novell's Motion for Extension of Time to File Response to [180] SCO's Cross Motion for Summary Judgment or Partial Summary Judgment on Novell's Third, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth Counterclaims. Replies are due by 1/31/2007. Signed February 1, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball. (2007-02-01)
[info] 233 - SCO's Reply Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 233] in Support of [180] SCO's Cross Motion for Summary Judgment or Partial Summary Judgment on Novell's Third, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth Counterclaims (2007-01-31) [sealed]
[info] 234 [PDF] - Novell's Motion [SCO v. Novell 234] for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Grant L. Kim (2007-02-09) [ Exhibit A | Exhibit B ]
[info] 235 [PDF] - Novell's Ex Parte Motion [SCO v. Novell 235] for Leave to File Excess Pages re: Novell's Reply Memorandum in Support of Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on its Fourth Claim for Relief (2007-02-12) [ Proposed Order ]
[info] 236 [PDF] - Novell's Notice [SCO v. Novell 236] of Conventional Filing of Novell's Response Memorandum in Support of [171] Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on its Fourth Claim for Relief (2007-02-12)
[info] 237 - Novell's Response Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 237] in Support of [171] Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Novell's Fourth Claim for Relief (2007-02-12) [sealed]
[info] 238 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. Novell 238] Granting [234] Novell's Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Grant L. Kim. Signed February 13, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-02-13)
[info] 239 [PDF] - Novell's Notice [SCO v. Novell 239] of Conventional Filing of Novell's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Cross Motion for Summary Judgment on Novell's Fourth Claim for Relief; Declaration of Heather M. Sneddon in Support, Novell's Response to SCO's Statement of Facts (2007-02-21)
[info] 240 - Novell's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 240] in Opposition to SCO's Cross Motion re: [171] Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Novell's Fourth Claim for Relief (2007-02-20) [sealed]
[info] 241 - Novell's Declaration [SCO v. Novell 241] of Heather Sneddon re: [240] Novell's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Cross Motion (2007-02-20) [sealed]
[info] 242 - Novell's Response [SCO v. Novell 242] to SCO's Statement of Facts in Support of SCO's Cross Motion for Summary Judgment on Novell's Fourth Claim for Relief (2007-02-21) [sealed]
[info] 243 [PDF] - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. Novell 243] for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery (2007-03-02)
[info] 244 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. Novell 244] Granting [243] Motion for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery. Signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball on March 5, 2007 (2007-03-05)
[info] 245 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. Novell 245] for Extension of Time to File Response Memorandum re: SCO's Cross Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Novell's Fourth Claim for Relief (2007-03-09)
[info] 246 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. Novell 246] Granting [245] SCO's Motion for Extension of Time to File Response Memorandum in Support of [224] SCO's Cross Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Novell's Fourth Counterclaim. Signed March 12, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball.
[info] 247 [PDF] - SCO's Notice [SCO v. Novell 247] of Conventional Filing of SCO's Reply Memorandum in Support of SCO's Cross Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Novell's Fourth Counterclaim, and Exhibits thereto; Declaration of Mark F. James (2007-03-16)
[info] 248 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. Novell 248] for Leave to File Excess Pages (2007-03-16)
[info] 249 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. Novell 249] Granting [248] SCO's Motion to File Excess Pages. Signed March 19, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-03-19)
[info] 250 [PDF] - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. Novell 250] to Amend/Correct SCO's Fifth Claim for Relief (2007-03-20) [ Proposed Order ]
[info] 251 - SCO's Reply Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 251] in Support of [224] SCO's Cross Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Novell's Fourth Counterclaim [Filed Sealed in 251, Redacted in 266] (2007-03-16) [ Redacted ] [sealed]
[info] 252 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. Novell 252] Granting [250] Stipulated Motion to Amend/Correct SCO's Fifth Claim for Relief. It is hereby ordered that Plaintiff and Counterclaim-Defendant SCO's Second Amended Complaint is deemed amended to reflect that SCO's Fifth Claim for Relief arises out of Utah statutory and/or common law and Defendant and Counterclaim-Plaintiff Novell's Motion for a More Definite Statement of SCO's Unfair Competition Cause of Action is mooted. Signed by Judge Dale A. Kimball on 3/21/07. (2007-03-22)
[info] 253 - Notice [SCO v. Novell 253] From the Clerk's Office that from this day forward, sealed submissions in this case will not be scanned for internal court use, but will be maintained in the court's sealed room not to be accessed except by court personnel (2007-03-23)
[info] 254 [PDF] - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. Novell 254] for Addendum to Protective Order (2007-03-26) [ Proposed Order ]
[info] 255 - Stipulated Addendum [SCO v. Novell 255] to Protective Order. Signed March 27, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-03-27)
[info] 256 [PDF] - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. Novell 256] for Extension of Time to Complete Outstanding Fact Discovery (2007-03-30)
[info] 257 - Order [SCO v. Novell 257] Granting [256] Stipulated Motion for Extension of Time to Complete Outstanding Fact Discovery. The Parties' 9/17/2007 trial date will not change. Signed April 3, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-04-03)
[info] 258 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. Novell 258] for Partial Summary Judgment on SCO's First, Second, and Fifth Causes of Action, and for Summary Judgment on Novell's First Counterclaim (2007-04-09)
[info] 259 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 259] in Support of [258] SCO's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on SCO's First, Second, and Fifth Causes of Action, and for Summary Judgment on Novell's First Counterclaim (2007-04-09)
[info] 260 - SCO's Declaration [SCO v. Novell 260] of Edward Normand re: [259] SCO's Memorandum in Support of [258] SCO's Motion (2007-04-09)
[info] 261 - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. Novell 261] for Extension of Time to File Dispositive Motions (2007-04-09)
[info] 262 - SCO's Motion [SCO v. Novell 262] for Admission Pro Hac Vice of David Boies (2007-04-10)
[info] 263 - Order [SCO v. Novell 263] Granting [261] Stipulated Motion for Extension of Time to file Dispositive Motions to April 20, 2007. signed April 10, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-04-10)
[info] 264 - Order [SCO v. Novell 264] Granting [262] SCO's Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of David Boies. Signed April 11, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-04-11)
[info] 265 - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 213] in Opposition to [171] Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Novell's Fourth Claim for Relief [Filed Sealed in 213, Redacted in 265] [sealed]
[info] 266 - SCO's Reply Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 251] in Support of [224] SCO's Cross Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Novell's Fourth Counterclaim [Filed Sealed in 251, Redacted in 266] (2007-03-16) [ Redacted ] [sealed]
[info] 267 [PDF] - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. Novell 267] for Extension of Time to Complete All Expert Discovery (2007-04-19) [ Proposed Order ]
[info] 268 [PDF] - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. Novell 268] for Entry of Second Stipulated Addendum to Protective Order (2007-04-19) [ Proposed Order ]
[info] 269 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. Novell 269] Granting [267] Stipulated Motion for Extension of Time of Deadlines for Expert Discovery. Signed April 17, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-04-17)
[info] 270 - Order [SCO v. Novell 270] Granting [268] Stipulated Motion for Second Stipulated Addendum to Protective Order. Signed April 20, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-04-20)
[info] 271 [PDF] - Novell's Motion [SCO v. Novell 271] for Partial Summary Judgment on the Copyright Ownership Portions of SCO's Second Claim for Breach of Contract and Fifth Claim for Unfair Competition (2007-04-20)
[info] 272 [PDF] - Novell's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 272] in Support of [271] Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on the Copyright Ownership Portions of SCO's Second Claim for Breach of Contract and Fifth Claim for Unfair Competition (2007-04-20)
[info] 273 [PDF] - Novell's Motion [SCO v. Novell 273] for Partial Summary Judgment on SCO's Non-Compete Claim in its Second Claim for Breach of Contract and Fifth Claim for Unfair Competition (2007-04-20)
[info] 274 - Novell's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 274] in Support of [273] Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on SCO's Non-Compete Claim in its Second Claim for Breach of Contract and Fifth Claim for Unfair Competition [Filed sealed in 287, Redacted in 274] (2007-04-20) [ Redacted ] [sealed]
[info] 275 [PDF] - Novell's Motion [SCO v. Novell 275] for Summary Judgment on SCO's First Claim for Slander of Title and Third Claim for Specific Performance (2007-04-20)
[info] 276 - Novell's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 276] in Support of [275] Novell's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's First Claim for Slander of Title and Third Claim for Specific Performance [Filed sealed in 286, Redacted in 276] (2007-04-20) [ Redacted ] [sealed]
[info] 277 [PDF] - Novell's Motion [SCO v. Novell 277] for Summary Judgment on SCO's First Claim for Slander of Title Based on Failure to Establish Special Damages (2007-04-20)
[info] 278 [PDF] - Novell's Declaration [SCO v. Novell 278] of Allison Amadia re: [275] Novell's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's First Claim for Slander of Title and Third Claim for Specific Performance (2007-04-20) [ Groklaw text | Exhibit 1 | Exhibit 2 ]
[info] 279 [PDF] - Novell's Declaration [SCO v. Novell 279] of David Bradford re: [275] Novell's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's First Claim for Slander of Title and Third Claim for Specific Performance (2007-04-20) [ Exhibit 1 | Exhibit 2 | Exhibit 3 ]
[info] 280 [PDF] - Novell's Declaration [SCO v. Novell 280] of James R. Tolonen re: [275] Novell's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's First Claim for Slander of Title and Third Claim for Specific Performance (2007-04-20)
[info] 282 [PDF] - Novell's Notice [SCO v. Novell 282] of Corrected Filing re: [273] Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on SCO's Non-Compete Claim in its Second Claim for Breach of Contract and Fifth Claim for Unfair Competition (2007-04-20)
[info] 283 [PDF] - Novell's Notice [SCO v. Novell 283] of Conventional Filing of Memoranda and Declarations (0207-04-20)
[info] 286 - Novell's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 276] in Support of [275] Novell's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's First Claim for Slander of Title and Third Claim for Specific Performance [Filed sealed in 286, Redacted in 276] (2007-04-20) [ Redacted ] [sealed]
[info] 287 - Novell's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 274] in Support of [273] Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on SCO's Non-Compete Claim in its Second Claim for Breach of Contract and Fifth Claim for Unfair Competition [Filed sealed in 287, Redacted in 274] (2007-04-20) [ Redacted ] [sealed]
[info] 288 - Novell's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 288] in Support of [277] Novell's Motion for Summary Judmgnet on SCO's First Claim for Slander of Title Based on Failure to Establish Special Damages [Filed Sealed in 288, Redacted in 291] (2007-04-20) [ Redacted ] [sealed]
[info] 289 - Novell's Motion [SCO v. Novell 289] for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Marc J. Pernick (2007-04-24)
[info] 290 - Order [SCO v. Novell 290] Granting [289] Novell's Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Marc J. Pernick. Signed April 25, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-04-25)
[info] 291 - Novell's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 288] in Support of [277] Novell's Motion for Summary Judmgnet on SCO's First Claim for Slander of Title Based on Failure to Establish Special Damages [Filed Sealed in 288, Redacted in 291] (2007-04-20) [ Redacted ] [sealed]
[info] 292 [PDF] - Novell's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 292] in Opposition to [258] SCO's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on SCO's First, Second, and Fifth Causes of Action, and for Summary Judgment on Novell's First Counterclaim [Filed Sealed in 295, Redacted in 292] (2007-05-14) [sealed]
[info] 293 [PDF] - Novell's Declaration [SCO v. Novell 293] of James McKenna re: [292] Novell's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on SCO's First, Second, and Fifth Causes of Action and for Summary Judgment on Novell's First Counterclaim (2007-05-14)
[info] 294 [PDF] - Novell's Notice [SCO v. Novell 294] of Conventional Filing of Novell's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on SCO's First, Second, and Fifth Causes of Action, and for Summary Judgment on Novell's First Counterclaim (2007-05-14)
[info] 295 [PDF] - Novell's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 292] in Opposition to [258] SCO's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on SCO's First, Second, and Fifth Causes of Action, and for Summary Judgment on Novell's First Counterclaim [Filed Sealed in 295, Redacted in 292] (2007-05-14) [sealed]
[info] 296 [PDF] - Novell's Supplemental Declaration [SCO v. Novell 296] of Kenneth W. Brakebill in Opposition to SCO's Motion for Summary Judgment [Filed Sealed in 296, Redacted in 297] (2007-05-14) [sealed]
[info] 297 [PDF] - Novell's Supplemental Declaration [SCO v. Novell 296] of Kenneth W. Brakebill in Opposition to SCO's Motion for Summary Judgment [Filed Sealed in 296, Redacted in 297] (2007-05-14) [sealed]
[info] 298 [PDF] - Novell's Evidentiary Objections [SCO v. Novell 298] to [213], [258] SCO's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on SCO's First, Second, and Fifth Causes of Action and for Summary Judgment on Novell's First Counterclaim, [224] Cross Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Novell's Fourth Counterclaim, [259] Memorandum in Support of Motion (2007-05-15) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 299 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 299] in Opposition to [271] Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on the Copyright Ownership Portions of SCO's Second Claim for Breach of Contract and Fifth Claim for Unfair Competition (2007-05-18)
[info] 300 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. Novell 300] for Leave to File Excess Pages (2007-05-18)
[info] 301 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 301] in Opposition to [273] Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on SCO's Non-Compete Claim in its Second Claim for Breach of Contract and Fifth Claim for Unfair Competition (2007-05-18)
[info] 302 [PDF] - SCO's Notice [SCO v. Novell 302] of Conventional Filing of SCO's Memorandum in Opposition to Novell's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's First Claim for Slander of Title and Third Claim for Specific Performance, SCO's Response in Opposition to Novell's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's First Claim for Slander of Title Based on Failure to Establish Special Damages (2007-05-18)
[info] 304 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. Novell 304] for Leave to File Excess Pages re: SCO's Response Memorandum in Opposition to Novell's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's First Claim for Slander of Title Based on Failure to Establish Special Damages (2007-05-19)
[info] 305 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. Novell 305] for Leave to File Excess Pages re: SCO's Memorandum in Opposition to Novell's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's First Claim for Slander of Title and Third Claim for Specific Performance (2007-05-19)
[info] 306 - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 306] in Opposition to [275] Novell's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's First Claim for Slander of Title and Third Claim for Specific Performance [Filed Sealed in 306, Redacted in 325] (2007-05-18) [ Redacted | Appendix ] [sealed]
[info] 307 - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 307] in Opposition to [277] Novell's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's First Claim for Slander of Title Based on Failure to Establish Special Damages [Filed Sealed in 307, Redacted in 360] (2007-05-18) [ Redacted ] [sealed]
[info] 308 - SCO's Declaration [SCO v. Novell 308] of Mark F. James (2007-05-18) [sealed]
[info] 309 - SCO's Exhibits [SCO v. Novell 309] 9-14 re: [308] SCO's Declaration of Mark F. James (2007-05-18) [sealed]
[info] 310 - SCO's Exhibits [SCO v. Novell 310] 15-20 re: [308] SCO's Declaration of Mark F. James (2007-05-18) [sealed]
[info] 311 - SCO's Exhibits [SCO v. Novell 311] 21-34 re: [308] SCO's Declaration of Mark F. James (2007-05-18) [sealed]
[info] 312 - SCO's Exhibits [SCO v. Novell 312] 35-40 re: [308] SCO's Declaration of Mark F. James (2007-05-18) [sealed]
[info] 313 - SCO's Exhibits [SCO v. Novell 313] 41-50 re: [308] SCO's Declaration of Mark F. James (2007-05-18) [sealed]
[info] 314 - SCO's Exhibits [SCO v. Novell 314] 51-59 re: [308] SCO's Declaration of Mark F. James (2007-05-18) [sealed]
[info] 315 - SCO's Exhibits [SCO v. Novell 315] 60-63 re: [308] SCO's Declaration of Mark F. James (2007-05-18) [sealed]
[info] 316 - SCO's Exhibits [SCO v. Novell 316] 64-70 re: [308] SCO's Declaration of Mark F. James (2007-05-18) [sealed]
[info] 317 - SCO's Exhibits [SCO v. Novell 317] 71-75 re: [308] SCO's Declaration of Mark F. James (2007-05-18) [sealed]
[info] 318 - SCO's Exhibits [SCO v. Novell 318] 76-86 re: [308] SCO's Declaration of Mark F. James (2007-05-18) [sealed]
[info] 319 - SCO's Exhibits [SCO v. Novell 319] 87-104 re: [308] SCO's Declaration of Mark F. James (2007-05-18) [sealed]
[info] 320 - SCO's Exhibits [SCO v. Novell 320] 105-120 re: [308] SCO's Declaration of Mark F. James (2007-05-18) [sealed]
[info] 321 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. Novell 321] Granting [304] SCO's Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages. Signed May 21, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-05-21)
[info] 322 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. Novell 322] Granting [305] SCO's Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages. Signed May 21, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-05-21)
[info] 323 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. Novell 323] Granting [300] SCO's Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages. Signed May 21, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-05-21)
[info] 324 [PDF] - SCO's Declaration [SCO v. Novell 324] of G. Gervaise Davis III re: [306] SCO's Memorandum in Opposition to [275] Novell's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's First Claim for Slander of Title and Third Claim for Specific Performance (2007-05-21) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 325 - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 306] in Opposition to [275] Novell's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's First Claim for Slander of Title and Third Claim for Specific Performance [Filed Sealed in 306, Redacted in 325] (2007-05-18) [ Redacted | Appendix ] [sealed]
[info] 326 - Notice [SCO v. Novell 326] of Hearing on Motions re: [275] Novell's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's First Claim for Slander of Title and Third Claim for Specific Performance, [277] Novell's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's First Claim for Slander of Title Based on Failure to Establish Special Damages, [273] Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on SCO's Non-Compete Claim in its Second Claim for Breach of Contract and Fifth Claim for Unfair Competition, [180] SCO's Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment on Novell's Third, Sixth, Eighth, and Ninth Counterclaims, [258] SCO's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on SCO's First, Second, and Fifth Causes of Action, and For Summary Judgment on Novell's First Counterclaim, [271] Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on the Copyright Ownership Portions of SCO's Second Claim for Breach of Contract and Fifth Claim for Unfair Competition, [224] SCO's Cross-Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Novell's Fourth Counterclaim, [147] Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment or Preliminary Injunction, [171] Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Novell's Fourth Claim for Relief (2007-05-24)
[info] 327 [PDF] - SCO's Declaration [SCO v. Novell 327] of Lee Johnson [Exhibit 113 to [308] SCO's Declaration of Mark F. James [ Groklaw ]
[info] 328 [PDF] - SCO's Declaration [SCO v. Novell 328] of Jay Peterson, filed as Exhibit 114 to [308] SCO's Declaration of Mark F. James [ Groklaw ]
[info] 329 [PDF] - SCO's Declaration [SCO v. Novell 329] of Sandeep Gupta, Filed as Exhibit 89 to [308] SCO's Declaration of Mark F. James
[info] 330 [PDF] - SCO's Declaration [SCO v. Novell 330] of Troy Keller, Filed as Exhibit 106 to [308] SCO's Declaration of Mark F. James [ Groklaw ]
[info] 331 [PDF] - Novell's Motion [SCO v. Novell 331] for Leave to File Excess Pages (2007-05-25) [ Proposed Order ]
[info] 332 [PDF] - Novell's Response Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 332] in Support of [271] Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on the Copyright Ownership Portions of SCO's Second Second Claim for Breach of Contract and Fifth Claim for Unfair Competition (2007-05-25)
[info] 333 [PDF] - Novell's Response Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 333] re: [273] Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on SCO's Non-Compete Claim in its Second Claim for Breach of Contract and Fifth Claim for Unfair Competition (2007-05-25) [ Addendum ]
[info] 334 [PDF] - Novell's Declaration [SCO v. Novell 334] of James McKenna re: [275] Novell's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's First Claim for Slander of Title and Third Claim for Specific Performance (2007-05-25)
[info] 335 [PDF] - Novell's Declaration [SCO v. Novell 335] of Kenneth W. Brakebill re: [275] Novell's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's First Claim for Slander of Title and Third Claim for Specific Performance, [271] Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on the Copyright Ownership Portions of SCO's Second Claim for Breach of Contract and Fifth Claim for Unfair Competition, [277] Novell's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's First Claim for Slander of Title Based on Failure to Establish Special Damages, [273] Novell's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on SCO's Non-Compete Claim in its Second Claim for Breach of Contract and Fifth Claim for Unfair Competition (2007-05-25) [ Exhibit 1 | Exhibit 2 | Exhibit 3 | Exhibit 4 | Exhibit 5 | Exhibit 6 | Exhibit 7 | Exhibit 8 | Exhibit 9 | Exhibit 10 | Exhibit 11 | Exhibit 13 | Exhibit 14 | Exhibit 15 ]
[info] 336 [PDF] - Novell's Notice [SCO v. Novell 336] of Conventional Filing of Reply Memoranda and Declaration (2007-05-25)
[info] 337 - Novell's Response Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 337] re: [275] Novell's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's First Claim for Slander of Title and Third Claim for Specific Performance [Filed Sealed in 338, Redacted in 337] (2007-05-25) [ Redacted | Exhibit A | Exhibit E ] [sealed]
[info] 338 - Novell's Response Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 337] re: [275] Novell's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's First Claim for Slander of Title and Third Claim for Specific Performance [Filed Sealed in 338, Redacted in 337] (2007-05-25) [ Redacted | Exhibit A | Exhibit E ] [sealed]
[info] 339 - Novell's Reply Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 339] in Further Support of [277] Novell's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's First Claim for Slander of Title Based on Failure to Establish Special Damages [Filed Sealed in 339, Redacted in 358] (2007-05-25) [ Redacted | Groklaw ] [sealed]
[info] 340 - Novell's Second Supplemental Declaration [SCO v. Novell 340] of Kenneth W. Brakebill re: [147] Motion for Partial Summary Judgment or Preliminary Injunction, [171] Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Novell's Fourth Claim for Relief, [271] Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on the Copyright Ownership Portions of SCO's Second Claim for Breach of Contract and Fifth Claim for Unfair Competition, [273] Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on SCO's Non-Compete Claim in its Second Claim for Breach of Contract and Fifth Claim for Unfair Competition, [275] Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's First Claim for Slander of Title and Third Claim for Specific Performance, [277] Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's First Claim for Slander of Title Based on Failuure to Establish Special Damages (2007-05-25) [sealed]
[info] 341 - Amended Notice [SCO v. Novell 341] of Hearing on Motion re: [275] Motion for Summary udgment on SCO's First Claim for Slander of Title and Third Claim for Specific Performance, 277 MOTION for Summary Judgment on SCO's First Claim for Slander of Title Based on Failure to Establish Special Damages, 273 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment on SCO's Non-Compete Claim in its Second Claim for Breach of Contract and Fifth Claim for Unfair Competition. Motion Hearing Reset for 05/31/2007 at 2pm in Room 220 before Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-05-29)
[info] 343 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. Novell 343] Granting [331] Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages. Signed May 29, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-05-29)
[info] 344 - Corrected Notice [SCO v. Novell 344] of Hearing on Motion re: [277] MOTION for Summary Judgment on SCO's First Claim for Slander of Title Based on Failure to Establish Special Damages, [273] MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment on SCO's Non-Compete Claim in its Second Claim for Breach of Contract and Fifth Claim for Unfair Competition, [271] MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment on the Copyright Ownership Portions of SCO's Second Claim for Breach of Contract and Fifth Claim for Unfair Competition. Motion Hearing set for 5/31/2007 at 2pm in Room 220 before Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-05-20)
[info] 345 - Second Corrected Notice [SCO v. Novell 345] of Hearing on Motion re: [275] MOTION for Summary Judgment on SCO's First Claim for Slander of Title and Third Claim for Specific Performance, [258] MOTION for Summary Judgment (Partial) on SCO's First, Second and Fifth Causes of Action and for Summary Judgment on Novell's First Counterclaim MOTION for Summary Judgment (Partial) on SCO's First, Second and Fifth Causes of Action and for Summary Judgment on Novell's First Counterclaim, [224] Cross MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment on Novell's Fourth Counterclaim, [171] MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment on Novell's Fourth Claim for Relief. Motion Hearing set for 6/4/2007 at 9am in Room 220 before Judge Dale A. Kimball. (2007-05-29)
[info] 346 [PDF] - SCO's Response Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 346] in Further Support of [258] SCO's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on SCO's First, Second, and Fifth Causes of Action and for Summary Judgment on Novell's First Counterclaim (2007-05-29)
[info] 348 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. Novell 348] for Leave to File Excess Pages re: [346] SCO's Response Memorandum (2007-05-29) [ Proposed Order ]
[info] 349 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. Novell 349] Granting [248] SCO's Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages. Signed May 30, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-05-30)
[info] 350 - Novell's Evidentiary Objections [SCO v. Novell 350] to SCO's Exhibits Submitted in Support of its Summary Judgment Oppositions filed 5/18/2007 re: [317] Sealed Document, [314] Sealed Document, [315] Sealed Document, [319] Sealed Document, [316] Sealed Document, [312] Sealed Document, [311] Sealed Document, [309] Sealed Document, [310] Sealed Document, [313] Sealed Document, [318] Sealed Document, [320] Sealed Document [Filed Sealed in 350, Redacted in 359] (2007-05-29) [ Redacted | Groklaw ] [sealed]
[info] 351 [PDF] - SCO's Notice [SCO v. Novell 351] of Conventional Filing of [355] SCO's Supplemental Declaration of Mark F. James (2007-05-30)
[info] 352 [PDF] - Novell's Motion [SCO v. Novell 352] to Strike [351] SCO's Supplementatl Declaration of Mark F. James (2007-05-30)
[info] 353 [PDF] - Novell's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 353] in Support of [352] Novell's Motion to Strike [355] SCO's Supplemental Declaration of Mark F. James (2007-05-30)
[info] 354 - SCO's Supplemental Declaration [SCO v. Novell 354] of Mark F. James (2007-05-30) [sealed]
[info] 355 - Minute Entry [SCO v. Novell 355] for Motion Hearing Held 5/31/2007 before Judge Dale A. Kimball re: [277] MOTION for Summary Judgment on SCO's First Claim for Slander of Title Based on Failure to Establish Special Damages, [273] MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment on SCO's Non-Compete Claim in its Second Claim for Breach of Contract and Fifth Claim for Unfair Competition, [271] MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment on the Copyright Ownership Portions of SCO's Second Claim for Breach of Contract and Fifth Claim for Unfair Competition. After hearing the arguments of counsel, the Court took the motions under advisement. Attorneys for Plaintiff: Brent Hatch, Edward Normand, Sashi Boruchow; Attorneys for Defendant: Michael Jacobs, Thomas Karrenberg, Grant Kim, Kenneth Brakebill. Court Reporter: Kelly Hicken. (2007-05-31) [ Groklaw | Transcript ]
[info] 356 - Minute Entry [SCO v. Novell 356] for Motion Hearing Held June 4, 2007 before Judge Dale A. Kimball re: [275] MOTION for Summary Judgment on SCO's First Claim for Slander of Title and Third Claim for Specific Performance filed by Novell, Inc., [258] MOTION for Summary Judgment (Partial) on SCO's First, Second and Fifth Causes of Action and for Summary Judgment on Novell's First Counterclaim MOTION for Summary Judgment (Partial) on SCO's First, Second and Fifth Causes of Action and for Summary Judgment on Novell's First Counterclaim filed by SCO Group, [224] Cross MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment on Novell's Fourth Counterclaim filed by SCO Group, [171] MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment on Novell's Fourth Claim for Relief filed by Novell, Inc. After hearing the arguments of counsel, the Court took the motions under advisement. (2007-06-04) [ Groklaw | Transcript ]
[info] 357 [PDF] - SCO's Certificate of Service [SCO v. Novell 357] re: SCO's Expert Reports (2007-06-07)
[info] 358 - Novell's Reply Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 339] in Further Support of [277] Novell's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's First Claim for Slander of Title Based on Failure to Establish Special Damages [Filed Sealed in 339, Redacted in 358] (2007-05-25) [ Redacted | Groklaw ] [sealed]
[info] 359 - Novell's Evidentiary Objections [SCO v. Novell 350] to SCO's Exhibits Submitted in Support of its Summary Judgment Oppositions filed 5/18/2007 re: [317] Sealed Document, [314] Sealed Document, [315] Sealed Document, [319] Sealed Document, [316] Sealed Document, [312] Sealed Document, [311] Sealed Document, [309] Sealed Document, [310] Sealed Document, [313] Sealed Document, [318] Sealed Document, [320] Sealed Document [Filed Sealed in 350, Redacted in 359] (2007-05-29) [ Redacted | Groklaw ] [sealed]
[info] 360 - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 307] in Opposition to [277] Novell's Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's First Claim for Slander of Title Based on Failure to Establish Special Damages [Filed Sealed in 307, Redacted in 360] (2007-05-18) [ Redacted ] [sealed]
[info] 361 - SCO's Notice [SCO v. Novell 361] of Conventional Filing of SCO's Memorandum in Opposition to Novell's Evidentiary Objections to SCO's Exhibits Submitted in Support of SCO's Summary Judgment Oppositions Filed May 18, 2007, Incorporating by Reference Novell's Evidentiary Objections to SCO's Summary Judgment Exhibits (2007-06-18)
[info] 362 - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 362] in Opposition to [350] Novell's Evidentiary Objections to SCO's Exhibits Submitted in Support of its Summary Judgment Oppositions Filed 5/18/2007 (2007-06-18) [sealed]
[info] 363 - SCO's Exhibits [SCO v. Novell 363] re: [362] SCO's Memorandum in Opposition to [350] Novell's Evidentiary Objections to SCO's Exhibits Submitted in Support of its Summary Judgment Oppositions Filed May 18, 2007 (2007-06-18) [sealed]
[info] 364 - SCO's Motion [SCO v. Novell 364] for Leave to File Excess Pages re: [362] SCO's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Exhibits Submitted in Support of its Summary Judgment Oppositions Filed May 18, 2007 (2007-06-20)
[info] 365 - Order [SCO v. Novell 365] Granting [364] SCO's Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages. Signed June 20, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-06-20)
[info] 366 [PDF] - Novell's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 366] in Response to [362] SCO's Opposition to Novell's Evidentiary Objections to SCO's Exhibits Submitted in Connection with Summary Judgment Motions (2007-07-03)
[info] 367 [PDF] - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. Novell 367] for Pretrial Scheduling Order (2007-07-10)
[info] 368 [PDF] - Pretrial Order [SCO v. Novell 368] Setting dates/deadlines. Final Pretrial Conference set for 9/11/07. Jury Trial set for 9/17/2007 08:30 AM in Room 220 before Judge Dale A. Kimball. Signed July 11, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-07-11)
[info] 369 [PDF] - Novell's Proposed Witness List and Exhibit List [SCO v. Novell 369] (Rule 26 Pretrial Disclosures) (2007-08-02)
[info] 370 [PDF] - SCO's Proposed Exhibit List and Witness List (Rule 26 Pretrial Disclosures) [SCO v. Novell 369] (2007-08-02)
[info] 371 [PDF] - Novell's Motion [SCO v. Novell 371] for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Eric M. Acker (2007-08-03)
[info] 372 [PDF] - SCO's Amended Proposed Exhibit List and Witness List [SCO v. Novell 372] (Rule 26 Pretrial Disclosures) (2007-08-06)
[info] 373 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. Novell 373] Granting [371] Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Eric M. Acker. Signed August 6, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball. (2007-08-06)
[info] 374 [PDF] - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. Novell 374] for Extension of Time Re Objections to Pre-Trial Rule 26(a)(3) Disclosures (2007-08-08)
[info] 375 [PDF] - Stipulated Motion [SCO v. Novell 375] for Extension of Time for Submission of Pre-Trial Order (2007-08-09)
[info] 376 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. Novell 376] Granting [374] Stipulated Motion for Extension of Time to File Objections to the Pre-Trial Rule 26(a)(3) Disclosures until 8/31/07. Signed August 9, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball. (2007-08-09)
[info] 377 [PDF] - Memorandum Decision and Order [SCO v. Novell 377] Granting in Part and Denying in Part [147] Motion for Partial Summary Judgment; granting [171] Motion for Partial Summary Judgment; granting in part and denying in part [180] Motion for Summary Judgment ; denying [224] Motion for Partial Summary Judgment; denying [258] Motion for Summary Judgment ; granting [271] Motion for Partial Summary Judgment; granting in part and denying in part [273] Motion for Partial Summary Judgment; granting [275] Motion for Summary Judgment ; finding as moot [277] Motion for Summary Judgment. Signed August 10, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball. (2007-08-10)
[info] 378 [PDF] - Trial Order [SCO v. Novell 378] Signed August 10, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball. (2007-08-10)
[info] 379 [PDF] - Status Report [SCO v. Novell 379] Joint Statement in Response to the Court's August 10, 2007 Memorandum Decision and Order (2007-08-17)
[info] 380 [PDF] - Novell's Amended Proposed Witness List and Exhibit List [SCO v. Novell 380] (Novell's First Amended Rule 26 Pretrial Disclosures) (2007-08-22)
[info] 381 [PDF] - SCO's Second Amended Proposed Exhibit List and Witness List [SCO v. Novell 381] (Rule 26 Pretrial Disclosures) (2007-08-22)
[info] 382 [PDF] - Novell's Second Amended Proposed Witness List and Exhibit List [SCO v. Novell 382] (Novell's Second Amended Rule 26 Pretrial Disclosures) (2007-08-23)
[info] 383 [PDF] - Supplemental Joint Status Report [SCO v. Novell 383] (2007-08-24)
[info] 384 [PDF] - SCO's Notice [SCO v. Novell 384] of Conventional Filing of SCO's Motion to Exclude Testimony of Terry L. Musika and SCO's Motion in Limine Regarding Apportionment of 2003 Microsoft and Sun Agreements (2007-08-24)
[info] 385 [PDF] - Novell's Motion [SCO v. Novell 385] to Strike SCO's Jury Demand (2007-08-24)
[info] 386 [PDF] - Novell's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 386] Support of [385] Novell's Motion to Strike SCO's Jury Demand (2007-08-24)
[info] 387 [PDF] - Novell's Motion [SCO v. Novell 387] to Dismiss Voluntarily Novell's Third Claim for Relief (2007-08-24)
[info] 388 [PDF] - Novell's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 388] in Support of [387] Novell's Motion to Dismiss Voluntarily Its Third Claim for Relief (2007-08-24)
[info] 389 [PDF] - SCO's Motion in Limine [SCO v. Novell 389] to Exclude All Evidence Related to Other Litigation and Commentary Thereon (2007-08-24)
[info] 390 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. Novell 390] to Strike Exhibits on Novell's Revised Exhibit List Not Previously Disclosed (2007-08-24)
[info] 391 [PDF] - Novell's Motion in Limine #1 [SCO v. Novell 391] to Preclude SCO from Challenging Questions Already Decided as a Matter of Law (2007-08-24)
[info] 392 [PDF] - Novell's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 392] in Support of [391] Novell's Motion in Limine No. 1 to Preclude SCO from Challenging Questions Already Decided as a Matter of Law (2007-08-24)
[info] 393 [PDF] - Novell's Motion in Limine #2 [SCO v. Novell 393] to Preclude SCO from Contesting Licenses Conveying SVRX Rights are "SVRX Licenses" (2007-08-24)
[info] 394 [PDF] - Novell's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 394] in Support of [393] Novell's Motion in Limine No. 2 to Preclude SCO from Contesting Licenses Conveying SVRX Rights are "SVRX Licenses" (2007-08-24)
[info] 395 [PDF] - Novell's Motion in Limine #3 [SCO v. Novell 395] to Preclude SCO from Introducing New Evidence or Argument of SCOsource Revenue (2007-08-24)
[info] 396 - Novell's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 396] in Support of [395] Novell's Motion in Limine No. 3 to Preclude SCO from Introducing New Evidence or Argument of SCOsource Revenue [REDACTED] filed by Defendant Novell, Inc.. (Sneddon, Heather) Modified on 8/27/2007 by sealing document image. The image attached was not redacted and was mistakenly attached as the redacted version. Please see image #397 for the redacted image (blk). [Filed Sealed in 396, Redacted in 397] (2007-08-24) [ Redacted ] [sealed]
[info] 397 - Novell's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 396] in Support of [395] Novell's Motion in Limine No. 3 to Preclude SCO from Introducing New Evidence or Argument of SCOsource Revenue [REDACTED] filed by Defendant Novell, Inc.. (Sneddon, Heather) Modified on 8/27/2007 by sealing document image. The image attached was not redacted and was mistakenly attached as the redacted version. Please see image #397 for the redacted image (blk). [Filed Sealed in 396, Redacted in 397] (2007-08-24) [ Redacted ] [sealed]
[info] 398 [PDF] - Novell's Declaration [SCO v. Novell 398 of David E. Melaugh re: [395] Novell's Motion in Limine No. 3 to Preclude SCO from Introducing New Evidence or Argument of SCOsource Revenue, [391] Novell's Motion in Limine No. 1 to Preclude SCO from Challenging Questions Already Decided as a Matter of Law, [393] Novell's Motion in Limine No. 2 to Preclude SCO from Contesting Licenses Conveying SVRX Rights are "SVRX Licenses" (2007-08-24)
[info] 399 [PDF] - Novell's Notice [SCO v. Novell 399] of Conventional Filing of Declaration of David E. Melaugh in Support of Novell's Motions in Limine Nos. 1-3 (Filed Under Seal), Opening Brief in Support of Novell's Motion in Limine No. 3 to Preclude SCO from Introducing New Evidence or Argument Regarding Apportionment of SCOsource Revenue (Filed Under Seal) filed by Defendant Novell, Inc. (Sneddon, Heather) (2007-08-24)
[info] 400 - Notice [SCO v. Novell 400] of Hearing on Motions re: [389] SCO's Motion in Limine to Exclude All Evidence Related to Other Litigation and Commentary Thereon, [393] Novell's Motion in Limine No. 2 to Preclude SCO from Contesting Licenses Conveying SVRX Rights are "SVRX Licenses", [390] SCO's Motion to Strike Exhibits on Novell's Revised Exhibit List Not Previously Disclosed, [395] Novell's Motion in Limine No. 3 to Preclude SCO from Introducing New Evidence or Argument of SCOsource Revenue, [391] Novell's Motion in Limine No. 1 to Preclude SCO from Challenging Questions Already Decided as a Matter of Law. Motion Hearing set for 9/13/2007 10:00 AM in Room 220 before Judge Dale A. Kimball. (2007-08-27)
[info] 401 [PDF] - SCO's Notice [SCO v. Novell 401] of Conventional Filing of SCO's Amended Motin in Limine Regardin Apportionment of 2003 Microsoft and Sun Agreements (2007-08-27)
[info] 402 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. Novell 402] to Exclude Testimony of Terry L. Musika [Filed Sealed in 384, Redacted in 402] (2007-08-27)
[info] 403 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. Novell 403] in Limine Regarding Apportionment of 2003 Microsoft and Sun Agreements by Plaintiff SCO Group. [Filed Sealed in 384, Redacted in 403] (2007-08-27)
[info] 404 - Novell's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 404] in Support of [395] Novell's Motion in Limine No. 3 to Preclude SCO from Introducing New Evidence or Argument of SCOsource Revenue (2007-08-24) [sealed]
[info] 405 - SCO's Motion [SCO v. Novell 405] to Exclude Testimony of Terry L. Musika (2007-08-24) [sealed]
[info] 406 - SCO's Motion in Limine [SCO v. Novell 406] Regarding Apportionment of 2003 Microsoft and Sun Agreements (2007-08-24) [sealed]
[info] 407 - Novell's Declaration [SCO v. Novell 407] of of David E. Melaugh in Support of Novell's Motions in Limine Nos. 1-3, re 395 MOTION in Limine No. 3 to Preclude SCO from Introducing New Evidence or Argument of SCOsource Revenue, 391 MOTION in Limine No. 1 to Preclude SCO from Challenging Questions Already Decided as a Matter of Law, 393 MOTION in Limine No. 2 to Preclude SCO from Contesting Licenses Conveying SVRX Rights are "SVRX Licenses" (2007-08-24) [sealed]
[info] 408 - SCO's Amended Motion in Limine [SCO v. Novell 408] Regarding Apportionment of 2003 Microsoft and Sun Agreements. Amends [406]. (2007-08-27) [sealed]
[info] 409 - Amended Notice [SCO v. Novell 409] of Motion Hearing re: all Motions in Limine reset for 9/11/2007 10:00 AM in Room 220 before Judge Dale A. Kimball at the request of Heather Snedden, Esq. (2007-08-29)
[info] 410 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. Novell 410] for Entry of Judgment Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 54(b) (2007-08-29)
[info] 411 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 411] in Support of [410] SCO's Motion for Entry of Judgment Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 54(b) (2007-08-29)
[info] 413 [PDF] - Novell's Motion [SCO v. Novell 413] to Withdraw Matthew I. Kreeger, Johnathan Mansfield and Maame A.F. Ewusi-Mensah as Counsel for Novell, Inc. (2007-08-29)
[info] 414 [PDF] - Novell's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 414] in Support of [413] Novell's Motion to Withdraw Matthew I. Kreeger, Johnathan Mansfield and Maame A.F. Ewusi-Mensah as Counsel for Novell, Inc. (2007-08-29)
[info] 416 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. Novell 416] Granting [413] Novell's Motion to Withdraw as Counsel as to Matthew Kreeger, Johnathan Mansfield and Maame A.F. Ewusi-Mensah for Novell. Signed August 30, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-08-31)
[info] 417 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 417] in Opposition to [387] Novell's Motion to Dismiss Voluntarily Its Third Claim for Relief (2007-08-31)
[info] 418 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 418] in Opposition to [391] Novell's Motion in Limine No. 1 to Preclude SCO from Challenging Questions Already Decided as a Matter of Law filed by Plaintiff SCO Group (2007-08-31)
[info] 419 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. Novell 419] for Reconsideration or Clarification of [377] the Court's August 10, 2007 Order on Motion for Partial Summary Judgment, Order on Motion for Summary Judgment (2007-08-31)
[info] 420 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 420] in Support of [419] SCO's Motion for Reconsideration or Clarification of [377] the Court's August 10, 2007 Order on Motion for Partial Summary Judgment, Order on Motion for Summary Judgment (2007-08-31)
[info] 421 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 421] in Opposition to [393] Novell's Motion in Limine No. 2 to Preclude SCO from Contesting Licenses Conveying SVRX Rights are "SVRX Licenses" (2007-08-31)
[info] 422 [PDF] - Novell's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 422] in Opposition to [389] SCO's Motion in Limine to Exclude All Evidence Related to Other Litigation and Commentary Thereon (2007-08-31)
[info] 423 [PDF] - Novell's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 423] Opposition to [390] SCO's Motion to Strike Exhibits on Novell's Revised Exhibit List Not Previously Disclosed (2007-08-31)
[info] 424 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 424] in Opposition to [395] Novell's Motion in Limine No. 3 to Preclude SCO from Introducing New Evidence or Argument of SCOsource Revenue (2007-08-31)
[info] 425 [PDF] - Novell's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 425] Opposition to SCO's Motion In Limine to Exclude Testimony of Terry L. Musika [REDACTED] (2007-08-31)
[info] 426 [PDF] - Novell's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 426] in Opposition to SCO's Motion in Limine Regarding Apportionment of Microsoft and Sun SCOsource Licenses [REDACTED] (2007-08-31)
[info] 427 [PDF] - Novell's Declaration [SCO v. Novell 427] of David E. Melaugh re [426] Memorandum in Opposition to Motion, [425] Memorandum in Opposition to Motion, [423] Memorandum in Opposition to Motion, [422] Memorandum in Opposition to Motion (2007-08-31)
[info] 428 [PDF] - Novell's Notice [SCO v. Novell 428] of Conventional Filing of of Novell's Oppositions to SCO's Motions in Limine Regarding Terry L. Musika and the Apportionment of Microsoft and Sun SCOsource Licenses, and the Declaration of David E. Melaugh (2007-08-31)
[info] 429 [PDF] - Novell's Objections [SCO v. Novell 429] to [381] SCO's Proposed Exhibit List (SCO's Second Amended Rule 26 Disclosure) (2007-08-31)
[info] 430 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 430] in Opposition to [385] Novell's Motion to Strike SCO's Jury Demand (2007-08-31)
[info] 432 - Novell's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 432] in Opposition to [405] SCO's Motion in Limine to Exclude Testimony of Terry L. Musika (2007-08-31) [sealed]
[info] 433 - Novell's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 433] in Opposition to [406] and [408] SCO's Motions in Limine Regarding Apportionment of Microsoft and Sun SCOSource Licenses (2007-08-31) [sealed]
[info] 434 - Novell's Declaration [SCO v. Novell 434] of David E. MeLaugh in Support of [433] Novell's Memoranda in Opposition to [406] and [408] SCO's Motions in Limine (2007-08-31) [sealed]
[info] 435 [PDF] - Novell's Response Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 435] in Support of [395] Novell's Motion in Limine #3 to Preclude SCO from Introducing New Evidence or Argument of SCOsource Revenue (2007-09-04)
[info] 436 [PDF] - Novell's Response Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 436] in Support of [391] Novell's Motion in Limine #1 to Preclude SCO from Challenging Questions Already Decided as a Matter of Law (2007-09-04)
[info] 437 [PDF] - Novell's Response Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 437] in Support of [393] Novell's Motion in Limine #2 to Preclude SCO from Contesting Licenses Conveying SVRX Rights are "SVRX Licenses" (2007-09-04)
[info] 438 [PDF] - Novell's Response Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 438] in Support of [385] Novell's Motion to Strike SCO's Jury Demand (2007-09-04)
[info] 439 [PDF] - Novell's Response Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 439] in Support of [387] Novell's Motion to Dismiss Voluntarily Its Third Claim for Relief (2007-09-04)
[info] 440 [PDF] - SCO's Response Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 440] in Further Support of [390] SCO's Motion to Strike Exhibits on Novell's Revised Exhibit List Not Previously Disclosed (2007-09-04)
[info] 441 [PDF] - Notice [SCO v. Novell 441] of Corrected Filing re: [440] SCO's Response memorandum (2007-09-04)
[info] 442 [PDF] - SCO's Response Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 442] in Further Support of SCO's Motion to Exclude Testimony of Terry L. Musika (2007-09-04)
[info] 443 [PDF] - Notice [SCO v. Novell 443] of Conventional Filing of SCO's Response Memorandum in Further Support of SCO's Motion in Limine Regarding Apportionment of 2003 Microsoft and Sun Agreements (2007-09-04)
[info] 444 [PDF] - SCO's Motion [SCO v. Novell 444] for Leave to File Excess Pages re: SCO's Reply Memorandum In Further Support of SCO's Motion in Limine Regarding Apportionment of 2003 Microsoft and Sun Agreements (2007-09-04)
[info] 445 [PDF] - SCO's Response Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 445] in Further Support of [389] SCO's MOTION in Limine to Exclude All Evidence Related to Other Litigation and Commentary Thereon (2007-09-04)
[info] 446 [PDF] - SCO's Response Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 446] in Further Support of [390] SCO's Motion to Strike Exhibits on Novell's Revised Exhibit List Not Previously Disclosed (2007-09-04)
[info] 447 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. Novell 447] Granting [444] SCO's Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages. Signed September 5, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball. (2007-09-05)
[info] 448 [PDF] - Novell's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 448] in Opposition to [410] SCO's Motion for Entry of Judgment Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 54(b) (2007-09-05)
[info] 449 - SCO's Response Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 449] in Further Support of [406] SCO's Sealed Motion in Limine Regarding Apportionment of 2003 Microsoft and Sun Agreements (2007-09-04) [sealed]
[info] 450 [PDF] - Novell's Objections [SCO v. Novell 450] to SCO's Supplemental Jury Instructions (2007-09-05)
[info] 451 [PDF] - SCO's Objections [SCO v. Novell 451] to Novell's Proposed Supplemental Jury Instructions (2007-09-05)
[info] 452 [PDF] - SCO's Objections [SCO v. Novell 452] to [382] Novell's Proposed Witness List (Novell's Second Amended Rule 26 Pretrial Disclosures) (2007-09-05)
[info] 453 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. Novell 453] Granting [385] Motion to Strike ; granting 387 Motion to Dismiss ; finding as moot 389 Motion in Limine; granting 391 Motion in Limine; granting 393 Motion in Limine; denying 395 Motion in Limine; finding as moot in part and denying in part [406] & [408] Sealed Amended Motion in Limine; denying 410 Motion for Entry of Judgment. Signed September 7, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball. (2007-09-07)
[info] 454 - Novell's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 454] in Opposition to [419] SCO's Motion for Reconsideration or Clarification of [377] The Court's August 10, 2007 Order on Motion for Summary Judgment [Filed Sealed in 458, Redacted in 454] (2007-09-10) [ Redacted ] [sealed]
[info] 455 - Novell's Declaration [SCO v. Novell 455] of David E. Melaugh re [454] Novell's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Motion for Reconsideration or Clarification of [377] The Court's August 10, 2007 Order on Motion for Summary Judgment [Filed Sealed in 459, Redacted in 455] (2007-09-10) [ Redacted ] [sealed]
[info] 456 [PDF] - Novell's Notice [SCO v. Novell 456] of Conventional Filing of Novell's Opposition to SCO's Motion for Reconsideration and David Melaugh's Declaration (2007-09-10)
[info] 457 [PDF] - Order [SCO v. Novell 457] Denying [390] SCO's Motion to Strike Exhibits; Denying [405] SCO's Motion to Exclude Testimony. Signed September 11, 2007 by Judge Dale A. Kimball (2007-09-11)
[info] 458 - Novell's Memorandum [SCO v. Novell 454] in Opposition to [419] SCO's Motion for Reconsideration or Clarification of [377] The Court's August 10, 2007 Order on Motion for Summary Judgment [Filed Sealed in 458, Redacted in 454] (2007-09-10) [ Redacted ] [sealed]
[info] 459 - Novell's Declaration [SCO v. Novell 455] of David E. Melaugh re [454] Novell's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Motion for Reconsideration or Clarification of [377] The Court's August 10, 2007 Order on Motion for Summary Judgment [Filed Sealed in 459, Redacted in 455] (2007-09-10) [ Redacted ] [sealed]
[info] 460 [PDF] - Novell's Notice [SCO v. Novell 460] of Courtroom Change for Trial (2007-09-12)
[info] 10-A [PDF] - Memorandum Order (RedHat v. SCO) denying [8] motion to Dismiss; case is stayed pending resolution of Utah litigation between SCO and IBM; parties shall each submit a letter every 90 days as to the status of the Utah litigation; if the Utah litigation is not proceeding in an orderly and efficient fashion the court may reconsider the stay (signed by Judge Sue L. Robinson) [Edit date 04/06/04] Per Court's Order, the following motions are moot: mooting [30] motion To Supplement the Record, mooting [17] motion For Enlargment of Time to Respond to Pltf's First Set of Interrogatories and First Request for Production of Documents and Things, mooting [15] motion to Stay Discovery Pending Resolution of Motion to Dismiss [ Groklaw | filed with AutoZone motion to stay ]
[info] 10-I [PDF] - Amended Notice of Hearing set for 3:00 5/11/04 for [11] motion to remand, set for 3:00 5/11/04 for [2] motion to dismiss to be held before Judge Kimball [ filed with AutoZone motion to stay ]
[info] 11 [PDF] - AutoZone's Verified Petition of Michael Kenny (Petitioner) as out-of-state counsel
[info] 12 [PDF] - AutoZone's Designation of Resident Counsel on behalf of James Pisanelli, local counsel (Michael Kenny)
[info] 13 [PDF] - AutoZone's Verified Petition of Christopher Riley (Petitioner) as out-of-state counsel
[info] 14 [PDF] - AutoZone's Designation of Resident Counsel on behalf of James Pisanelli, local counsel (Christopher Riley)
[info] 15 [PDF] - AutoZone's Verified Petition of James Allen Harvey (Petitioner) as out-of-state counsel
[info] 16 [PDF] - AutoZone's Designation of Resident Counsel on behalf of James Pisanelli, local counsel (James Allen Harvey)
[info] 17 [PDF] - AutoZone's Verified Petition [SCO v. AZ 17] of Douglas Bridges (Petitioner) as out-of-state counsel
[info] 18 [PDF] - AutoZone's Designation of Resident Counsel [SCO v. AZ 18] on behalf of James Pisanelli, local counsel (Douglas Bridges)
[info] 19 [PDF] - AutoZone's Verified Petition of David Stewart (Petitioner) as out-of-state counsel
[info] 20 [PDF] - AutoZone's Designation of Resident Counsel on behalf of James Pisanelli, local counsel (David Stewart)
[info] 21 [PDF] - Notice of hearing (SCO v. AutoZone) scheduled for Monday, June 21, 2004 @ 9:00am
[info] 22 [PDF] - Amended Calendar Setting - Oral Argument on Defendant AutoZone, Inc.'s Motion to Stay or, in the alternative, For A More Definitive Statement (#10) and Defendant AutoZone, Inc.'s Motion to Transfer Venue (#9)
[info] 23 [PDF] - Stipulation for Extention of Time to File Motion (SCO v. AutoZone)
[info] 37-C [PDF] - SCO's Statement of Basis for Claim for Preliminary Injunctive Relief and Nature of Relief (SCO v. AutoZone) (2004-08-30) [ Groklaw | Certificate of Service ]
[info] 38 [PDF] - Calendar setting re: AutoZone's Emergency Motion to Stay [37] set for September 9, 2004 at 10:00am before Judge Robert C. Jones
[info] 39 [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum in Opposition to [37] AutoZone's Motion to Stay
[info] 40 [PDF] - SCO's Statement (SCO v. AutoZone) re: SCO's Opposition to AutoZone's Motion to Stay
[info] 40-E [PDF] - SCO's Statement of Basis for Claim for Preliminary Injunctive Relief and Nature of Relief (SCO v. AutoZone) (2004-08-30) [ Groklaw | Certificate of Service ]
[info] 45 [PDF] - Order (SCO v. AutoZone) granting Stipulation to extend party and non-party discovery by 30 days (2004-11-15)
[info] 46 [PDF] - Order (SCO v. AutoZone #46) granting stipulation to extend the time for completing all relevant party & non-party discovery to 60 days from date of this ord. All other discovery deadlines remain the same
[info] 47 [PDF] - SCO's Letter [SCO v. AutoZone 47] of January 18, 2005 to Judge Jones (2005-01-18) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 48 [PDF] - SCO's Letter [SCO v. AutoZone 48] of March 16, 2005 to Judge Jones (2005-03-16) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 49 [PDF] - Stipulation and Order [SCO v. AutoZone 49] for an Additional 45 days of Discovery (2005-03-23) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 50 [PDF] - SCO's Status Report [SCO v. AutoZone 50] of April 18, 2005 (2005-04-18) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 51 [PDF] - AutoZone's Status Report [SCO v. AutoZone 51] of May 10, 2005 (2005-05-10) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 52 [PDF] - SCO's Report [SCO v. AutoZone 52] Regarding Discovery Pursuant to the Order of The Court Dated August 6, 2004 (2005-05-27) [ Groklaw | Groklaw text ]
[info] 52-1 [PDF] - SCO's Declaration [SCO v. AutoZone 52-1] of David S. Stone, May 27, 2005 (2005-05-27) [ Groklaw | Groklaw text ]
(Many thanks to Al Petrofsky for obtaining many of the documents on this page. For the most up-to-date version of the DaimlerChrysler docket, see his page at scofacts.org)
[info] 0-full [PDF] - SCO Complaint against DaimlerChrysler, with exhibits
[info] 0-full-A [PDF] - Software Agreement (AT&T and Chrysler Motors Company) - SOFT-01341 (1988-09-02)
[info] 0-full-B [PDF] - SCO (Bill Broderick) letter of December 18, 2003 to 'Unix Licensee' regarding 'License Grant to Use UNIX Technology,' 'Limitations on Use of UNIX Technology,' and 'Required Certification Re: Use of UNIX' (2003-12-18) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 2004-03-03-A - SCO v. DaimlerChrysler Complaint filed/jury demand
[info] 2004-07-14-E-C [PDF] - SCO's [proposed] order for admission pro hac vice of Steven I. Froot and Mark J. Heise
[info] 2004-07-16-A [PDF] - SCO's Supplemental Affidavit of William Broderick (SCO v. DaimlerChrysler)
[info] 2004-07-16-A-A [PDF] - Chrysler Adopts Linux for Vehicle Crash Testing, ComputerWorld, October 21, 2002 by Todd R. Weiss (2002-10-21) [ Computerworld ]
[info] 2004-07-16-B [PDF] - SCO's Certificate of Service of SCO's Memorandum in Opposition to DaimlerChrysler's Motion to Strike, and Supplemental Broderick Affidavit
[info] 2004-07-16-C [PDF] - SCO's Memorandum in Opposition to DaimlerChrysler's Motion to Strike
[info] 2004-07-16-C-A [PDF] - Opinion - Smith v. City of Detroit, No. 238927, 2003 WL 21995211 (Mich App Aug 21, 2003) (2003-08-21)
[info] 2004-07-16-C-B [PDF] - Opinion - Midland Mut. Life Ins. v. Robinson, No. 185868, 1997 WL 33353689 (Mich App Feb 21, 1997) (1997-02-21)
[info] 2004-07-16-C-C [PDF] - Opinion - J.L. Dumas & Co v Forty-Nine Highland Ltd. Dividend, No 186016, 1996 WL 33357155 (Mich App Sep 27, 1996) (1996-09-27)
[info] 2004-08-06-C [PDF] - Notice of hearing (SCO v. DaimlerChrysler) scheduled for August 18, 2004 re: SCO's objections to DaimlerChrysler's proposed summary disposition order
[info] 2004-08-06-D [PDF] - SCO's Certificate of Service of SCO's Objections to DaimlerChrysler's proposed summary disposition order
[info] 2004-08-06-E [PDF] - SCO's Objections to DaimlerChrysler's proposed order granting DaimlerChrysler's Motion for Summary Disposition
[info] 2004-08-06-E-A [PDF] - DaimlerChrysler's [proposed] Order granting in part and denying in part DaimlerChrysler's Motion for Summary Disposition
[info] 2004-08-06-F [PDF] - Notice of entry of order for the Froot and Heise pro hac vice motions
[info] 2004-08-06-G [PDF] - Order for admission pro hac vice of Steven I. Froot and Mark J. Heise (SCO v. DaimlerChrysler)
[info] 2004-08-06-H [PDF] - Certificate of Service of notice of order entry (SCO v. DaimlerChrysler)
[info] 2004-08-09 [PDF] - Order granting in part and denying in part DaimlerChrysler's Motion for Summary Disposition
[info] 2004-08-12-A [PDF] - Notice of Submission of Order for Entry Pursuant to MCR 2.602(B)(3)
[info] 2004-08-12-B [PDF] - Order granting DaimlerChrysler's Motion for Summary Disposition (second order)
[info] 2004-08-30 - Amended Scheduling Order (SCO v. DaimlerChrysler) (2004-08-30)
[info] 2004-10-04-A - Order (SCO v. DaimlerChrysler) admitting Mark G Matuschac pro hac vice (2004-10-04)
[info] 2004-10-04-B - Order (SCO v. DaimlerChrysler) Denying Defendant DaimlerChrysler Corporation's Motion to Strike Certain Paragraphs of the Affidavit of William Broderick (2004-10-04)
[info] 2004-10-27-A - DaimlerChrysler's Witness List (2004-10-27)
[info] 2004-10-27-B - DaimlerChrysler's Exhibit List (2004-10-27)
[info] 2004-11-17-B - SCO's Motion to Stay the DaimlerChrysler case (2004-11-17)
[info] 2004-11-17-C - Notice of Hearing re: SCO's Motion to Stay the DaimlerChrysler case (2004-11-17)
[info] 2004-11-17-D - SCO's Motion to Stay the DaimlerChrysler case (2004-11-17)
[info] 2004-11-19 - DaimlerChrysler's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Motion to Stay (2004-11-19) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 2004-11-22-A - SCO's Reply Memorandum in Support of SCO's Motion to Stay the DaimlerChrysler case (2004-11-22) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 2004-11-22-B - SCO's Certificate of Service of SCO's Reply Memorandum in Support of SCO's Motion to Stay the DaimlerChrysler case (2004-11-22)
U.S. District Court, District of New Jersey web site. Case Number 2-92-CV-1667, Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise - Docket. Some documents may be found at this USL v. BSDI site by Dennis Ritchie. Harlan Wilkerson has also managed to track down a great deal of other information and documents. There were also two appeals that came before the Third Circuit Court of Appeals: 93-5202 and 93-5235. Deja vu can be experienced by reading through old postings on the alt.suit.att-bsdi newsgroup.
[info] 1-A - AT&T UNIX trademark registration #1,392,203
[info] 1-B - BSDi promotional brochure for 'BSD/386' system software
[info] 1-C [PDF] - AT&T License Agreement with University of California, Berkeley for use of 4.2 BSD and 4.3 BSD (1986) (1986-03-04) [ original | text ]
[info] 2 - USL - AFFIDAVIT OF RICHARD HAMILTON (ab) (1992-04-20)
[info] 3 - USL - AFFIDAVIT OF MICHAEL J. MIRACLE (ab) (1992-04-20)
[info] 4 - USL - AFFIDAVIT OF FRANK L. POLITANO (ab) (1992-04-20)
[info] 6 - USL - NOTICE of Allocation and Assignment filed. Magistrate G. DONALD HANEKE (ab) (1992-04-20)
[info] 6-1 - USL - SUMMONS(ES) issued for BERKELEY SOFTWARE ( 35 Days) (Handed to Counsel) (ab) (1992-04-20)
[info] 7 - USL - Minute entry: Proceedings recorded by Ct-Reporter: H. Rappaport; Minutes of: 4.22.92; The following actions were taken. At call for hrg re: TRO order to show cause with temporary restraints. Court indicated consent order to be submitted before By Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise (jd) (1992-04-22)
[info] 8 - USL - STIPULATED ORDER granting TRO and preliminary injunction etc. ( signed by Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise ) n/m (cs) (1992-04-29)
[info] 8-documents - USL - Plaintiff's First Request for Production of Documents (1992-05-01) [ text | original ]
[info] 8-interrog - USL - Plaintiff's First Set of Interrogatories (1992-05-01) [ text | original ]
[info] 8-interrog-A - BSDi promotional brochure for 'BSD/386' system software
[info] 9 - USL - Notice of MOTION to dismiss the second through fourth claims of complt for failure to state a claim by dft BERKELEY SOFTWARE, Motion hearing set for 7/20/92 on [9-1] motion (B-S) (jd) (1992-05-26)
[info] 10 - USL - CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE of copies of motion, brief, etc (jd) (1992-05-26)
[info] 11 - USL - ORDER, setting scheduling conference for 10/7/92 ( signed by Magistrate G. D. Haneke ) (jd) (1992-07-16)
[info] 12 - USL - Notice of MOTION for protective order, to compel discovery by deft BERKELEY SOFTWARE,, Motion hearing set for 9/14/92 on [12-1] motion, set for 9/14/92 on [12-2] motion (B-S) (jd) (1992-07-20)
[info] 13 - USL - CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE of copies of motion, affidavit, etc (jd) (1992-07-20)
[info] 14 - USL - AFFIDAVIT by Leslie A. Fithian in support of [12-1] motion for protective order, [12-2] motion to compel discovery (jd) (1992-07-20)
[info] 16 - USL - AFFIRMATION of James W. Kennedy in support of pltf's motion for an order to put exhibit F in amended complt under seal [Edit date 07/28/92] (1992-07-24)
[info] 17 - USL - ORDER, granting pltf, Unix System Laboratories, Inc to have exhibit F in the Amended complt filed under seal ( signed by Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise ) (1992-07-27)
[info] 17-2 - USL - SUMMONS on amended complaint issued for BERKELEY SOFTWARE ( 10* Days) (Mailed to Counsel) (jd) (1992-07-28)
[info] 18 - USL - Minute entry: Proceedings recorded by Ct-Reporter: none; Minutes of: 7/20/92; The following actions were taken, adjourning motion hearing on [9-1] motion to dismiss the second through fourth claims of complt for failure to state a claim by BERKELEY SOFTWARE to 8/24/92 By Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise (cs) (1992-07-20)
[info] 19 - USL - LETTER OPINION ( signed by Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise ) (jd) (1992-08-21)
[info] 20 - USL - ORDER denying deft Berkeley Software Design, Inc., motion to dismiss counts 10-11 of amended complaint ( signed by Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise ) n/m (jd) (1992-08-21)
[info] 21 - USL - Minute entry: Proceedings recorded by Ct-Reporter: H. Rappaport; Minutes of: 8.24.92; The following actions were taken, mooting [9-1] motion to dismiss the second through fourth claims of complt for failure to state a claim By Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise (jd) (1992-08-24)
[info] 22 - USL - Notice of CROSS MOTION for protective order, Motion hearing set for 9/14/92 on [23-1] cross motion (B-S) *** (jd) (1992-08-21)
[info] 23 - USL - Notice of MOTION for sanctions, to compel discovery,, Motion hearing set for 9/14/92 on [23-1] motion, set for 9/14/92 on [23-2] motion (B-S)*** (jd) (1992-08-21)
[info] 24 - USL - CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE of copies of motion, crossmotion, affidavits, etc (jd) (1992-08-21)
[info] 30 - USL - CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE of copies of affidavits, brief (jd) (1992-08-31)
[info] 31 - USL - ORDER, for James W. Kennedy, Charles B. Ortner and George L. Graff to appear pro hac vice on behalf of pltf ( signed by Magistrate G. D. Haneke ) n/m (jd) [Edit date 09/03/92] (1992-08-31)
[info] 32 - USL - ANSWER AMENDED COMPLAINT; jury demand and COUNTERCLAIM agst pltf by BERKELEY SOFTWARE (jd) (1992-09-03)
[info] 34 - USL - ORDER, for Robert T. Haslam, Leslie A. Fithian and Michael A. Bucci to appear pro hac vice on behalf of deft Berkeley Software Design, Inc. ( signed by Magistrate G. D. Haneke ) n/m (jd) [Edit date 09/14/92] (1992-09-11)
[info] 35 - USL - Minute entry: Proceedings recorded by Ct-Reporter: Kathi Trindade; Minutes of: 9.14.92; The following actions were taken, granting [23-1] cross motion for protective order denying [23-1] motion for sanctions and granting [23-2] motion to compel discovery By Magistrate G. D. Haneke (jd) (1992-09-14)
[info] 37 - USL - ANSWER by UNIX SYSTEMS to counterclaim of deft. Berkeley Software Design, Inc. (nr) (1992-09-25)
[info] 37-2 - USL - Scheduling conference set for 10:00 10/23/92. (nh) (1992-10-14)
[info] 38 - USL - Notice of MOTION for preliminary injunctive relief agst dft., Berkeley Software Design or its officers, agents, employees servants etc. by pltf., UNIX SYSTEMS, Motion hearing set for 12/14/92 on [38-1] motion (Brief sub.) . (cs) (1992-11-12)
[info] 51 - USL - Minute entry: Proceedings recorded by Ct-Reporter: none; Minutes of: 12.14.92; The following actions were taken, adjourning motion hearing on [43-1] motion to dismiss complaint by defendants to 1/22/93, adjourning motion hearing on [43-2] motion to strike references to the improperly named individuals by defendants to 1/22/93, adjourning motion hearing on [43-3] motion to transfer case to the Northern District of California by defendants to 1/22/93 By Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise (jd) (1992-12-14)
[info] 52 - USL - DECLARATION of Roy Towers in support of defts motion to dismiss or to transfer venue (jd) (1993-01-06)
[info] 53 - USL - Second DECLARATION of Mary E. MacDonaad in support of defts motion to dismiss, strike or transfer action (jd) (1993-01-06)
[info] 54 - USL - DECLARATION of Carla J. Shapreau in support of defts motion to dismiss or to transfer venue (jd) (1993-01-06)
[info] 66 - USL - CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE of brief, affidavits, etc. (jd) (1993-01-08)
[info] 66-opposition - USL - Defendant Berkeley Software Design's Opposition to USL's Motion For Preliminary Injunction (1993-01-08) [ text | original ]
[info] 67 - USL - Revised CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE of copies of affidavits, brief, etc. (jd) (1993-01-12)
[info] 73 - USL - Second Supplemental DECLARATION *** (jd) (1993-01-20) [ text | original ]
[info] 74 - USL - SECOND DECLARATION of Dr. Kirk McKusick in support of the University of CA. Amicus Brief, etc (jd) [Edit date 01/28/93] (1993-01-21) [ text | original ]
[info] 76 - USL - CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE of copies of brief, declartions, etc (jd) (1993-01-21)
[info] 76-amicus - USL - Amicus Brief by Defendants The Regents of The University of California re: Plaintiff's Motion for Preliminary Injunction (1993-01-22) [ text | original | Groklaw text ]
[info] 76-amicus2 - USL - Supplemental Amicus Brief by Defendants The Regents of the University of California re: Plaintiff's Motion for Preliminary Injunction (1993-01-22) [ text | original ]
[info] 77 - USL - SECOND DECLARATION of Michael J. Karels in support of the University's Amicus Brief, etc (jd) [Edit date 01/28/93] (1993-01-22)
[info] 78 - USL - Minute entry: Proceedings recorded by Ct-Reporter: H. Rappaport; Minutes of: 1.22.93; The following actions were taken, [38-1] motion for preliminary injunctive relief agst dft., Berkeley Software Design or its officers, agents, employees servants etc. taken under advisement. Rule 78 By Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise (jd) (1993-01-22)
[info] 79 - USL - Minute entry: Proceedings recorded by Ct-Reporter: H. Rappaport; Minutes of: 1.22.93; The following actions were taken, [43-1] motion to dismiss complaint taken under advisement. Rule 78 [43-2] motion to strike references to the improperly named individuals taken under advisement. Rule 78 [43-3] motion to transfer case to the Northern District of California taken under advisement. Rule 78 By Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise (jd) (1993-01-22)
[info] 80 - USL - LETTER by defts attorney advising Court certain declarations should not have been filed under seal (1993-01-26)
[info] 89 - USL - CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE of copy of Second Reply Declaration of James W. Kennedy (jd) (1993-02-02)
[info] 89-2 - USL - Status conference set for 2:00 3/1/93. (nh) (1993-02-16)
[info] 90 - USL - ORDER, for protective order ( signed by Magistrate G. D. Haneke ) n/m (jd) (1993-03-03)
[info] 91 - USL - ORDER granting [12-2] motion to compel discovery; pltf USL to provide full & complete answers to deft's First Set of Interrogatories No. 1,6,7,8 w/in 10 days of date of this Order, etc ( signed by Magistrate G. D. Haneke ) n/m (jd) (1993-03-03)
[info] 92 - USL - OPINION (signed by Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise) (copy to NJLJ) (jd) (1993-03-04) [ text | original ]
[info] 93 - USL - ORDER denying [38-1] motion for preliminary injunctive relief agst dft., Berkeley Software Design or its officers, agents, employees servants etc. denying [43-1] motion to dismiss complaint denying [43-2] motion to strike references to the improperly named individuals denying [43-3] motion to transfer case to the Northern District of California; granting pltf's motion to amend complt; plyf to serve its amended complt w/in 10 days of filing of this order, etc. ( signed by Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise ) n/m (jd) (1993-03-04)
[info] 94 - USL - ORDER, amending opinion of 3/3/93 to correct clerical mistakes, etc ( signed by Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise ) n/m (jd) (1993-03-10)
[info] 95 - USL - NOTICE OF APPEAL filed at 3:00 p.m. by UNIX SYSTEMS Re: [93-1] order Fee pd. Copies of notice of appeal sent to Clerk, USCA and Attorney(s): Gary F. Werner, James H. Forte and Frederick B. Polak (jd) [Edit date 03/11/93] (1993-03-11)
[info] 96 - USL - Notice of MOTION to withdraw [95-1] appeal by pltf UNIX SYSTEMS, Motion hearing [96-1] motion w/supporting affidavit attached, cert of service (jd) (1993-03-15)
[info] 97 - USL - ORDER granting [96-1] motion to withdraw [95-1] appeal ( signed by Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise ) n/m (jd) (1993-03-16)
[info] 98 - USL - AFFIDAVIT of JAMES W. KENNEDY with attached declarations of Steven V. Earhart, & Chuck R. Greene, (nr) (1993-03-15)
[info] 99 - USL - Notice of MOTION/Motion for reconsideration of [93-1] order, for opportunity for fuller briefing on the question of limited publication , opportunity to introduce evidence re distribution of its UNIX/32V software w/out copyright notices by pltf UNIX SYSTEMS,,, Motion hearing set for 4/12/93 on [99-1] motion, set for 4/12/93 on [99-2] motion, set for 4/12/93 on [99-3] motion cert of service (B-S) (jd) (1993-03-18)
[info] 100 - USL - AFFIDAVIT of James W. Kennedy in support of [99-1] motion for reconsideration of [93-1] order (jd) (1993-03-18)
[info] 101 - USL - DECLARATION of Chuck R. Greene (jd) (1993-03-18)
[info] 102 - USL - DECLARATION of Steven V. Earhart (jd) (1993-03-18)
[info] 110 - USL - DECLARATION of Michael J. Karels. (jd) (1993-03-25)
[info] 111 - USL - ANSWER by BERKELEY SOFTWARE to second amended complaint; jury demand (sr) (1993-03-29)
[info] 112 - USL - OPINION ( signed by Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise ) (mn) [Edit date 04/26/93] (1993-03-30)
[info] 113 - USL - ORDER denying [99-1] motion for reconsideration of [93-1] order [99-2] ;granting pltf's mot. amendment pur. to rule 52(b); [99-3] & amending opinion of 3/3/93.***(sealed) ( signed by Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise ) (mn) (1993-03-30) [sealed]
[info] 114 - USL - LETTER ORDER re disclosing 3/30 Opinion to the public etc. signed by Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise ) (ar) (1993-03-31)
[info] 116 - USL - NOTICE OF APPEAL filed at 4:00 p.m. by UNIX SYSTEMS Re: [113-1] order, [93-1] order . Fee Status: pd. Copies of notice of appeal sent to Clerk, USCA and Attorney(s): Gary S. Werner, Frederick B. Polak and James H. Forte (jd) (1993-04-06)
[info] 117 - USL - Minute entry: Proceedings recorded by Ct-Reporter: H. Rappaport; Minutes of: 4/12/93; The following actions were taken, [99-1] motion for reconsideration of [93-1] order taken under advisement. Rule 78 [99-2] motion for opportunity for fuller briefing on the question of limited publication taken under advisement. Rule 78 [99-3] motion opportunity to introduce evidence re distribution of its UNIX/32V software w/out copyright notices taken under advisement. Rule 78 By Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise (jd) (1993-04-12)
[info] 118 - USL - ORDER, amending [113-1] order ( signed by Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise ) n/m (jd) (1993-04-12)
[info] 119 - USL - ORDER denying pltf's application to compel production of documents, ect. ( signed by Magistrate G. D. Haneke ) n/m (jd) (1993-04-13)
[info] 120 - USL - LETTER by Attorney Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker, Esqs. filing letter submissions filed by the parties directly w/Judge Debevoise etc. (cs) (1993-04-07)
[info] 121 - USL - ORDER unsealing the opinion of 3/30/93, etc ( signed by Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise ) (jd) (1993-04-22)
[info] 123 - USL - LETTER from Atty. Crosby, Heafey, Roach & May requesting the Court to accept for filing letters previously made to the attention of Judge Debevoise (cs) (1993-04-20)
[info] 124 - USL - NOTICE of Docketing ROA from USCA Re: USCA NUMBER: 93-5202 (dr) (1993-04-22)
[info] 125 - USL - NOTICE of Docketing ROA from USCA Re: USCA NUMBER: 93-5235 (dr) (1993-05-03)
[info] 125-2 - USL - NOTICE of Docketing ROA from USCA Re: [122-1] appeal USCA NUMBER: 93-5235 (mgr2) (1993-05-03)
[info] 126 - USL - Certified Copy Of Order from the USCA dismissing the appeal for failure to order a transcript of proceedings (jd) (1993-05-04)
[info] 127 - USL - Copy of Transcript Purchase Order by George Graff counsel for pltf, of proceedings (jd) (1993-05-05)
[info] 128 - USL - TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings taken on 1.25.93 (jd) (1993-05-06)
[info] 129 - USL - Minute entry: Proceedings recorded by Ct-Reporter: none; Minutes of: 5.10.93; The following actions were taken, adjourning motion hearing on [115-1] motion to dismiss complaint by defendants to 6/14/93 By Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise (jd) (1993-05-10)
[info] 131 - USL - Transcript Purchase Order RE: appeal fld 4/6/93 by pltf. Indicated already on file (jd) (1993-05-14)
[info] 132 - USL - Certified Copy Of Order from the USCA dismissing appeal (USCA # 93-5235) w/consent of parties w/out costs (jd) (1993-06-08)
[info] 133 - USL - Minute entry: Proceedings recorded by Ct-Reporter: H. Rappaport; Minutes of: 6.14.93; The following actions were taken, [115-1] motion to dismiss complaint taken under advisement. Rule 78 By Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise (jd) (1993-06-14)
[info] 134 - USL - Notice of MOTION to compel more specific answers to interrogatories and for other relief by deft BERKELEY SOFTWARE, Motion hearing set for 7/12/93 on [134-1] motion cert of service (B-S) (jd) (1993-06-18)
[info] 136 - USL - Certified Copy Of Order from the USCA granting pltf's motion to reinstate appeal (USCA # 93-5202) (jd) (1993-06-29)
[info] 137 - USL - OPINION (signed by Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise) (copy to NJLJ) (jd) (1993-07-06) [ text ]
[info] 138 - USL - ORDER granting in part, denying in part [115-1] motion to dismiss complaint ( signed by Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise ) n/m (jd) (1993-07-06)
[info] 140 - USL - CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE of copies of affidavit, brief (jd) (1993-07-06)
[info] 141 - USL - Notice of MOTION for reargument of Order & Opinion of 7/6/93 by pltf UNIX SYSTEMS, Motion hearing set for 8/25/93 on [141-1] motion cert of service (B-S) (jd) (1993-07-16)
[info] 143 - USL - CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE of copies of reply brief and supplemental affidavit (jd) (1993-07-20)
[info] 144 - USL - Minute entry: Proceedings recorded by Ct-Reporter: Tape 1-1505; Minutes of: 7.26.93; The following actions were taken, denying [134-1] motion to compel more specific answers to interrogatories and for other relief By Magistrate G. D. Haneke (jd) (1993-07-26)
[info] 145 - USL - ORDER denying [134-1] motion to compel more specific answers to interrogatories and for other relief ( signed by Magistrate G. D. Haneke ) n/m (jd) (1993-08-25)
[info] 146 - USL - Minute entry: Proceedings recorded by Ct-Reporter: H. Rappaport; Minutes of: 8.25.93; The following actions were taken, [141-1] motion for reargument of Order & Opinion of 7/6/93 taken under advisement. Rule 78 By Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise (jd) (1993-08-25)
[info] 147 - USL - AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE of summons, second amended complaint, etc upon opposing counsel Mary E. MacDonald, counsel for the Regents of of the University of California via mail (jd) (1993-09-01)
[info] 148 - USL - NOTICE of APPEAL by deft BERKELEY SOFTWARE of Magistrate decision to District Court RE: [145-1] order Hearing on magistrate appeal set for 10/12/93 (jd) (1993-09-07)
[info] 150 - USL - OPINION (signed by Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise) (copy to NJLJ) (jd) (1993-09-08) [ text ]
[info] 151 - USL - OPINION ( signed by Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise ) (copy to NJLJ) (jd) (1993-09-08)
[info] 152 - USL - ORDER granting [141-1] motion for reargument of Order & Opinion of 7/6/93, vacating [137-1] opinion, amended opinion of even date shall be issued , amending [138-1] order to replace numbered paragraphs 1-5, etc ( signed by Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise ) n/m (jd) (1993-09-08)
[info] 153 - USL - Minute entry: Proceedings recorded by Ct-Reporter: none; Minutes of: 10/12/93; The following actions were taken, adjourning motion hearing on [148-1] Magistrate appeal by BERKELEY SOFTWARE to 11/22/93 By Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise (jd) (1993-10-12)
[info] 154 - USL - Minute entry: Proceedings recorded by Ct-Reporter: none; Minutes of: 11/8/93; The following actions were taken, adjourning motion hearing on [148-1] Magistrate appeal by BERKELEY SOFTWARE to 11/22/93 By Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise (jd) (1993-11-08)
[info] 155 - USL - Reply AFFIDAVIT of James H. Forte in support of [148-1] Magistrate appeal (jd) (1993-11-15)
[info] 156 - USL - Minute entry: Proceedings recorded by Ct-Reporter: H. Rappaport; Minutes of: 11/22/93; The following actions were taken, [148-1] Magistrate appeal taken under advisement. Rule 78 By Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise (jd) (1993-11-22)
[info] 157 - USL - OPINION ( signed by Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise ) (Copy to NJLJ) (cs) (1993-12-02)
[info] 158 - USL - ORDER affirming [145-1] order compelling more specific answers to interrogatories and reversing order denying dft's motion to remove the designation "Technical Confidential" from pltf's supplemental responses and for dft to reveal to pltf. all changes made in the listed 135 functions after the date of receiving that list ( signed by Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise ) n/m (cs) (1993-12-02)
[info] 159 - USL - Stipulation and ORDER, vacating [113-1] order, [93-1] order, dismissing complaint and all counterclaims asserted in this action ( signed by Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise ) n/m (jd) (1994-02-07)
[info] DeFazio-affidavit - USL - Affidavit of Michael J. DeFazio
[info] Forte-affidavit - USL - Affidavit of James H. Forte (likely 63, 64, or 65)
[info] settlement - USL - Press releases about the Novell/BSDi/UCRegents settlement
[info] 1993-06-11 - UCRegents Complaint against USL (1993-06-11) [ text | original ]
[info] 1993-06-11-A [PDF] - AT&T License Agreement with University of California, Berkeley for use of 4.2 BSD and 4.3 BSD (1986) (1986-03-04) [ original | text ]
[info] 2005-02-16_A [PDF] - Yarro's Memorandum in Support of Motion to Dismiss for Failure to Plead as Compulsory Counterclaim (2005-02-14) [ Groklaw text ]
U.S. District Court, District of Utah home page. Case Number 2:04cv01045. Honorable Ted Stewart
Transferred to:
U.S. District Court, District of Maryland home page. Case Number 1-05-cv-1087. Honorable J. Frederick Motz
Note: This case may not be updated as regularly as the documents arrive. Please see the case's documents directory for the most recent documents.
[info] 2 [PDF] - Novell's Corporate Disclosure [Novell v. Microsoft 2] (2004-11-12)
[info] 3 [PDF] - Novell's Motion and Order [Novell v. Microsoft 3] signed by Judge Ted Stewart, November 15, 2004, granting motion/PHV for Attorney R. Bruce Holcomb (2004-11-15)
[info] 5 [PDF] - Novell's Motion and Order [Novell v. Microsoft 5] signed by Judge Ted Stewart, November 17, 2004, granting motion/PHV for Attorney David L. Engelhardt (2004-11-15)
[info] 6 [PDF] - Order of Reference [Novell v. Microsoft 6] to Magistrate Judge Brooke Wells, signed November 18, 2004 by Judge Ted Stewart (2004-11-18)
[info] 7 [PDF] - Stipulation [Novell v. Microsoft 7] Regarding Briefing (2004-12-06)
[info] 8 [PDF] - Order [Novell v. Microsoft 8] Granting Stipulation Regarding Briefing, Signed December 8, 2004 by Judge Ted Stewart (2004-12-08)
[info] 9 [PDF] - Amended Stipulation [Novell v. Microsoft 9] Regarding Briefing (2004-12-23)
[info] 10 [PDF] - Order [Novell v. Microsoft 10] Granting Amended Stipulation Regarding Briefing (2004-12-23)
[info] 11 [PDF] - Microsoft's Motion [Novell v. Microsoft 11] for Leave to File an Oversized Memorandum in Support of Microsoft's Motion to Dismiss Novell's Complaint (2005-01-05)
[info] 12 [PDF] - Order [Novell v. Microsoft 12] Granting Microsoft's Motion for Leave to File an Oversized Memorandum, Signed January 6, 2005 by Judge Ted Stewart (2005-01-06)
[info] 13 [PDF] - Novell's Response [Novell v. Microsoft 13] to Microsoft's Motion for Leave to File an Overlength Memorandum in Support of its Motion to Dismiss (2005-01-06)
[info] 14 [PDF] - Microsoft's Motion and Order [Novell v. Microsoft 14] signed by Judge Ted Stewart, granting motion/PHV for Attorney David B. Tulchin (2005-01-05)
[info] 15 [PDF] - Microsoft's Motion and Order [Novell v. Microsoft 15] signed by Judge Ted Stewart, granting motion/PHV for Attorney John W. Mackay (2005-01-07)
[info] 16 [PDF] - Microsoft's Motion and Order [Novell v. Microsoft 16] signed by Judge Ted Stewart, granting motion/PHV for Attorney Robert A. Rosenfeld (2005-01-06)
[info] 17 [PDF] - Microsoft's Motion and Order [Novell v. Microsoft 17] signed by Judge Ted Stewart, granting motion/PHV for Attorney Joseph J. Reilly (2005-01-05)
[info] 18 [PDF] - Microsoft's Motion [Novell v. Microsoft 18] to Dismiss Novell's Complaint (2005-01-07)
[info] 19 [PDF] - Microsoft's Memorandum [Novell v. Microsoft 19] In Support of its Motion to Dismiss the Complaint (2005-01-07)
[info] 21 [PDF] - Microsoft's Motion and Order [Novell v. Microsoft 21] signed by Judge Ted Stewart, January 11, 2005, granting motion/PHV for Attorney Kit A. Pierson (2005-01-11)
[info] 22 [PDF] - Novell's Motion [Novell v. Microsoft 22] for Leave to File an Overlength Memorandum in Opposition to Microsoft's Motion to Dismiss (2005-02-14)
[info] 23 [PDF] - Order [Novell v. Microsoft 23] Granting Novell's Motion for Leave to File an Overlength Memorandum in Opposition to Microsoft's Motion to Dismiss, signed February 15, 2005 by Judge Ted Stewart (2005-02-15)
[info] 24 [PDF] - Novell's Memorandum [Novell v. Microsoft 24] in Opposition to Microsoft's Motion to Dismiss (2005-02-22)
[info] 25 [PDF] - Microsoft's Reply Memorandum [Novell v. Microsoft 25] in Support of its Motion to Dismiss Novell's Complaint (2005-03-10)
[info] 26 [PDF] - Order [Novell v. Microsoft 26] Transferring the Case to the District of Maryland (2005-04-18)
[info] 27 [PDF] - Notice [Novell v. Microsoft 27] of Transfer of Case to the District of Maryland (2005-05-17)
[info] 30 [PDF] - Order [Novell v. Microsoft 30] Granting in Part and Denying in Part Microsoft's Motion to Dismiss (2005-06-10) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 31 [PDF] - Microsoft's Motion [Novell v. Microsoft 31] for Certification of the Court's June 10 Ruling to the Extent it Denied Microsoft's Motion to Dismiss (2005-06-23) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 31-A [PDF] - Microsoft's Memorandum [Novell v. Microsoft 31-A] in Support of Motion for Certificate of Appealability of the Court's Ruling
[info] 31-A-1 [PDF] - United States Code, 85th Congress, 2d Session, 1958, re Rule 1292, Title 28
[info] 31-A-2 [PDF] - Caldera Inc.'s Consolidated Statement of Facts in Support of its Responses to Motions for Summary Judgment by Microsoft Corporation [ original | html ]
[info] 32 [PDF] - Microsoft's Answer [Novell v. Microsoft 32] to Novell's Complaint (2005-06-24) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 33 [PDF] - Novell's Memorandum [Novell v. Microsoft 33] in Opposition to Microsoft's Motion For Certification of the Court's June 10 Ruling [ Groklaw ]
[info] 34 [PDF] - Microsoft's Reply Memorandum [Novell v. Microsoft 34] in Support of its Motion for Certification of the Court's June 10 Ruling [ Groklaw ]
[info] 15 [PDF] - Wallace's Second Amended Complaint [Wallace v. FSF 15] (2005-05-03)
[info] 16 [PDF] - Free Software Foundation's Motion [Wallace v. FSF 16] to Dismiss the Complaint (2005-06-22) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 17 [PDF] - Free Software Foundations Memorandum [Wallace v. FSF 17] in Support of [Wallace v. FSF 16] Motion to Dismiss (2005-06-22) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 18 [PDF] - Free Software Foundation's Motion [Wallace v. FSF 18] to Stay Briefing on [Wallace v. FSF 11] Wallace's Motion for Summary Judgment (2005-06-22) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 18-A [PDF] - Free Software Foundation's Proposed Order [Wallace v. FSF 18-A] on Motion to Stay Briefing on Wallace's Motion for Summary Judgment [ Groklaw ]
[info] 19 [PDF] - Wallace's Answer [Wallace v. FSF 19] to FSF's Motion [Wallace v. FSF 18] to Stay Briefing on Wallace's Motion for Summary Judgment (2005-06-24) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 20 [PDF] - Wallace's Answer [Wallace v. FSF 20] to FSF's Motion [Wallace v. FSF 16] to Dismiss (2005-06-23) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 21 [PDF] - Wallace's Answer [Wallace v. FSF 21] Brief to FSF's Motion [Wallace v. FSF 16] to Dismiss (2005-06-23) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 22 [PDF] - Wallace's Motion [Wallace v. FSF 22] for Leave to Submit Supplemental Declaration of Plaintiff Daniel Wallace [ Groklaw ]
[info] 23 [PDF] - Wallace's Third Motion [Wallace v. FSF 23] to Amend Complaint (2005-07-05)
[info] 24 - FSF's Motion [Wallace v. FSF 24] for Extension of Time to File Reply Memorandum in Support of [16] FSF's Motion to Dismiss (2005-07-24)
[info] 25 - FSF's Notice [Wallace v. FSF 25] of Potentially Related Case (2005-07-13)
[info] 26 - FSF's Reply Memorandum [Wallace v. FSF 26] in Support of [16] FSF's Motion to Dismiss (2005-07-15)
[info] 27 - Order [Wallace v. FSF 27] Granting [18] Motion to Stay, Granting [22] Motion for Leave to File a Supplemental Declaration, Granting [23] Motion to Amend Complaint, Granting [24] Motion for Extension of Time to File Reply Memorandum, Signed September 12 by Judge John Daniel Tinder (2005-09-12)
[info] 28 - Wallace's Third Amended Complaint [Wallace v. FSF 28] against Free Software Foundation (2005-09-12)
[info] 32 [PDF] - FSF's Unopposed Motion [Wallace v. FSF 32] for Extension of Time to Respond to [31] Wallace's Fourth Amended Complaint (2005-12-19)
[info] 33 [PDF] - Order [Wallace v. FSF 33] Granting [32] FSF's Motion for Extension of Time to File Response to Wallace's Fourth Amended Complaint to December 29, 2005, Signed December 20, 2005 by Judge Tim A. Baker (2005-12-20)
[info] 34 - FSF's Motion [Wallace v. FSF 34] to Dismiss Wallace's Fourth Amended Complaint (2005-12-29)
[info] 35 - FSF's Memorandum [Wallace v. FSF 35] in Support of [34] Motion to Dismiss Wallace's Fourth Amended Complaint (2005-12-29)
[info] 36 - Wallace's Memorandum [Wallace v. FSF 36] in Opposition to [34] FSF's Motion to Dismiss Wallace's Fourth Amended Complaint (2006-01-03)
[info] 37 - Notice [Wallace v. FSF] of Change of Firm Form and Name (2006-01-04)
[info] 38 - FSF's Motion [Wallace v. FSF 38] for Extension of Time to January 24, 2005 to file Reply Memorandum in Support of [34] Motion to Dismiss Wallace's Fourth Amended Complaint (2006-01-17)
[info] 39 - FSF's Reply Memorandum [Wallace v. FSF 39] in Support of [34] FSF's Motion to Dismiss Wallace's Fourth Amended Complaint (2006-01-24)
[info] 40 - Order [Wallace v. FSF 40] Granting [38] FSF's Motion for Extension of Time to File Reply Memorandum, Signed January 26, 2006 by Judge John Daniel Tinder (2006-01-26)
[info] 41 [PDF] - Order [Wallace v. FSF 41] Granting [34] FSF's Motion to Dismiss. Mr. Wallace is DENIED leave to further amend his complaint, Signed March 20, 2006 by Judge John Daniel Tinder (2006-03-20) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 42 - Closed Judgment [Wallace v. FSF 42] in favor of Defendant against Plaintiff. Costs shall be allowed the Defendant. Signed March 20, 2006 by Judge John Daniel Tinder (2006-03-20)
[info] 24 [PDF] - Order [Wallace v. IBM 24] Granting Red Hat's Motion for Extension of Time to File Answer to the Complaint to 7/6/2005 (2005-07-05)
[info] 25 [PDF] - Red Hat's Motion [Wallace v. IBM 25] to Dismiss the Complaint (Counsel also represents Novell) (2005-07-06) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] 26 [PDF] - Red Hat's Brief [Wallace v. IBM 26] in Support of Motion [Wallace v. IBM 25] to Dismiss Complaint (Counsel also represents Novell) (2005-07-06)
[info] 27 - Wallace's Memorandum [Wallace v. IBM 27] in Opposition to Red Hat's Motion [25] to Dismiss (2005-07-07)
[info] 28 - Order [Wallace v. IBM 28] Denying [17] IBM's Motion to Dismisss, Granting [23] Wallace's Motion to Amend/Correct Complaint, Signed July 11, 2005 by Judge Sarah Evans Barker (2005-07-11)
[info] 29 - Wallace's Amended Complaint [Wallace v. IBM 29] against International Business Machines Corporation, Red Hat Inc., Novell Inc. (2005-07-12)
[info] 30 - Red Hat's Notice [Wallace v. IBM 30] of Potentially Related Case (2005-07-13)
[info] 31 - Case Reassigned [Wallace v. IBM 31] to Judge John Daniel Tinder (2005-07-19)
[info] 32 - IBM's Motion [Wallace v. IBM 32] to Dismiss the Amended Complaint (2005-07-19)
[info] 33 - IBM's Memorandum [Wallace v. IBM 33] in Support of [32] IBM's Motion to Dismiss the Amended Complaint (2005-07-19)
[info] 34 - IBM's Motion [Wallace v. IBM 34] for Continuance of Pretrial Conference [DUPLICATE FILING--SEE 35 AND DISREGARD]
[info] 35 - IBM's Motion [Wallace v. IBM 35] for Continuance of Pretrial Conference (2005-07-19)
[info] 36 - Order [Wallace v. IBM 36] Granting [35] IBM's Motion for Continuance of Pretrial Conference, Reset for 8/18/2005 2:00pm in room #256 before Magistrate Judge V. Sue Shields. Signed by Judge V. Sue Shields on 7/21/05 (2005-07-21)
[info] 37 - Case Reassigned [Wallace v. IBM 37] to Judge Richard L. Young (2005-07-22)
[info] 38 - Wallace's Memorandum [Wallace v. IBM 38] in Opposition to [32] Motion to Dismiss the Amended Complaint (2005-07-22)
[info] 39 - IBM's Response Memorandum [Wallace v. IBM 39] in Support of [32] Motion to Dismiss the Amended Complaint (2005-08-05)
[info] 40 - Red Hat and Novell's Motion [Wallace v. IBM 40] to Dismiss Wallace's Amended Complaint (2005-08-08)
[info] 41 - IBM's Motion [Wallace v. IBM 41] to Stay Briefing on Wallace's Motion for Summary Judgment and to Stay Pretrial Conference (2005-08-09)
[info] 42 - Wallace's Memorandum [Wallace v. IBM 42] in Opposition to [32] IBM's Motion to Dismiss Wallace's Amended Complaint, [40] Red Hat and Novell's Motion to Dismiss Wallace's Amended Complaint, [25] Motion to Dismiss Wallace's Complaint (2005-08-11)
[info] 43 - Order [Wallace v. IBM 43] Denying [41] IBM's Motion to Stay Pretrial Conference. Motion to Stay Briefing on Wallace's Motion for Summary Judgment will be discussed at Initial Pretrial Conference. Signed August 15, 2005 by Judge V. Sue Shields (2005-08-15)
[info] 44 - Minute Entry [Wallace v. IBM 44] for Pretrial Conference held August 18, 2005 before Judge V. Sue Shields (2005-08-18)
[info] 45 - Red Hat and Novell's Unopposed Motion [Wallace v. IBM 45] for Extension of Time to File Response Memorandum in Support of [40] Motion to Dismiss the Amended Complaint (2005-08-29)
[info] 46 - Red Hat and Novell's Reply Memorandum [Wallace v. IBM 46] in Support of [40] Motion to Dismiss Wallace's Amended Complaint (2005-09-01)
[info] 47 [PDF] - Order [Wallace v. IBM 47] Denying as Moot [41] IBM's Motion to Stay, Granting [45] Motion for Extension of Time to File Reply, Denying [19] Wallace's Motion for Summary Judgment, Signed November 28, 2005 by Judge Richard L. Young (2005-11-28)
[info] 48 - Wallace's Motion [Wallace v. IBM 48] to Amend Complaint (2005-12-01)
[info] 49 - Notice [Wallace v. IBM 49] of Change of Firm Form and Name by Curtis W. McCauley (2006-01-05)
[info] 50 - Order [Wallace v. IBM 50] Denying as Moot [40] Motion to Dismiss, Granting [48] Motion to Amend, Denying as Moot [25] Motion to Dismiss, Denying as Moot [32] Motion to Dismiss, Signed January 18, 2006 by Judge Richard L. Young (2006-01-18)
[info] 51 - IBM's Motion [Wallace v. IBM 51] to Dismiss Wallace's Second Amended Complaint (2006-02-01)
[info] 52 - IBM's Memorandum [Wallace v. IBM 52] in Support of [51] IBM's Motion to Dismiss (2006-02-01)
[info] 53 - RedHat and Novell's Reasserted Motion [Wallace v. IBM 53] to Dismiss Wallace's Second Amended Complaint (2006-02-01)
[info] 54 - Wallace's Memorandum [Wallace v. IBM 54] in Opposition to [53] Reasserted Motion to Dismiss (2006-02-06)
[info] 55 - Wallace's Memorandum [Wallace v. IBM 55] in Opposition to [53] Reasserted Motion to Dismiss (2006-02-07)
[info] 56 - IBM's Reply Memorandum [Wallace v. IBM 56] in Support of [51] Reasserted Motion to Dismiss (2006-02-21)
[info] 57 - RedHat's Reply Memorandum [Wallace v. IBM 57] in Support of [53] Reasserted Motion to Dismiss (2006-02-21)
[info] 58 - RedHat's Submission [Wallace v. IBM 58] of Supplemental Authority in Support of Reasserted Motion to Dismiss (2006-03-22)
[info] 58-1 [PDF] - Order [Wallace v. FSF 41] Granting [34] FSF's Motion to Dismiss. Mr. Wallace is DENIED leave to further amend his complaint, Signed March 20, 2006 by Judge John Daniel Tinder (2006-03-20) [ Groklaw ]
[info] 59 - Order [Wallace v. IBM, RH, Novell 59] Granting [51] Motion to Dismiss, Granting [53] Motion to Dismiss, signed May 16, 2006 by Judge Richard L. Young (2006-05-16)
[info] 60 - Closed Judgment [Wallace v. IBM 60] in Favor of Defendants IBM, RedHat, Novell against Plaintiff Wallace with Prejudice. Signed May 16, 2006 by Judge Richard L. Young. (2006-05-16)
[info] 61 - Wallace's Notice [Wallace v. IBM 61] of Appeal as to [60] Closed Judgment, [59] Order on Motion to Dismiss (2006-05-19)
[info] 62 - Wallace's Docketing Statement [Wallace v. IBM 62] re: [61] Notice of Appeal (2006-05-19)
[info] 63 - USCA Appeal fees received [Wallace v. IBM 63] ($455 receipt number 104-4347) re: [61] Notice of Appeal (2006-05-19)
[info] 64 - Party Short Record [Wallace v. IBM 64] and Tranmission of Notice of Appeal and Docket Sheet to US Court of Appeals re: [61] Notice of Appeal (2006-05-23)
[info] 65 - Wallace's Submission [Wallace v. IBM 65] of Waiver of Transcript Request (2006-05-25)
[info] 66 - USCA Case Number 06-2454 [Wallace v. IBM 66] for [61] Notice of Appeal (2006-05-26)
[info] 67 - Designation of Record on Appeal [Wallace v. IBM 67] re: [61] Notice of Appeal (2006-05-26)
[info] 68 - Designation of Record on Appeal by All Defendents re: [61] Notice of Appeal (2006-06-05)
[info] 69 - Certified and Transmitted Record [Wallace v. IBM 69] on Appeal to US Court of Appeals re: [61] Notice of Appeal (2006-08-31)
[info] 70 - Appeal Remark [Wallace v. IBM 70] re: [61] Notice of Appeal: Long Record Received by the USCA on 9/1/2006 (2006-09-07)
[info] 99_Appeal - Wallace's Appeal [Wallace v. IBM, RH, Novell] to Court of Appeals [ Docket | Decision Upheld ]
[info] 0-Caldera v. Microsoft - Federal District Court, District of Utah - case 2:96cv00645 (DRDOS) [ available documents | Docket ]
[info] 0-Gordon et al. v. Microsoft - Gordon, et al. v. Microsoft - Court File No. MC 00-5994 (Microsoft Anti-trust litigation in Minnesota) [ available documents ]
[info] Letters-unix_licensee [PDF] - SCO (Bill Broderick) letter of December 18, 2003 to 'Unix Licensee' regarding 'License Grant to Use UNIX Technology,' 'Limitations on Use of UNIX Technology,' and 'Required Certification Re: Use of UNIX' (2003-12-18) [ Groklaw text ]
[info] Linux License - SCO 'Linux License', August 6, 2003 [ LWN ]
[info] Linux License-2003-08-06 - SCO 'Linux License', August 6, 2003 [ LWN ]
[info] Linux License-unknown - SCO 'Linux License', The SCO Group, Inc. Intellectual Property Compliance License for SCO UNUX [sic] Rights (bates SCO1304158-65) [sealed]
[info] Linux License-unknown 2 - SCO 'Linux License' for Questar, The SCO Group, Inc. Intellectual Property Compliance License for Linux (bates SCO1448558-65) [sealed]
[info] Protest - Utah Linux Users Groups Protest against SCO (2003-06-20) [ ogg | Transcript ]
[info] SEC filings-2003-12-08 8K-1 - SCO's Engagement Agreement dated February 26, 2003 among SCO, Boies Schiller & Flexner LLP, Angelo, Barry & Boldt, P.A. and Berger Singerman (2003-02-26) [ SEC ]
[info] SEC filings-2003-12-08 8K-2 - SCO's Letter Amending Engagement Agreement dated November 17, 2003 from Darl C. McBride, President and Chief Executive Officer of SCO, to David Boies of Boies, Schiller & Flexner LLP [ SEC ]
[info] SEC filings-2003-12-08 8K-3 - SCO's Letter Agreement dated December 8, 2003 among SCO, BayStar Capital II, L.P., Royal Bank of Canada and acknowledged by Boies, Schiller & Flexner LLP (2003-12-08) [ SEC ]
[info] Software Agreements-UC Berkeley-1979-04-01 - Software Agreement (Western Electric and University of California, Berkeley) for use of UNIX/32V (1979 agreement) (1979-04-01)
[info] Software Agreements-UC Berkeley-1981-08-01 - Software Agreement (Western Electric and University of California) for use of UNIX/32V (1981 agreement) (1981-08-01)
[info] 1 - SCO's Chapter 11 Voluntary Petition [SCO Group BK 1] (2007-09-14)
[info] 2 - SCO's Motion [SCO Group BK 2] for Joint Administration Debtors' Motion for Order Directing Joint Administration of Related Chapter 11 Cases. Hearing scheduled for 9/18/2007 at 09:15 AM at US Bankruptcy Court, 824 Market St., 6th Fl., Courtroom #3, Wilmington, Delaware. (2007-09-14)
[info] 3 - SCO's Affidavit in Support [SCO Group BK 3] Declaration of Darl C. McBride, Chief Executive Officer in Support of First Day Pleadings (2007-09-14)
[info] 4 - SCO's Application [SCO Group BK 4] to Employ/Retain Debtors' Application, Pursuant to 11 U.S.C. Section 327(a) and Fed. R. Bankr. P. 2014(a) and 2016, for Approval of Employment of Berger Singerman, P.A. as Counsel for Debtors Nunc Pro Tunc to the Petition Date Berger Singerman, P.A. as Counsel for Debtors (2007-09-14)
[info] 5 - SCO's Application [SCO Group BK 5] to Employ/Retain Application of the Debtors Pursuant to Section 327(a) of the Bankruptcy Code, Rule 2014 of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure and Local Rule 2014-1 for Authorization to Employ and Retain Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones LLP as Bankruptcy Co-Counsel for the Debtors and Debtors in Possession Nunc Pro Tunc to the Petition Date Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones LLP as Co-Counsel for the Debtors and Debtors in Possession (2007-09-14)
[info] 6 - SCO's Motion [SCO Group BK 6] to Approve Debtors' Motion for An Administrative Order Under 11 U.S.C. Sections 105(a) and 331 Establishing Procedures for Interim Monthly Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses of Professionals and Reimbursement of Expenses of Committee Members (2007-09-14)
[info] 7 - SCO's Motion [SCO Group BK 7] to Maintain Bank Accounts Debtors' Motion for Authority to (I) Maintain Existing Bank Accounts, (II) Continue to Use Existing Business Forms, (III) Continue to Use Existing Cash Management System, and (IV) to Excuse Section 345(b) Deposit and Investment Requirements (2007-09-14)
[info] 8 - SCO's Motion [SCO Group BK 8] to Authorize Debtors' Motion for an Order (I) Authorizing the Debtors to (A) Pay Prepetition Wages, Salaries, Commissions, Employee Benefits and Other Compensation; (B) Remit Withholding Obligations; (C) Maintain Employee Benefits Programs and Pay Related Administrative Obligations; and (II) Authorize Applicable Banks and Other Financial Institutions to Receive, Process, Honor and Pay Certain Checks Presented for Payment and to Honor Certain Fund Transfer Requests. Hearing scheduled for 9/18/2007 at 09:15 AM at US Bankruptcy Court, 824 Market St., 6th Fl., Courtroom #3, Wilmington, Delaware. (2007-09-14)
[info] 9 - SCO's Motion [SCO Group BK 9] to Pay Sales and Use Taxes Motion of the Debtors for an Order (I) Authorizing the Debtors to Pay Prepetition Sales and Use, Franchise and Similar Taxes and Regulatory Fees in the Ordinary Course of Business and (II) Authorizing Banks and Financial Institutions to Honor and Process Checks and Transfers Related Thereto (2007-09-14)
[info] 10 - SCO's Motion [SCO Group BK 10] Prohibiting Utilities from Discontinuing Service Debtors' Motion for an Order Under Section 366 of the Bankruptcy Code (I) Prohibiting Utility Providers from Altering, Refusing or Discontinuing Service, (II) Deeming Utilities Adequately Assured of Future Performance, and (III) Establishing Procedures for Determining Adequate Assurance of Payment (2007-09-14)
[info] 11 - SCO's Motion [SCO Group BK 11] to Authorize Motion of the Debtors for an Order Providing that Creditor's Committees are not Authorized or Required to Provide Access to Confidential Information of the Debtors or to Privileged Information (2007-09-14)
[info] 12 - SCO's Application [SCO Group BK 12] to Employ/Retain Under 28 U.S.C. Section 156(c) Epiq Bankruptcy Solutions as Noticing, Claims and Balloting Agent (2007-09-14)
[info] 13 - SCO's Notice [SCO Group BK 13] of Hearing On First Day Motions. Hearing scheduled for 9/18/2007 at 09:15 AM at US Bankruptcy Court, 824 Market St., 6th Fl., Courtroom #3, Wilmington, Delaware. (2007-09-14)